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LA Is Blasting Loud Classical Music at Downtown Subway Station to Deter Homeless People - American Renaissance
1 year ago by Fitter_Happier to /s/debatealtright from
Proud to Be Gay and Proud to Be White - American Renaissance
2 years ago by JewsAreOfColor to /s/comedy from
Black Couple Tortures Kitten at Beach - American Renaissance. Physiognomy incoming.
2 years ago by Fitter_Happier to /s/debatealtright from
Long-time cop tells about the realities of Negro USA
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/blacks from
Biden’s Cybersecurity Czar Says ‘Systemic Racism’ Is Major Threat to US Security - American Renaissance
Why Iʼm Fleeing South Africa - American Renaissance. Wife of famous author who fought against apartheid has had enough of violent niggers.
House Republicans All Vote Against Neo-Nazi Probe of Military, Police - American Renaissance. The Schneider Amendment, of course.
"More Deceit from the ADL" - American Renaissance. This year's "White Supreeemacist Hate Crime Catalog" is extra retard. Send to your normie friends.
Eyewitness Report: A Multi-Culti Inauguration for Virginia - American Renaissance. Youngkin, faker and gayer and worse than scientists thought was theoretically possible.
3 years ago by Fitter_Happier to /s/debatealtright from
Justice Dept. Creating Unit Focused on Domestic Terrorism - American Renaissance. They mean you and I, obviously. Wrongthink is terrorism. Well I agree. I think there SHOULD be a unit focused on Jewish terrorism of Whites via usurped law enforcement. Slowly...
Millenniyule 2021: Jared Taylor - American Renaissance
A Time Whose Idea Has Come - American Renaissance. Fantastic Sam Dickson speech.
Most Americans Say the Declining Share of White People in the U.S. Is Neither Good nor Bad
3 years ago by scata90x to /s/politics from
U.S. Tells Refugee Aid Groups to Get Ready for 50,000 Afghans
What HBD Leads To
3 years ago by outrageousboote to /s/HBD from
A Conversation with Andrew Fraser
3 years ago by Jacinda to /s/ChristianRight from
George Floyd One Year Later - American Renaissance. This a great video for normies. Shows how insane the BLM BS is.
Verified Hate: Yale Shows Its True Colors - American Renaissance
3 years ago by emanresu to /s/whatever from
Chris Roberts and Gregory Hood are asking listeners for suggestions for their new podcast, "Left, Right, and White." What would you like them to discuss?
3 years ago by Jacinda to /s/debatealtright from
Why Europe Should Speak Latin - American Renaissance
3 years ago by JuliusCaesar225 to /s/debatealtright from
"White supremacy" is when Tom Brady wins a football game.
3 years ago by wristaction to /s/politics from
Do White People Have a Future? - American Renaissance. I believe as Taylor ages he is honing his message to a precise rhetorical stiletto.
4 years ago by Fitter_Happier to /s/debatealtright from
Separation is the Solution - American Renaissance
White Identity and Eastern Europe - American Renaissance. Inspiring White Pill.
Why White Racial Consciousness is Necessary | Another excellent article by Jared Taylor
4 years ago by Jacinda to /s/debatealtright from
White Boy in a Black School - American Renaissance. "If you wanna know who's telling the truth, look for the man everybody's mad at".
The Southern Poverty Law Center Makes it Official: Hating White People isn't Hate - American Renaissance
4 years ago by Questionable to /s/politics from
New book from American Renaissance:"A Dissident’s Guide to Blacks and Africa"
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/debatealtright from
On Faith and Purpose — An inspiring article by Gregory Hood
Jared Taylor talks to the Washington Post
Jared Taylor interviews Gregory Hood
Demography is Destiny - American Renaissance | Jared Taylor writes about the problems caused by diversity
Could America Become Like South Africa?
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/politics from
White Women Are in an Abusive Relationship with the Left
Big City Police Forces Being Denuded of Working Cops
4 years ago by deAccount to /s/DarkEnlightenment from
The Beginning of the End of Whites in South Africa
Big Apple Could Be Heading Back to High Crime Levels of the 70s and 80s
There's a civil war happening between minorities and woke whites
The old America is dead. Where do we go from here?
The American Renaissance Guide to Eugenics
A Declaration of White Spiritual IndependenceOPINION
4 years ago by yesofcoursenaturally to /s/ChristianRight from
Implicitly white, explicitly anti-white
What do Americans really think?
Amrens response to the ban
4 years ago by Salos10000 to /s/debatealtright from
Bookmark this tab
White Evangelicals Love Black Lives Matter
4 years ago by Hockey_Sweater to /s/ChristianRight from
Patriotism is at a Record Low
During New Hampshire Democrat Debate, Elizabeth Warren Advocates for "Race-Conscious Laws" to Uplift Blacks at the Expense of White America - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/ElectionsUSA2020 from
The Brutal Reality of Black on White Crime - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/Crime from
Don't Believe the Myths About Dreamers - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/USAmerica from
The Left Wants to Decriminalize Fare Evasion to Help Blacks - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/cities from
Why Liberal White Women Pay a Lot of Money to Learn Over Dinner How They're Racist - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/history from
America: An Us vs. Them Country - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/AmericaFirst from
America's Booming White Enclaves - American Renaissance
Immigration, the Republicans, and the End of White America - American Renaissance
America in 2034 - American Renaissance
Illegal Alien May Never Face Charges for Allegedly Killing 89-Year-Old - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/news from
'The Squad' Hates Our Country - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/politics from
Marry Your Own Kind - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/Sociology from
Waking from Our Dogmatic Slumber - Can Christopher Caldwell rouse white America? Why are whites allowing themselves to become a minority in a nation riven by race? How did Americans come to accept these transformations — and even celebrate them as moral triumphs?
Los Angeles: Capital of the Third World - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/California from
Protesters Storm New York Subway and Vandalize Stations in Heated anti-Police Demonstration - American Renaissance
Why the Iowa Caucuses are Even Whiter Than You Think - American Renaissance
Forced Diversity - American Renaissance
Being White in the Workplace - American Renaissance
Apollo 11 and the America That Was - American Renaissance
Can Hispanics Put Bernie Over The Top - American Renaissance
Why Are Whites Committing Suicide - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/Health from
Trump’s Goal of Keeping Out Low-Income Immigrants Just Got a Big Boost from the Supreme Court
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/Trump from
Too White' NHL Rises in the Ratings - American Renaissance
4 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/Sports from
Illegal Immigrant Caravans and Criminal Catholics - American Renaissance
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/WorldPolitics from
Italy’s Salvini Effect: 98% Drop in Invasion Figures Jan/Feb 2017–2019 - American Renaissance
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/WorldPolitics from
PRESS RELEASE: Amazon Now Banning Books Based on Political Content - American Renaissance
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/censorship from
Sweden Invests Big in Sentencing People Who Criticise Migration: Convictions Increase Tenfold - American Renaissance
6 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Europe from
In Japan, Migrant Raids and Deportations Turned into TV Entertainment - American Renaissance
6 years ago by Vigte to /s/Japan from