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The Bad-Faith Use of Words
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/CriticalThoughts from
Meanwhile in Academia:
2 years ago by EternalSunset to /s/whatever from
Revolutionising the News. Talking to news junkie, entrepreneur and free speech aficionado Arjun Moorthy about his venture The Factual, which provides news to people who are passionately curious about what is happening in the world and more interested in facts than in partisan arguments.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/podcasts from
World Hijab Day—an initiative begun in the US in 2013 to promote cross-cultural solidarity by encouraging woman of all backgrounds to wear a hijab for a day—is the invention of a misogynistic ideology that sees women as inherently sinful, sexual objects whose face and hair need to be concealed.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
The Corrosive Individualism of Southeast Asian Politics. "A lot of the feedback that we get from the young politicians across the country is that their constituents expect them to practically do and provide everything for them."
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldNews from
Yes, Children Are Being Taught Critical Race Theory in K–12 Schools in the US
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
Did Covid Really Provoke an Anti-Asian Hate Epidemic in Canada? A few months into the COVID pandemic last year, Canada’s mainstream media published scores of articles claiming that Canadians of East and Southeast Asian ancestry were being subjected to racial attacks.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
It is appalling—and ironic—that the spectre of “Islamophobia” to silence a critic of a militant force that silences its critics through violence and intimidation—as if protecting those militants’ religious sensibilities is more important than preventing them from continuing to brutalize innocents.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
The Council of Europe’s Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination Division recently tweeted out posters containing images of women whose faces were partially veiled by a hijab. They were celebrating Muslim women’s acquiescence in a cultural practice that is used to subjugate women across the Muslim world.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/NotTheOnion from
Progressives assume, first, that all social disparities are caused by social injustice, and second, that, in order to achieve social justice, it is appropriate to infringe liberal rights. Historically, progressives’ attempts to eliminate social disparities have had dire consequences.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Postmodernism, Heal Thyself! It is diametrically opposed to the thinking of the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, modernism and humanism, rationality, essentialism, objectivity, sovereignty, the reasoning process, human nature and the human capacity to discover interconnected universal truths.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Philosophy from
Soft Coercion at the Woke University. What happens to people whose stories fly below the radar? There are subtler ways for woke university administrators to police what faculty say and do, methods which fall short of banishment or overt threats but are still chillingly effective.
Leftists Who Defect to the Right: Then and Now. Marxism was the theory that would change everyone’s world. But in that very moment, a previously unthinkable possibility also entered my head: The Marxist idea, to which I had devoted my entire intellectual life and work, was false.
The Lessons of Evolution: A Review of “A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century” by Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein. In it, they examine the problems of living in the twenty-first century using a deep evolutionary lens.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Public Health’s Dangerous White Lies. The instinct to exaggerate the danger of a disease in order to encourage good public health behaviour continued well into the pandemic and has yet to abate. It is a deliberate feature, not a bug, of our public health culture.
Double Standards in Our Attitudes to Violence Against Women. British Muslim MPs who can be relied upon to cry Islamophobia at any conceivable cause of offence to religious sentiments remained oddly silent in the face of this tragedy.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Feminism from
Why We Need Nuclear Power
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/environment from
The Moral Argument for Factual Realism, by Alan Sokal. many self-described partisans of Social Justice are nowadays decidedly lukewarm in their support of—or even overtly hostile to — traditional liberal values like free and open debate on matters of public concern.
Autism and Its Abusers: The Contrasting Cases of James Damore and Greta Thunberg. The same condition that was used to pathologize him and depict him as *other*, is seen as inspiring the simplicity and purity of Greta Thunberg.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
Beating Them at their Own Game: Why Manga is Overtaking American Comics - Areo
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Comics from
Assessing Female Mate Preferences: Answers to Ten Common Criticisms of Evolutionary Psychology
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/women from
Did you know that beheading videos, pornography and mask effectiveness charts from journal articles are lumped into the same category of sensitive information by Twitter? Neither did I.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
The New Symbolic World Order - Areo. What this new order aims to break is not capitalism, but culture: the opinions and norms of ordinary people.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Sensitive Masters and Wheelchair Accessible Torture Chambers: Dungeons & Dragons in the Culture War Era. It is fair to compare what they are doing to the Satanist moral panic that the D&D community experienced in the 1980s and 90s.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/RPG from
Masochistic Nationalism: Multicultural Self-Hatred and the Infatuation with the Exotic by Göran Adamson. Wherever religion is cloaked in a non-white ethnicity, masochistic nationalists, despite being self-proclaimed leftists, are currently religious fundamentalism’s greatest defenders.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Robert Reich’s "The System: How We Rigged It, How We Fix It" - Areo
The Mathematics of Twitter Mobs - Areo. With enough skin in the game, a subgroup of only three percent of the population can often sway the rest; an even smaller minority can do so if they have no other options, or nothing to lose.
Heidegger's Philosophy and Fascism - Areo. Yet even though Heidegger’s politics were sinister, and the themes he explored are often associated with certain toxic political ideas, his work contains some key insights.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Philosophy from
The Promotion of Ivermectin: A Free Speech Edge Case - Areo. Imagine that you are in charge of deciding what information people get to hear. There is a vibrant marketplace of ideas, but you oversee it and can manipulate it as you like. What would you allow, and what would you forbid?
What Can Stoic Philosophy Teach Us About Being Triggered? - Areo
The Right to Remain Silent. - Areo. "Silence is violence". It functions as a barely disguised command that one align oneself publicly with the dominant ideology—heterodoxy be damned!—a reminder that silence always signals guilt.
What Multilevel Selection Theory Tells Us About Free Speech - Areo. Multilevel selection (MLS) theory, which was developed to explain sociable relations in all species, may also hold the key to understanding our social relationships, including the importance of free speech—and how to protect it.
The Free Speech Crisis Runs Deeper Than You Think - Areo. Freedom of speech requires faith in individual moral autonomy and agency, since it presupposes that humans are capable of changing their minds. This seems incompatible with currently fashionable conceptions of marginalised identities.
The Lab Leak and Other Conspiracy Theories, Some Of Which Turned Out to Be True - Areo. One of the widely condemned conspiracy theories of last year—the hypothesis that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is the result of an accidental lab leak—turned out not to be a conspiracy theory at all.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/conspiracy from
What My Soviet Life Has Taught Me About Censorship and Why It Makes Us Dumb
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/politics from
Answers to 12 Bad Anti-Free Speech Arguments: Featuring That XKCD Cartoon Everyone Likes to Quote! - Areo
Asking Utopians How: An Alternative Strategy for Defending Freedom of Speech - Areo. The people who attempt to cancel others in the name of some utopian project have usually never asked themselves how they would build their utopia. Because, if they did, the case for censorship would crumble.
Students Must Stand Up for Their Professors’ Free Speech - Areo. To BlackEd, Thin’s rejection of Critical Race Theory terminology apparently marks him out as a bigot, however similar their goals may be.
Over the past year, as I have watched instances of American censorship multiply, and extend to speech, books, movies, opinions and plain facts, memories from those early years of my American life, when I first began to grapple with the consequences of living under censorship, have resurfaced.
Safeguarding Freedom of Speech Will Require an Active Approach. By Ayaan Hirsi Ali. "Woke activists seek to control language in nearly all areas of life and society. In their mind, a single, correct vision of social justice justifies serious restrictions on freedom of speech and constant control."
How Journal Editors Can Stifle the Writer's Voice - Areo. By Helen Pluckrose. Too many apply overly aggressive editing that significantly changes the writer’s argument or tone. Changing a writer’s argument is clearly incompatible with claims to support freedom of speech and viewpoint diversity.
Naming the Unnameable: Salman Rushdie, Christopher Hitchens and the Defence of Free Speech - Areo
The Silencing of Ethnic Minority Victims of Abuse - Areo. In a perverse role reversal, victims are portrayed as transgressors of cultural and religious tradition, while offenders are exonerated on the basis of past collective discrimination.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Crime from
Academic Curiosity Under Threat. Lately, our epistemic curiosity is under threat within academia and, increasingly, beyond it. Many journals are unwilling to subject themselves to the intense academic scrutiny that characterizes the scientific method.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
The Forgotten History of African Slavery in China. More than a thousand years ago, over the course of several centuries, the Chinese empire was part of a slave network whose ships traversed the Indian and Pacific oceans to deliver human cargo from Africa to its shores.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/history from
No current intellectual or social movement in the west enjoys the momentum of Critical Social Justice (CSJ). One reason for this is that people don’t understand CSJ well, and if we are to challenge it, we clearly first need to know what it is.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/whatever from
What Fascism Is and What It Is Not. No word has been more brazenly and irresponsibly weaponized and diluted by the social justice movement than fascism. If Trump were a true fascist, there would not have been an election in which he lost and left power. Fascist regimes brutally suppress dissent.
De Jure and De Facto Censorship: Why We Need to Be Concerned About Both. When distributors make material unavailable for sale, they engage in de facto censorship, stepping in as non-governmental regulatory agents to make speech unavailable to those who might wish to make a decision to read it.
In Defence of The Mercator Projection: The Non-Racism of Maps - Areo. The common myth that the Mercator Projection, a world map designed to aid navigators in pursuing straight-line paths across the ocean, is racist. Discrediting this claim requires only minimal knowledge of cartography.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/maps from
Is selling your attractiveness actually empowering, or has a fad—camgirling—merely been rebranded as empowerment for a new generation, despite the fact that the majority of its participants are desperate, terminally underemployed gig economy workers suffering under the new economic austerity?
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Defending the Key Liberal Value: Andrew Doyle's "Free Speech and Why It Matters". Many of us have never learned to articulate what liberal principles are and why they matter. We therefore find ourselves singularly unfit to defend them.
Biting One's Tongue: The Effects of Self-Censorship in Academe. Strategic self-censorship—biting one’s tongue—may seem like a prudent move, but what is the cost of hiding one’s true self just to fit in or please an authority figure?
Curt Jaimungal and Desh Amila’s Documentary "Better Left Unsaid". It charts the social justice movement’s descent into censorship and cancel culture. The film takes a long, uncompromising look at the social justice movement, highlighting its faulty logic and tracking its philosophical origins.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Documentaries from
Critical Race Theory Is Coming for the Dogs. Laws to prevent mistreatment of dogs discriminate against “anyone in the US other than white, middle class and upper-class individuals,” proposing to relax enforcement of animal protection laws.
We don’t speak of toxic femininity—and I don’t believe we should—but if we were to imagine the worst manifestation of typically female attributes, I think it would look a lot like today’s social justice culture.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Feminism from
Reni Eddo Lodge’s 2018 Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race has scooped six literary awards. It sets a Kafka trap for those who question its claims. Rejecting the notion of white fragility is itself a tell-tale sign of white fragility.
The WEIRDEST People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous. His argument is that WEIRD people—Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic—have psychological characteristics that differentiate them from most other humans who have ever lived.
A Blood Alcohol Guessing Game and a False Accusation of Racism - Areo. The whistleblower referred to in the report as Participant X later amended his allegation, but it was further mischaracterized by preliminary investigators and journalists.
The University and the Social Justice Movement: A French Perspective. I have been wondering why we have seen so little of this toxicity and absurdity in my country—outside of radical leftist spaces—especially since French intellectuals played a crucial role in the development of this worldview.
"Critical Social Justice is a legitimate danger to liberal secular democracies. We are in the midst of an attempted cultural revolution. This must be acknowledged, understood, faced head on and defeated." By Helen Pluckrose, the woman who created the phrase "Grievance Studies" to describe SJWs.
The Digital Deplatforming of a Gender-Critical Feminist - Areo
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/GenderCritical from
A common refrain in the social sciences is that evolutionary psychological hypotheses are “just-so stories.” In reality, the evidence suggests that evolutionary approaches generate large numbers of new predictions. The findings in this essay were predicted a priori by evolutionary reasoning.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/science from
J. K. Rowling’s fifth Cormoran Strike novel, Troubled Blood, is a brilliantly successful literary work on intellectual, emotional and aesthetic levels. Her picture of 21st century Britain is as perceptive and complete as that of early Victorian England which George Eliot offers us in Middlemarch.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Michael Shellenberger’s recent book Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All has received enormous media attention in the relevant circles. There has been much dispute over the book’s factual claims. But should Apocalypse Never be considered an ecomodernist work?
Social Justice Isn’t a Religion: It’s an Ugly Cult. Social Justice ideology is a crippled, low-resolution, cynical look at human nature and the world we inhabit, without the capacity to produce the awe-inducing aesthetic beauty and artistic grandeur that can help us transcend life’s suffering.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
It is important that we do not continue to allow the conversation to be dominated by collectivist tribes whose raisons d’être are to oppose an enemy perceived as representing the status quo and impose their own moral framework on society to the exclusion of all others. By Helen Pluckrose.
Cancel culture is rejecting Harry Potter for the same reason that they are tearing down statues of their imperfect predecessors. Harry Potter is about forgiveness, death and rebirth, willingly taking on your burden and refusing to be a victim: all concepts that Rowling’s critics cannot handle.
Identity politics as practiced in caste-based India: "If a formal political entity is instituted to safeguard such a movement, it faces “goal asymmetry”: its very existence and power depend on the structural oppression it seeks to destroy."
The threat facing liberalism is that of liberals who say they support values like free speech and civility but claim that they are defending more reasonable interpretations of what those principles should mean. The inevitable result of this line of thinking is the subversion of liberal society.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/FreeSpeech from
Many companies have recently switched from aspirational to woke advertising. One explanation for this strange new phenomenon lies in a theory called the Society of the Spectacle, and its key dichotomy: recuperation and détournement.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/CorporateMedia from
The Structure of Cultural Revolutions. "A seductive moral theory that finds endless confirmation everywhere and interprets any form of criticism as a manifestation of the problem it fights is a blueprint for disaster."
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/Philosophy from
If one accepts that the ultimate arbiter of the rightness of one’s actions is the view of others, who are, by definition, correct, then one cannot legitimately disagree with them. One has outsourced one’s moral judgement to the crowd, making the distinction between shame and guilt obsolete.
I’m a Nobody. The Harper’s Letter was for Me. "I really could lose everything over this, and that’s why I’m terrified."
The Intersectionality of Chicago Institutions and a White Woman’s Tears. Nothing has let Chicago public school policy-makers off the hook more thoroughly than the ideology of white fragility.
The Plantation Theory of Politics. Perhaps the only thing uniting rural white and urban black communities—other than their shared social and economic plight—is the condescension the political elites display toward their voting preferences.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
The Two Big Falsehoods of Critical Social Justice. Our goal is to help people understand this worldview and explain how the movement has gained so much traction, despite the fact that so many of its fundamental tenets are bizarre, blatantly false and cartoonish oversimplifications of reality.
The Orwellian Dystopia of Robin DiAngelo’s PhD Dissertation. This is the inventor of the "white fragility" kafkatrap (the idea that opposition to the radical viewpoint proves the radical viewpoint). DiAngelo’s disavowal of objectivity can be traced at least as far back as her dissertation.
Open Letters in the Age of the Cultural Commissar. Just as someone who defends freedom of expression may not necessarily endorse all the ideas that are expressed, signing an open letter is only an endorsement of the content of the letter, not of all the ideas held by the other signatories.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
The Canon Wars Go to School
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/books from
People in the upper class share a common culture. This clear class differentiation means that America’s elites live in a bubble, where they do not experience the same culture that most other Americans do. Those inside the bubble have little interaction with those outside.
The idea that past racism is primarily to blame for lower levels of black wealth is a relatively popular belief. Support for this narrative gave rise to the myth of the head start. But the argument’s central claims do not hold up to scrutiny.
The Purity of the Shitstorm | Matthew Sini - Areo Magazine | "Han’s account is avowedly pessimistic, but insightful because it highlights how volatile, leaderless and amorphous political action and censure on social media tend to be."
4 years ago by FediverseNetizen to /s/SocialMedia from
In a 1992 essay, novelist Saul Bellow noted the prevalence of a particular class of people: well-intentioned, well-educated folk, uninterested in the mental workout involved in forming opinions, preferring instead to purchase them, packaged and delivered by the good people at the New York Times.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/whatever from
Three Common Fallacies in Arguments About Systemic Racism. The Disparity Fallacy, Extrapolation from Single Isolated Instances, and Falsely Equating Past Injustices with Current Injustices.
The most salient divide in American life is between an increasingly powerful “managerial elite” and a vast underclass that remains alienated from its cultural values. The New Class War: Saving Democracy from the Managerial Elite explores a class-based culture war between elites and commoners.
Intersectionality: An Excerpt from “Cynical Theories”. Intersectionality is a tool—a “practice”—designed to flatten all complexity and nuance so that it can promote identity politics, in accordance with its vision.
How French “Intellectuals” Ruined the West: Postmodernism and Its Impact, Explained
4 years ago by IslamicStatePatriot to /s/politics from
Biden was expressing a similar sentiment: that black people who vote against their racial interests (for Trump) are espousing a white politics, which disadvantages them. It was confusing to see people who normally agree with this sentiment grow furious at Biden for expressing it.
"What followed was a prolonged ear-beating about the continuing prevalence of racism and white privilege. I had to convince people whom I’ve known for most of my life that I wasn’t a racist or unconsciously supported a system of racial inequality."
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/racis from
How do you talk about racism when the perpetrator isn’t white? When we define racism in a way that is mostly designed to admonish one particular group, we will inevitably underplay racism committed by other groups.
Research suggests that the left’s takeover of academia is hurting the quality of new science produced on campuses. And new evidence hints that students’ educations may be harmed as well.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
South Park: Our Great Modern Satire
Why Do Conservative Students Self-Censor? The data below show that the majority of respondents who identify as liberal describe conservative peers as “racist” (68.9%) or “sexist” (69.7%).
The multiracial, working-class coalition of voters showed up, all right. In fact, they produced the record turnout that the Sanders campaign had predicted—but they didn’t cast their ballots for the socialist revolution. Overwhelmingly, the Democratic electorate went with Joseph R. Biden.
The role of education in encouraging tolerant, liberal values is “one of the most replicated findings in social science.” Yet it has become clear that this only applies to certain kinds of tolerance. With respect to people with opposing political ideas, the more educated are the most intolerant.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/NotTheOnion from
Should Facebook Let Donald Trump Win in 2020? Should Facebook itself take steps to limit its advertising’s reach and influence on the American political process, knowing the advantages its services afford the Trump campaign?
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/TechCompanies from
Carl Jung was not a mystic. We still live in the same world as our ancestors: we have simply changed our relationship to the aspects of our psyche that we do not understand. Instead of being attacked by demons, we suffer from depression.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/dreams from
The Nation of Islam, The Black Hebrew Israelites, and shouting abuse at Jews on the London Underground: an essay on Antisemitism and Black Nationalism
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/history from
Venezuela: The Latest Battleground in the Geopolitical War between the US, Russia and China
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Geopolitics from