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Global telescope creates exquisite map of black hole’s swirling magnetic field. The Event Horizon Telescope’s newest images of M87’s supermassive black hole hint at how its jets are fired far into space.
3 years ago by BillionDollarEgg3 to /s/science from
Vanguard 1: Earth’s oldest artificial satellite that's still in orbit
4 years ago by GaiusHelenMohiam to /s/space from
LightSail 2 becomes the first spacecraft to change its orbit using only sunlight. The success not only proves the effectiveness of solar sails, but also opens up a new, more cost-effective way to propel small spacecraft.
5 years ago by BillionDollarEgg3 to /s/technology from
Earth just got blasted with the highest-energy photons ever recorded. The gamma rays, which clocked in at well over 100 tera-electronvolts (10 times what LHC can produce) seem to originate from a pulsar lurking in the heart of the Crab Nebula.
5 years ago by BillionDollarEgg3 to /s/science from
Could quantum mechanics explain the existence of space-time?
5 years ago by Vigte to /s/science from
Radio jets from the Milky Way’s black hole could be pointing right at Earth
5 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/space from
The Jesuit astronomer who conceived of the Big Bang
5 years ago by Vigte to /s/conspiracy from
AI detects 72 fast radio bursts from a distant, unknown source
6 years ago by Vigte to /s/space from