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88% desistance rate in gender-dysphoric boys
3 years ago by Fourth_stage to /s/strangestatistics from
Female copying increases the variance in male mating success.
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/BlackPillScience from
Men hold more positive attitudes towards their female ex-partners than women do towards their male ex-partners (total N = 876) (Athenstaedt et al. 2019)
Sex-differentiated effects of physical attractiveness on romantic desire: a highly powered, preregistered study in a photograph evaluation context
Meta-analysis: physical attractiveness predicts romantic evaluations for both men and women.
Heterosexual romantic preferences: The importance of humor and physical attractiveness for different types of relationships
Women have higher minimum mate selection standards across most dimensions. Women's standards increase with their self-perceived mate value while men’s standards don’t (Regan 1998)
Cross-culturally, women would consent to sex much later after meeting someone and they universally prefer partners with a good financial prospect (Buss & Schmitt 1993)
Around 70% of reviewers of true crime literature on are female (Vicary & Fraley, 2010)
"Although Mew’s theory does generate some plausible conclusions [...], the public needs to be made aware that [Mewing / Orthotropics ] is not based on sound scientific evidence," warns Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery group in recent editorial letter (Lee, Graves & Friedlander, 2019)
Composite faces with full beards and small jaws received higher attractiveness ratings than bearded faces with large jaws and clean-shaven faces with large and small jaws, reports a study (p<0.001; η2p=0.40 for interaction term) (Dixson et al., 2017)
Evidence for the Trivers-Willard hypothesis: Unhealthy, poorly nourished and low-status mothers are more likely to give birth to daughters because female offspring has a more reliable reproductive success (Song, 2012)
Altruism predicts mating success in humans
In a large online survey (N = 1341), 95.3% of the respondents thought that creepy people were much more likely to be males than females (McAndrew & Koehnke, 2016)
The Dark Side of Tinder; Study N=271 demonstrates Tinder users had higher levels of the 'dark triad' traits compared to non-users.
In an online sample of heterosexual women, 33% (n=118) reported purposefully misrepresenting their romantic interest in a male suitor to dine at his expense (Collisson, Howell, & Harig, 2019)
None of 160 female student volunteers significantly preferred weaker men when rating attractiveness (Sell et al. 2017)
Higher testosterone levels are associated with unfaithful behavior in men.
Young men who belong to polygynous groups feel that they are treated more unequally and are readier to use violence in comparison to those belonging to monogamous groups (Koos et al. 2019)
Empathy in female submissive BDSM practitioners
Men rated poorly written essays much better when told they were written by an attractive female (F = 12.65, dj = 1/54, p < .001) (Landy et al. 1974)
Study of n=738 psychiatric hospital outpatients, finds those high in Cluster-B personality traits(i.e Borderline, Narcissism, Antisocial personality disorders) report 3.5x more sexual partners and 39% more offspring then those low in such traits. (Gutiérrez et al. 2013)
"Revictimized women with histories of intimate partner violence (IPV) rated men with larger FWHRs and higher values of actual aggressionto be more attractive than did revictimized women without IPV histories." (Lieberz et al. 2018)
Birds of a feather? Not when it comes to sexual permissiveness - Zhana Vrangalova, Rachel E. Bukberg, Gerulf Rieger, 2014
"Therefore, multiple lines of evidence suggest that mating motives play a more important role in driving financial and pro social biases toward attractive adults than previously recognized." (Maestripieri, Henry & Nickels, 2017)
Men with more masculine digit ratios are partnered with more attractive women (Kuna & Galbarczyk, 2018)
68% of women who reported to have a partner with a small penis admitted desiring a larger one (Lever et al. 2006)
Another replication of mate-choice copying: Women rate men about 1 of 10 points more attractive when men are surrounded by other women vs by other men or alone (Scofield et al., 2019)
Recession cues increase women's desire for men owning luxury products and men's desire to buy them (Bradshaw et al. 2019)
Muscularity in males and self-perceived attractiveness in both sexes associate significantly negatively with egalitarianism (r around .36) (Price et al., 2011)
More attractive females (not males) were less likely to be arrested and convicted (Beaver et al., 2019)
In a large French survey, 68.8% of men (N = 8948) admitted that "sexual intercourse is essential to feeling good about oneself" (Bajos et al. 2010)
More intelligent men are more likely to value monogamy and sexual exclusivity than less intelligent men (Kanazawa, 2008a)
Female mice seek refuge from castrated males, suggesting they avoid males with low levels of testosterone
A majority of participants - particularly women - explicitly avoided receiving feedback about their attractiveness from their peers
Repeated experiences of romantic rejection led to lower self-perceived mate value and lower ideal standards
Meta-analysis: Women are substantially more prone to sexual disgust, which may serve as quality control in mate choice
American marriages were characterized by a linear increase in relationship satisfaction over 20 years and a linear decline in sexual satisfaction during the same time frame. --- Relationship and sexual satisfaction: A developmental perspective on bidirectionality - Christopher Quinn-Nilas, 2019
Both sexes perceived big-breasted women as more reproductively efficient, desirous and promiscuous, but less faithful and intelligent, though there was no truth to these projections. ----- Stereotypical and Actual Associations of Breast Size with Mating-Relevant Traits
Women's faces were not perceived as more attractive on their fertile days, failing to replicate a previous study
Symmetry played no role in the perception of female facial beauty
The leading cause that kept involuntary celibates from securing an intimate relationship was "poor flirting skills." - Mating Performance: Assessing Flirting Skills, Mate Signal-Detection Ability, and Shyness Effects - Menelaos Apostolou, Irene Papadopoulou, Michael Christofi, Demetris Vrontis, 2019
Individuals with a greater appetite for casual sex are at greater risk of seeing their marriage fail - Juliana E. French, Emma E. Altgelt, Andrea L. Meltzer, 2019
Newlywed women’s sexual desire declined more steeply over time than did men’s sexual desire, leading to a decline in marital satisfaction for both spouses
French study claiming "High Heels Increase Women’s Attractiveness" retracted due to "serious methodological weaknesses and statistical errors"
In Finland, once the most sexually active country in the West, sexual frequency and female sexual desire dropped markedly, while the rate of women who never had an orgasm from intercourse almost doubled
"Women were more willing to have sex with more attractive men, but were less inclined to use condoms when they do so." ---Does attractiveness influence condom use intentions in women who have sex with men? Published: May 23, 2019
Women evaluated their partner less positively and were less physically attracted to him when their estrogen levels were highest.
With increasing age, adult women were more strongly sexually aroused by romantic and sexually explicit stimuli.
Meta-analysis: Women's behavior varied less across the menstrual cycle than had been expected
Heroism makes men more attractive to women than it makes women attractive to men
More career-oriented women were more likely to also prefer career-oriented, well-off male partners.
The ovulatory shift hypothesis, arguing that women are fishing for "good genes" on their fertile days, is dead, having fallen victim to the reproducibility crisis.