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The Pseudoscience of Global Warming
8 months ago by WoodyWoodPecker to /s/politics from
California Defaults On $18.5 Billion Debt, Leaving State Businesses Holding The Bag
1 year ago by noshore4me to /s/news from
Uncommon Knowledge – Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Prey: A Panel Discussion On Europe, Islam, And Women’s Rights [45:00]
3 years ago by Jacinda to /s/podcasts from
2002 highly influential essay: Power and Weakness. The theme is that the source of the NATO divide is European intellectuals who believe America has a “culture of death,” its warlike temperament the natural product of a violent society where every man has a gun and the death penalty reigns.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldPolitics from
What happened to America’s elites? During the COVID-19 pandemic they have unleashed a torrent of authoritative pronouncements about the crisis that have too often proven to be incomplete or totally inaccurate. Their increasing specialization is making the expert class less and less reliable.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/podcasts from