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Pair who tortured and murdered teenager Dimetrius Pairama lose appeal
1 year ago by divingrightintowork to /s/TheseAreNotOurCrimes from
Fat studies academic Cat Pause dies suddenly
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/fatpeoplehate from
Bill erasing woman and LGB gains momentum in New Zealand
3 years ago by KingDickThe2nd to /s/GenderCritical from
Local government criticised for letting women's group speak in NZ, told that "Trans women are a gender minority group, and we as cis women need to embrace that"
Harry Potter quiz cancelled at festival hosting a debate on cancel cultureColonization
3 years ago by KingDickThe2nd to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Daily homophobic TQ propaganda from The non-binary kid who changed the way their school thought about gender
Auckland Transport agency investigating manager's private Facebook post about gay conversion therapy because of alleged transphobiaTargeting / Harassment
Weather: Snow is falling in Northern Southland (at 200m elevation) - 11DEC20
4 years ago by Tom_Bombadil to /s/ClimateSkeptics from
New Zealand government propaganda promoting drag to childrenLGB News
4 years ago by KingDickThe2nd to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Stupid doctor in small town New Zealand, campaigns to get all medical professionals to always ask everyone who is LGBTIBQQ their preferred pronouns.
Superyacht with connections to Jeffrey Epstein in Auckland
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/pedogate from