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Do Your Political Beliefs Affect Your Parenting?
9 months ago by jet199 to /s/SocialJusticeInAction from
Americans' Desire for Large Families Hits 50-Year High
1 year ago by MeganDelacroix to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Who Asked Whom: Does it Matter Who Makes the First Move in a Relationship?
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/Relationships from
A woman's pair bonding is GONE after her first sexual partner. It's not just about disease, her resulting bad behavior, and telegony (male genetics inside the woman from previous partners) For a woman to think she loves you she MUST be a virgin. Only 5% of women are virgins in USA.
4 years ago by Brent_Kaskel_Pussy_F to /s/testing_sub3 from