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Just a fraction of the hydrogen hidden beneath Earth's surface could power Earth for 200 years, scientists find. Trillions of tons of hydrogen gas are likely buried in rocks & reservoirs beneath Earth's surface.
1 month ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from
'An existential threat affecting billions': Three-quarters of Earth's land became permanently drier in last 3 decades
1 month ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Phone Screens are assaulting our Stone Age brains with more information than we can handle
Orcas start wearing dead salmon hats again after ditching the trend for 37 years
1 month ago by Drewski to /s/Nature from
Chinese scientists claim they have built a Death Star-inspired beam weapon
Indian Ocean gravity hole: The dent in Earth's gravitational field created by the death of an ancient ocean
Large language models not fit for real-world use, scientists warn — even slight changes cause their world models to collapse
We’re One Step Closer to Finding out Why Siberia Is Riddled With Exploding Craters
3 months ago by Questionable to /s/offbeat from
There's an acidic zone 13,000 feet beneath the ocean surface — and it's getting bigger
3 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Climate change may allow the Earth’s oldest, tiniest creatures to dominate — and that's seriously bad news
5 months ago by ActuallyNot to /s/environment from
5 months ago by Cancelthis to /s/science from
NASA spots unexpected X-shaped structures in Earth's upper atmosphere — and scientists are struggling to explain them
6 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Microsoft has developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) speech generator that is apparently so convincing it cannot be released to the public.
6 months ago by [deleted] to /s/Artificial_Intelligen from
'Eyeball' planet spied by James Webb telescope might be habitable
6 months ago by xoenix to /s/science from
World's largest nuclear fusion reactor is finally completed. But it won't run for another 15 years.
6 months ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
100-foot 'walking tree' in New Zealand looks like an Ent from Lord of the Rings
7 months ago by [deleted] to /s/WorldNews from
The universe may be dominated by particles that move faster than light, new paper suggests
8 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Snakes are built to evolve at incredible speeds, and scientists aren't sure why
10 months ago by ActuallyNot to /s/palaeontology from
CERN proposes $17 billion particle smasher that would be 3 times bigger than the Large Hadron Collider
11 months ago by Drewski to /s/science from
Bird flu wipes out over 95% of southern elephant seal pups in 'catastrophic' mass death - Over 17,000 southern elephant seal pups were found dead on Argentina's Valdés Peninsula in a horrific mass die off attributed to the deadly H5N1 avian influenza virus.
11 months ago by neolib to /s/outbreaks from
'A big cosmological mystery': Newfound cosmic corkscrew defies our understanding of the universe | The structure is so large that it defies one of the simplest rules of conventional cosmology.
12 months ago by stickdog to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Natural selection has been acting on hundreds of human genes in the last 3,000 years
1 year ago by jet199 to /s/evolution from
'Doubly magic' form of oxygen may challenge a fundamental law of physics
1 year ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
10 phallic flora and fauna that look just like penises
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/Earth from
World's smallest particle accelerator is 54 million times smaller than the Large Hardon Collider, and it works
1 year ago by hfxB0oyA to /s/science from
Scientists in China find mysterious virus at the bottom of the Mariana Trench: "The virus, called vB_HmeY_H4907, was found at a depth of 29,199 feet... The virus is a bacteriophage — a type of lifeform that infects bacteria before hijacking their cellular machinery to generate more copies of itself"
1 year ago by neolib to /s/science from
James Webb telescope sees potential signs of alien life in the atmosphere of a distant 'Goldilocks' water world
1 year ago by Zapped to /s/science from
Mars is spinning faster, and scientists aren't sure why: "...the Red Planet's spin is accelerating at a rate of 4 milliarcseconds — one one-thousandth of an arcsecond, a unit of angularity — per year. As a result, the length of a Martian day is getting shorter by fractions of a millisecond annually"
1 year ago by neolib to /s/space from
NASA accidentally severs contact with Voyager 2 probe 12 billion miles from Earth
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/space from
Bizarre giant viruses with tubular tentacles and star-like shells discovered in New England forest - Giant viruses are much more diverse in shape and size than scientists previously thought, according to a new study.
Elephants' giant, hot testicles could stop them getting cancer
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/TIL from
'Virgin birth' recorded in crocodile for 1st time ever - The American crocodile had been isolated in a reptile park enclosure for 16 years when she laid a clutch of eggs.
1 year ago by neolib to /s/offbeat from
Orcas have sunk 3 boats in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same. Scientists think a traumatized orca initiated the assault on boats after a "critical moment of agony" and that the behavior is spreading among the population through social learning.
Late Cretaceous Monotreme tooth, and part of jaw found ... In South America.
1 year ago by ActuallyNot to /s/palaeontology from
Human skulls are pierced with coffin nails and human bones are turned into Ouija board pieces; almost nothing is off-limits in the U.K.'s thriving online human remains trade
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Internet from
Bad Blood? Why Transfusions from Women May Be Risky for Men
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Health from
Gold and silver treasures discovered with 'elite craftspeople' burials near powerful Wari queen's tomb
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/Archeology from
How Gay Mallard Duck Necrophilia was Discovered
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
A week after a quiet admission from the NASA went unnoticed, reporters caught on that a “micrometeoroid” caused “significant uncorrectable damage” to America’s celebrated $10 billion Webb Telescope. The Hubble was notorious for being an endlessly orbiting symbol of American decline. But the Webb?
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/space from
Weak G1 geomagnetic storm called 'Canyon of fire' will slam into Earth today or tomorrow
2,100-year-old farmstead in Israel found 'frozen in time' after owners disappeared
Physicists just rewrote a foundational rule for nuclear fusion reactors that could unleash twice the power
30 of the world's most valuable treasures that are still missing
2 years ago by One_Jack_Move to /s/whatever from
Parasite that controls cat minds may infect billions of people. The clue is in their eyes
Largest known cave art images in US by Indigenous Americans discovered in Alabama
Mysterious ceramic jars may actually be 900-year-old Crusader hand grenades
Dozens of unexplained cases of liver inflammation seen in UK children
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/news from
Microbes In The Sky
2 years ago by Zapped to /s/science from
China's $1 trillion 'artificial sun' fusion reactor just got five times hotter than the sun
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
Peculiar parasitic fungi discovered growing out of the rectum of a 50 million-year-old fossilized ant
Largest objects ever get cooled down to their ‘quantum limit’
3 years ago by killerjavi98 to /s/science from
DARPA takes step toward 'holy grail of encryption'
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Security from
Earth's magnetic field flipped 42,000 years ago, creating a climate 'disaster'
Human-Size Blob Drifts by Divers. And It's Packed with Hundreds of Thousands of Baby Squid.
4 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/Biology from
Mysterious particles spewing from Antarctica defy physics
4 years ago by DoktorOmni to /s/PoleShit from
Bye, Bye, Playboy Bunnies: 5 Ways Porn Affects the Brain
4 years ago by yishengqingwa666 to /s/antipornography from
Massive ancient temple complex may lurk beneath famous Northern Ireland fort
4 years ago by dippydap to /s/Archeology from
Hitchcockian Crows Spread the Word About Unkind Humans
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
The moon is 85 million years younger than previously thought
4 years ago by runtis to /s/science from
Lumpy flint figurines may be some of the earliest depictions of real people
Gold from Bacteria
4 years ago by Questionable to /s/science from
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/science from
Why we must resist all forms of surveillance and maintain our entanglements free from tyrannical influences and interpretations
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/privacy from
3,300 Year Old Divination Shrines Discovered in Armenia
5 years ago by Kangbanger to /s/AncientHistory from