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Paulo Freire's Marxist Easter for Educators
7 months ago by xoenix to /s/whatever from
The Basis of Classical Liberalism, by James Lindsay. "We are not God. We cannot become God, make God, or speak with the authority of God. This is axiomatic and the beginning of wisdom and prosperity."
12 months ago by Chipit to /s/Philosophy from
The logic of the left today is overwhelmingly rooted in a single essay published in 1965 by the neo-Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse. “The left must be extended tolerance, even when they are violent, while the right must not be tolerated, including suppressing them by violence.”
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
GamerGate is the canary in the Woke coal mine that represents the victory of the honest person in the comments section winning over the dishonest journalist writing the article.
One of the hottest topics in education (and beyond) right now is “resilience.” Host James Lindsay draws from a UNESCO source and explains that “resilience” refers to the opposite of “fragility,” which means taking your brainwashing well.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
What's happening in America today is Maoist Marxism with American characteristics. Those American characteristics include identity politics and corporate power as a vehicle.
Exposing the Sustainable Development Goals. "Every one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations Agenda 2030 grants the pretext to seize control over the world and all human life and activity in it." -- James Lindsay
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/WorldNews from
Woke Marxism undermines law, and for it to succeed, it must pervert law. So far, it has been extremely successful at this. If our remaining judiciary remains unaware of the infiltration and subversion, we will probably lose our country. If it wakes up and discharges its duty we can save our country.
The primary project of antifascism is to fight intolerance (see also, hate) with intolerance and even violence under a rubric called “Repressive Tolerance,” outlined originally by the neo-Marxist theorist and activist Herbert Marcuse.
Bringing into education materials based in Queer Theory, including so-called gender-critical perspectives that separate sex and gender as though they are completely different phenomena, is meant to make children activists in this disruptive, destabilizing mode of misunderstanding the world.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/TumblrInAction from
Virtually all Woke activism has the goal of nullifying its target (German: aufheben). What that means is putting the target in a position where he has to go along with Woke standards or be unable to productively resist against them. Click through to understand it and learn to resist it.
Why are Gnostic cults so tempting? Why do people get sucked into them? It’s not because Gnostics go around telling people they’re wrong. It’s because they go around telling people they’re limited. They don’t want you to know these secrets, but we do. That’s the Gnostic temptation.
In Mao' China, citizens were bullied and brainwashed by Communist authorities by means of a devastating tool called the “struggle session.” They are a form of psychological torture. Listen to learn all about it and how to beat them.
One of the best things about reading Marxist literature is that they almost always tell you their weaknesses if you pay attention. This allows us to develop a kind of guiding light for fighting against Woke Marxism today: stability prevents revolutions.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Surviving a Modern Struggle Session. The nature of struggle sessions must be understood clearly because Western nations are going through a “Woke” Maoist insurgency now, and the struggle session is all the way back in fashion (and has been for some time).
Douglas Murray calls the inability to listen to contrary points of view a "generational phenomenon" which has been adopted by children who believe that "speech is harm, and harm is not harm, that silence is violence and that violence is fine."
Why University Students Need to Listen to Douglas Murray - Based Gay Puts Woke Faggots in their Place
1 year ago by hfxB0oyA to /s/whatever from
In March, James Lindsay delivered a short address before a conference at the European Union Parliament in Brussels. It has been widely recognized as making the nature of the Neo-Marxist Cultural Revolution engulfing the West clear, with a warning to Europe not to follow in America's footsteps.
When you understand that virtually everything with Woke Marxism is (a) impossible and (b) a strategic provocation, it leads you to think about engaging with it differently. A powerful technique for breaking free of Woke magic spells and manipulation is simply to take a step back and name the dynamic
The Structure of Cults. Cults have a structure. The Woke Marxist cult is no exception: it is structured too. "Until you understand the structure of cults, you will consistently underestimate and misdiagnose 'Wokeness.'"
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Psychology from
How to Fight a Tyrannical Movement. Five primary (and a few secondary) dispositions with regard to tyrannical movements and how to target messaging and activity toward each of them.
The Reformers: A New Film About the Grievance Studies Affair. Peter Boghossian, Helen Pluckrose, and I set out to demonstrate that Woke “scholarship” is trash. The peer-review system has a weakness: political corruptibility through the corruption of the key gatekeepers of the system, “peers.”
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Movies from
Counter Wokecraft: "I hope this manual will speed the return to a traditional liberal, universalist modernity, one where no one with a competency to pursue a dream is prevented from doing so because of immutable characteristics or the sins of their ancestors." --Charles Pincourt
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/books from
"Asian Americans cannot simply be designated by Critical Race Theory as a prop for white supremacy; we are the inconvenient minority." -- Kenny Xu
"Everything that Marxism comes with, all the calamity, all the catastrophe, all the inversion, all the division, all the hate, all the misery, is waiting for us if we don't push Race Marxism out of our society." -- James Lindsay
"They don't care if your child can read, do science, or knows what a molecule is. All they want to do is raise critical consciousness and use every subject in the school to do it." -- James Lindsay
The primary agenda of the Healthy at Every Size movement is to challenge, disrupt, subvert, deconstruct, and problematize the idea that one's "size" status has anything necessary to do with one's health, as is believed that this association causes oppression.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Health from
There’s an abusive tactic commonly used by abusers, both intentionally and unintentionally, that goes by the name “DARVO.” A huge amount of Woke Marxist activism and Theory is DARVO, hence the solidity of the “Iron Law of Woke Projection.”
Wokeness and the Structure of Cults. It has become relatively obvious that what goes by the term “Woke” refers to having been initiated into a cult. This observation presents a difficulty, however, because how can so many people be initiates into a cult without even knowing the cult is a cult?
It is not normally appropriate to liken one’s ideological opponents to something like a virus, but what should we do when the people who hold that ideology liken themselves to viruses? "They think about themselves as a virus. Start thinking of yourself as the immune system." --James Lindsay
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/CultureWars from
The language of "rights" has been perverted from one that refers to an individual’s right to freedom from harmful encroachment by others to one that simply means "things people desire."
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Philosophy from
Like virtually everything in Woke Marxism, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is sold through lies and deception. The packaging is always pretty. What’s in the box is always a catastrophe. While this rule is consistent across everything Woke, it reaches a staggering peak where it comes to SEL.
Wokeness has presented us with its main argument which, distilled down, is that if democratic freedoms afford people the ability to oppose its own belief systems & operational agenda, then freedom itself must be purged, cancelled, taken down, and forbidden.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
One of the primary reasons that Social Justice advocates are afraid of allowing a (liberal) colorblind approach to race and racism—which is likely to work very well in practice—is because they assume that colorblindness makes it impossible to see racism when it occurs.
Racial stamina is a term used by critical race educator Robin DiAngelo to indicate what white people need so that they are able to endure being told that they’re inherently racist, if not white supremacist, particularly by people of color, without taking it as anything short of unchallengeable truth
Lysenkoism is the enforced application of an ideological lens that distorts science, and thanks to Woke Marxism and the “Sustainability” agenda, we’re facing our own looming (and unfolding) Lysenkoist catastrophe right now throughout Western nations.
How the Woke Fail the Paradox of Tolerance. They cannot be held in check by public opinion, and encourage their followers to respond to arguments with violence. I contend that the Woke, uniquely, have crossed this line They are absolutely intolerant and will not listen to alternative perspectives.
James Lindsay Goes to Oxford. They chose him to argue against the proposition “This House Believes Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far.” He made stellar arguments and made the case that, by its own words, woke culture can never go too far.
Today I found out that "queer" seriously means "I want to be miserable"
1 year ago by hfxB0oyA to /s/TumblrInAction from
“Communism is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be this solution.” –Karl Marx. The fancy, new-fangled “solution” to the non-existent “riddle of history” therefore now tends to go by the name “sustainability,” or more specifically, “sustainable capitalism.”
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
“Lived Experience,” Explained. “Lived experience” is a particular result of Leftist dialectical thought, however, that allows them to convince people that whatever they say is right and whatever anyone else says is dumb or bad.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
The Many Faces of Marxism. In every case, a special form of property is at the center of the “Theory,” and the liberation of man depends on its abolition, by which is meant its “positive transcendence.”
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Philosophy from
Leftists are always talking about "the dialectic", but what does that actually mean? How many people know? In short, it’s the fusion of opposites in a way that understands them from a higher-level perspective, which is necessarily synthetic. This video does a good job of explaining it.
Paulo Freire is a Brazilian Marxist who is responsible for “Marxifying” education, thereby ruining it. James Lindsay explains the phenomenon through a number of examples that make it absolutely clear how cheap and stupid “Marxist” analysis has become as a result of going “Woke.”
How have the radicals on the Dialectical Left—specifically, Woke Marxists—stolen education from our children? The answer is called “critical pedagogy,” which was developed on the back of the great Marxist religious revivalist Paulo Freire.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
The Dark Truth About Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). Social-Emotional Learning is evil and must be stopped. It isn’t a nice little program to help at-risk kids deal with the difficulties of learning. It’s the central pillar of a nefarious attempt to remake and control society.
Three Terms Communists Redefined to Subvert Society. Over the past two years, tens of millions of Americans have awakened to the fact that the “Dialectical Left,” which includes Communism, achieves its agendas most effectively by strategically changing the meanings of words.
Woke Marxists talk endlessly about the need to “destigmatize” this, “normalize” that, “affirm” this other thing, and “celebrate” whatever they say is best. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay gives concrete examples of things that belong and do not belong in each.
21st Century Re-Education, The Digital Gulag. Using digital devices and technology to control and contour behavior, including through social-credit programs, while re-educating people into the Neo-Communist ideology behind these totalitarian agendas, primarily ESG-driven “sustainability.”
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
Critical Pedagogy in our public schools unambiguously violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The reason is simple. As Critical Pedagogues themselves say, it has ambitions that can only be framed in religious terms.
Before the last year or so, two terms you wouldn’t have expected to encounter together are “drag queen” and “early childhood education,” but we’re now about three years into a full-fledged Communist revolution in the Western world, which has made it not only commonplace but shoved all in our faces.
In this quick New Discourses Bullets summary, James Lindsay goes through an explicit admission by education activist Alison Bailey on the differences between the critical thinking and the Critical Theory (and Critical Pedagogy) approaches. Join him and stop getting fooled!
In Marxist literature, you run into the words “reality,” “realities,” and “actual” all the time. Marxists believe they, and they alone, have hacked the system and come to the only true understanding of reality. What they mean is their own weird and dangerous misinterpretation of it and nothing else.
Social-Emotional Learning Explained. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is one of the hottest scams in academia, but what is it? It is a psychological grooming mechanism used to open up children through “social” and “emotional” means to Woke Marxist ideology and praxis.
Schools throughout North America are reproducing the youth radicalization program utilized by Mao Zedong. They’re doing this by combining Critical Race Theory, Gender Theory, Queer Theory, to funnel kids into politically active, radical and revolutionary personal identities.
Equity and Justice | New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 2. In Woke Marxism, they are the rebranding of Socialism (Social Equity) and Communism (Social Justice), meant to be achieved through Critical Theory. That’s it.
The Dystopian Grooming and Psychological and Emotional Abuse of Kids in K-12 Schools | Critical Education: Transformative Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
2 years ago by cerealpizzq to /s/whatever from
Groomer Schools 1: The Long Cultural Marxist History of Sex Education
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/pedogate from
The Theology of Marxism. Most people think of Marxism as an economic theory or, perhaps, a social theory. This isn’t sufficient. Marxism, strange as it may sound, is a theology, the basis for a religion.
In most applicative contexts, Critical Social Justice Theorizes willful ignorance to be the reason for just about any disagreement with the claims of Critical Social Justice, especially if a member of some “dominant” social group.
Under Critical Social Justice, "Oppression" can be so subtle as to be undetectable even by the people who experience it until they develop a critical consciousness (become woke).
When advocates of Critical Social Justice ask people to be more "tolerant," what they mean is to take on a particular form of self-serving intolerance that acts in service to their radical & revolutionary agenda.
How Wokeness Undermines The Constitution. "Theirs is a war waged at the levels of interpretation, meaning, and context, and until we stand up firmly against their empowerment, we risk finding out in very disquieting ways just how crucial those can be." -James Lindsay
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/SuperStraight from
The battle against wokeism, aka the Critical Social Justice perspective, is entering its third phase. The beginning of this phase began in earnest in K-12 education with parents all across the US joining together to reclaim control over what their children are being taught.
Counter Wokecraft: A Field Manual for Combatting the Woke in the University and Beyond, by Charles Pincourt with James Lindsay. This book offers the reader many strategies for identifying and fighting back against Wokecraft wherever it may be encountered.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
You're not trans - You're just weirdTransing Children
2 years ago by justagaydude123 to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Surely you’ve noticed that the Woke movement doesn’t build anything or accomplish anything productive. There’s a reason for that. The only thing they bring to the table is protest, which is to say destruction. James Lindsay walks you through their literature again.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/podcasts from
Yes, Your Kid’s Trans Thing is a Phase
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
The Only Thing That Isn't Systemically Racist: vaccine passports. Despite the fact that vaccine passports, if implemented, will meet the Critical Race Theory definition of racist policy. Twitter is suspending people for sharing satirical memes pointing this fact out.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
After sowing distrust by naming the healthcare system as racist, blacks and Latinos are less vaccinated. Vaccine passports would create a (systemically racist) mechanism by which the disproportionately black and Latino population will be excluded from participation in the functions of society.
Critical Race Theory's Dictatorship of the Antiracists. Gnosticism turns progress upside-down by reframing it away from the effort to prosper in the world as it is and toward remaking it into a world that is not and, because this non-reality is essential to the Gnostic project, cannot be.
Classical music, Beethoven specifically, art, hiking, going outside, the pandemic, black people who don’t agree with Critical Race Theory, logic, loyalty, punctuality, hard work, merit—these are all part of the “system” of racism that this neo-Marxian Theory “interrogates” for its hidden racism.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Philosophy from
Marcuse's Subverting Forces in Transition. The more one reads of Herbert Marcuse, the father of the New Left, the less there is to recommend his ideas and more there is to recommend learning about them. He even explicitly compares his own movement to what we now call “Clownworld.”
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/ClownWorld from
One of Critical Race Theory’s Major Harms: Asian American Discrimination by Kenny Xu. Critical Race Theory often justifies Asian discrimination because Asian Americans are often on the wrong side of the “groups who need to be helped” debate.
You’re Not Trans. You’re Just Weird.
3 years ago by Cass to /s/GenderCritical from
The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay: The Woke Manipulation of Democracy. Much of Woke activism works by equivocating between two meanings in a strategic way: boring everyday meanings to gain access and win arguments; specialized meanings to do their activism once they have the power.
Marcuse makes the case that to achieve a liberated utopia, man will have to be changed at the level of his fundamental needs and his biology, and that this can be accomplished by making him live in a society that “introjects” a new critical morality into him. It’s a truly alarming piece of work.
It is not normally appropriate to liken one’s ideological opponents to something like a virus, but what should we do when the people who hold that ideology liken themselves to viruses like HIV, Ebola, and SARS? This is exactly what we encounter with Critical Social Justice.
Is Critical Race Theory Marxist, as many insist, or is it not? What is the relationship between Marxism, neo-Marxism (Critical Theory), and Wokeness? All three criticize one another, and yet all three have a great deal obviously in common. Is there some common underlying thread? The answer is yes.
Gamer Gate was the canary in the coal mine? GamerGate - How Gamers Were the First to Stand Up Against Grievance Social Justice
3 years ago by RuckusChan to /s/Gaming from
Five Ugly Truths About Critical Race Theory. Here are 5 questions that many people are asking about CRT along with straight answers, explanations, and a raft of proofs from the CRT literature itself. People will be able to use these proofs to show that CRT is every bit as bad as its critics contend.
America's Overseers: How the Example of Harvard Discredits the Meme of Black "Marginalization". Among the many spells the wicked witches of the woke West have cast upon us is the one that compels us to believe that blacks are eternally “underrepresented” and “marginalized” in America.
By having adopted a strict adherence to Critical Theory and the social constructivism of postmodernism, Wokeness rejects the idea that there is any thing as a reasonable person or standard. In place of a sense of what is and isn’t reasonable, the Woke ideology sees only its sole obsession: power.
A Manifesto for the Based, from New Discourses by James Lindsay. Being based is the opposite of being Woke. Woke is wholly intolerant of everything but itself. It, because it is cynical of every motivation, it never acts in good faith. It demands absolute conformity and tolerates no dissent.
Critical Race Theory: A Two-page Overview. “Critical race theory calls into question the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and the neutral principles of constitutional law.” Share this everywhere!
What is the end-game of the Woke ideology? The immediate goal of the Woke agenda is to turn everything into a Woke organ. The Woke agenda is to flatten all the variety out of life and make every aspect of life do one thing and one thing only: serve Theory.
The Rise of the Woke Cultural Revolution. In this essay, I hope to outline a few factors that I think offer a partial analysis of how this societal virus escaped the university lab. Critical Pedagogy trains students to become generally uninformed, uninformable, incurious complainer-activists.
We need to know what a post-Woke world would look like and, more importantly, which values will get us there. James Lindsay presented four values he thinks are core to the establishment of a post-Woke world. These are truth, beauty, liberty (thus responsibility), and merit.
if we were more aware of Lysenko and his legacy of death, we might be more cognizant of the threat we’re currently stumbling our way into under the banners of “antiracist medicine” and “health equity.” These are the dawn of Medical Lysenkoism, and this is already well underway.
Believe Moms: There's Something Else Going on With Trans Teens. A few weeks ago, I published an open letter about my Weird Son and his sudden and very unlikely self-diagnoses of being transgender. To my surprise, it was blocked as “Hate Speech” by Medium.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/SuperStraight from
If you have ever wondered about what the backstory of the creation of the “Feminist Mein Kampf” paper really was, including why its authors did it, you won’t want to miss this long-form discussion and rare response to yet another underinformed critic of Lindsay, Boghossian, and Pluckrose’s work.
The fight against the ideology called Wokeness is gaining ground for the first time in a decade, if not decades. People increasingly understand what it is and why it is a terrible, inhuman, and inhumane ideology that has no place governing our societies.
The End of Civil Rights in Kimberlé Crenshaw's "Mapping the Margins". James reads through the conclusion of “Mapping the Margins” and illustrates exactly how Crenshaw’s ideas will achieve the complete subordination and redirection of all leftist, left-wing, and civil-rights thought.
For those of you freshly exiled from Reddit, and confused about why, please read this essay that explains the logic behind your banning. This ideology is a complete worldview with its own ethics, epistemology, and morality, and theirs is not the same worldview the rest of us use.
You’re Not Trans. You’re Just Weird. This hypothetically open letter was originally posted by its anonymous author on Medium and was rapidly removed as “hate speech.” We found it to be a refreshing dose of honesty, a charming and relatable open letter from one parent to other parents.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
The University of California Drifts toward Conformism. In this essay, we address the consequences of the University of California’s policies to address racial disparities and its support for social justice activism as influences on its commitment to academic freedom and other intellectual values.
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/therearetwogenders from