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Google Chrome: Agree to 'privacy feature', but get tracking!
7 months ago by [deleted] to /s/privacy from
Why more and more websites make you pay for your privacy
9 months ago by [deleted] to /s/privacy from
Meta wants users to pay € 160 a year to respect their right to privacy
1 year ago by Drewski to /s/privacy from
How mobile apps illegally share your personal data
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/privacy from
TeleSign secretly profiles half of the world’s mobile phone users
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/Surveillance from
First major fine (€ 1 million) for using Google Analytics
1 year ago by SoCo to /s/privacy from
"Black box" Amazon: algorithm discriminate customers. noyb filed another complaint against Amazon Europe today. The e-commerce giant offers customers the possibility to pay for products later via "Monthly Invoice". A customer who was rejected for this payment method without any reasons given subm...
3 years ago by Pis-dur to /s/technology from
Data voodoo: credit ranking agency CRIF creates credit rating out of thin air. Data protection authority also demands disclosure of "scoring" logic. After about a year, the Austrian Data Protection Authority (DPA) finally issued a decision on our first complaint against the credit reporting agenc...
3 years ago by Pis-dur to /s/WorldNews from
Today, noyb filed complaints against the cookie paywalls of seven major German and Austrian news websites. An increasing amount of websites asks their users to either agree to data being passed on to hundreds of tracking companies or take out a subscription.
New browser signal could make cookie banners obsolete
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Browsers from
Buy a phone, get a tracker: unauthorized tracking code illegally installed on Android phones. noyb launched further action against Google’s AAID (Android Advertising Identifier), following similar complaints against Apple’s IDFA. The somewhat hidden ID allows Google and all apps to track a user
"Grindr" to be fined almost € 10 Mio over GDPR complaint. The Gay Dating App was illegally sharing sensitive data of millions of users.
Luxemburg’s Data Protection watchdog refuses to show its teeth to US companies. noyb files court case.
My Privacy is None of Your Business
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/privacy from
Irish DPC settles Judicial Review and agrees to decide swiftly on Facebook's EU-US transfers. Blocked procedure on Facebook's EU-US data flows can continue.
4 years ago by Pis-dur to /s/WorldNews from