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College Volleyball’s Spartan Meltdown - San Jose coach files a Title IX complaint against her own school for allowing males on the girls team
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Canada’s Faltering ‘Unmarked Graves’ Narrative Goes to Court
3 months ago by xoenix to /s/canada from
Islamist Terror; Journalistic Error
1 year ago by jet199 to /s/Israel from
It’s Not the Occupation
A Gender-Ideology True Believer, Mugged by Reality
1 year ago by jet199 to /s/TumblrInAction from
A review of Social Justice Fallacies by Thomas Sowell (2023). The gist of Thomas Sowell’s new work is that the flawed assumptions of social-justice activists are endangering Western societies. The entire social-justice narrative rests on misunderstandings of issues.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Medications Can Help Keep Alcoholics Sober. Why Are They Being Ignored? Long-term alcohol abuse causes dysregulation in brain chemistry and neural function that can last for months or even years after the initial period of detoxification.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Medicine from
When trans activism becomes government policy
1 year ago by jet199 to /s/therearetwogenders from
Richard Hanania shares his experience being attacked by the media and Antifa. It’s not about informing the reader, or trying to bring understanding about something happening in the world. The entire journalistic endeavor revolves around the goal of “unpersoning.”
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/news from
Podcast #219: When DEI ‘Training’ Becomes Harassment—A Tragic Canadian Case Study. Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks about diversity consultant Kike Ojo-Thompson, whose training methods became infamous following the recent suicide of Toronto educator Richard Bilkszto (1963-2023).
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/canada from
The Pseudoscience of Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory is full of unfalsifiable arguments. If you’re white, you’re racist. Full stop. if you’re white and you reject this premise, that makes you even more racist. This is a logical fallacy known as a Kafka trap.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/science from
Parental dysphoria is a new condition, growing in prevalence as the transgender trend that is indoctrinating our children picks up steam. Specifically, it’s the discomfort with your sense of self and view of reality that results from your child’s sudden announcement that he or she is transgender.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/TumblrInAction from
The Wrongful Exoneration of Adnan Syed
1 year ago by jet199 to /s/Crime from
Fantastical Beliefs in a Post-Christian Age. Looking at the Western world today, it seems that the religious impulse for those who do not accept established religious doctrines, and even for some Christians, is increasingly being channelled into the embrace of what I call “fantastical beliefs.”
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Religion from
Peer Review as Shadow Cancelling. Fake reviews, vindictive editors, ignorant reviewers, “moderation” without reading, rejections for want of “a critical theory lens,” retention of submissions for a year without review, and defamation. Submissions are being rejected for their subjects or conclusions
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
The biggest misogynists, the ones who really hate women, are contemporary progressive feminists. Harrington persuasively argues that much contemporary feminism has a hatred of women’s bodies and of motherhood in particular. The goal of feminism has been to defeminize women and emasculate men.
Science is screwed - the refusal to accept the results of multiple studies and experiments because it doesn’t align with political beliefs of progressives.RACE
2 years ago by ClassroomPast6178 to /s/TumblrInAction from
NHL organizes trannie day: a man checks a woman into the boards resulting in a concussion, and she blamed herself for it happening. Reminds me of those stories about women in troubled relationships who tell friends they got their black eye from walking into a door.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Sports from
The full story of that trans ice hockey match and the uncomfortable truths it helped reinforce and the efforts progressives have gone to stop anyone finding out.TRANSGENDER
Anyone who’s ever been a parent will recognize these actions: throwing food, spilling milk, smearing paint on the walls, sitting on the ground and refusing to move. Add in the inability to properly dispose of one’s bodily waste, and the pattern is complete. This is the behavior of toddlers.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/environment from
The evolution of Internet illness deception, particularly on sites like TikTok and Instagram, is inseparable from blossoming online subcultures that valorize disability. The problem is that some take it too far, glamorizing illness and making it seem interesting and desirable.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/propaganda from
A Marriage Lost. Lies, distortions, and selective memory are part of many disintegrating relationships. But the conflict style that Shannon describes here is unique, as gender theory allows Jamie to escalate even the most mundane disagreement into preposterous accusations of transphobic bigotry.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/TumblrInAction from
In January 2016, I became President and CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). I wrote an opinion piece, The Anti-Israel Trend You’ve Never Heard Of, in which I argued that the progressive doctrine of “intersectionality” was a danger to the Jewish community.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
The Ideological Refusal to Acknowledge Evolved Sex Differences
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/therearetwogenders from
Captiongate: How a Single Zoom Call Propelled Canada’s Greens Into Pronoun Meltdown. The interim leader felt the need to issue a lengthy statement detailing the allegedly devastating emotional effects that ensued when the pronoun descriptor “she/elle” appeared in an electronic caption.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
The Campus Trans Diktat: No Debate, No Dissent—And No Jokes. Some people ask why more academics don’t push back against ideologues on university campuses, or at least demand that their dogmas be debated. But this episode shows why that is often impossible.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
The Ideological Refusal to Acknowledge Evolved Sex Differences. The New York Times has announced that the maternal instinct is a “myth”—a social construct generated and upheld by the patriarchy to impel women to raise children and keep them out of the workforce.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/science from
The Fall of ‘Nature’. Imagine for a moment that this editorial were written, not by political progressives, but by conservative Catholics. Many of those presently nodding along with Nature’s editors would have no difficulty identifying the subordination of science to a political agenda.
At the American Academy of Pediatrics, ‘Affirmation’-Based Gender Dogma Is Finally Being Challenged
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Health from
2 years ago by Aerozine to /s/TumblrInAction from
The Emptiness of Constructivist Teaching. Constructivism is a worldview that posits that individuals create knowledge for themselves by interacting with the world. But it provides an unstable foundation for understanding objective reality and, as a result, is untenable.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
I Got Thrown Off Etsy and PayPal for Expressing My Belief in Biological Reality. As indicated above, Etsy doesn’t let users promote “violence.” And yet Etsy is home to a thriving cottage industry of crafters whose products celebrate the infliction of various sadistic punishments upon “TERFs.”
Dostoevsky and the Pleasure of Taking Offense. “We appreciate that people, far from maximizing their own advantage, sometimes deliberately make victims of themselves in order, for example, to feel morally superior.”
Ricky Gervais Knows No Fear. Another Netflix stand-up comedy special, another manufactured media meltdown over alleged transphobia. This time it’s SuperNature, which has become a hit thanks in part to the massive free publicity it received from outraged activists and woke commentators.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/comedy from
The Burden of the Best? These were the robust anthems of American life: “Winners never quit, and quitters never win”. Well, in the intervening years, society has done a 180. Suddenly, we are celebrating the inclination to quit, and lionizing the competitor who falls and elects not to get up again.
Free Speech and Due Process at Princeton: The Case of Joshua Katz. After serving his sentence, he returned to teaching, but he publicly criticized a July 4, 2020 “Faculty Letter”. Some of the demands were aimed at creating university policies that would jeopardize academic freedom.
When Disagreement Becomes Trauma. Like the report, the supplied definition of “truthing” contained within is written in a way that makes dissent impossible. To refute a truthing isn’t an act of mere disagreement, but rather a symptom of the truth-denier’s bigotry and intellectual dishonesty.
Get Ready for the Return of the Abortion Novel. “Anyway, people who think like you are on the losing side. The trend is to make abortion easier; eventually, maybe, wide open and legal.” To which Harris responds, “If it happens, we’ll be taking a backward step nearer the Auschwitz ovens.”
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Academic Exile, Two Years On. Two years ago, I was fired as a professor. I was fired because I spoke and wrote openly about human psychological variation, and because I maintained that I would continue to speak and write candidly about that subject and about other potentially controversial topics.
Gwen Benaway, a self-identified Indigenous and transgender poet, won the Canadian Governor General’s Award. Benaway’s claims to Indigenous ancestry were attacked by members of the Indigenous community. Now, the work had apparently lost its literary value exclusively thanks to its author’s identity.
The Problem with the Diversity Dividend
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/TheAntiWokeLeft from
Why Did Harvard University Go After One of Its Best Black Professors? Roland Fryer Jr.’s life is a movie script: A man abandoned by his mom and raised by an alcoholic dad became the youngest black professor to ever secure tenure at Harvard University.
Serfing the Future? Unless reversed, young people will be forced into a lifetime of rental serfdom. Critical to this change has been a planning theology that holds density itself as intrinsically good and that purposely seeks to block housing on the periphery for societal, and environmental reasons.
Why Did Harvard University Go After One of Its Best Black Professors?
‘Girls Need Female Role Models’ and Other Bromides
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/Feminism from
Frances Widdowson on the Questions Canadians Aren’t Supposed to Ask About Unmarked Graves. No one, including politicians and journalists, wanted to be seen as contradicting, questioning, or even scrutinizing the Indigenous knowledge keepers who assured us that these were undocumented child graves.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/canada from
Smearing an Entire Protest Movement as Fascistic Will Come Back to Haunt My Fellow Leftists. Not only were the speech and signage of protesters not being controlled by any central authority; but some participants even *celebrated* the presence of heterodox opinions.
How Social Justice Killed Anti-Racism. On the subject of racism, the British Left had long been guilty of threat inflation. The awakening identitarian Left in the 1990s needed racism to feed its narratives, and if it had previously been guilty of exaggeration, now it turned the dial to 11.
Why This Feminist Is Taking the University of Bristol to Court
2 years ago by BiologyIsReal to /s/GenderCritical from
A World of Waste, Stripped of Transcendence: James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ at 100
The Fight Over What Children Learn. For the first time, Zoom gave parents a window into public school classrooms and many of them didn’t like what they saw. From poor lessons to inappropriate reading material to troubling racial essentialism.
Why Environmentalists Pose a Bigger Obstacle to Effective Climate Policy than Denialists
We’re Lesbians on the Autism Spectrum. Stop Telling Us to Become Men. "The analytical wheels of my brain started turning, wondering how something so common as a tomboy could become a psychiatric diagnosis."Transing Children
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/LGBDropTheT from
We’re Lesbians on the Autism Spectrum. Stop Telling Us to Become Men. "The analytical wheels of my brain started turning, wondering how something so common as a tomboy could become a psychiatric diagnosis."
Involuntarily Celibate: Explanations and Practical Solutions to a Dangerous Phenomenon. Young men, especially ones not born to status, have the least to offer a potential mate. Turns out Incels come mainly from places with high income inequality, low gender inequality, and where men outnumber women.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Incels from
Bitter Fruit: Marshall McLuhan and the Rise of Fake News. McLuhan’s impact on journalism was significant. His message was that all the values of journalism should be discarded. The old-fashioned search for truth, using the tools of balance, objectivity, and impartiality, no longer applied.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to book author and Skeptic editor Michael Shermer about why scientific media, professional organizations, and academic departments are increasingly succumbing to progressive ideological fads.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/science from
Remembering Richard Leakey (1944–2022), the Last Victorian Scientist. A white man who brought the message of science and natural history to scores of thousands of black Kenyan schoolchildren and university students who might otherwise have become uncritical creationists.
Naturally Selective: Female Orgasm and Female Sexual Selection
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/women from
A Trans Pioneer Explains Her Resignation from the US Professional Association for Transgender Health
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/Health from
A Conversation with E.O. Wilson (1929–2021). "I think I may have been the only scientist in modern times to be physically attacked for an idea. The idea of a biological human nature was abhorrent to the demonstrators and was, in fact, too radical at the time for...many on the far-Left."
My APA Resignation. What we don’t need is our science organizations going all-in on one side of our polarized divide and stoking furor with hyperbolic statements. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the APA and other left-leaning organizations did.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Psychology from
Remembering Berlin’s Post-Communist Art Colony—Before It Became ‘Kitsch for the Rich’
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Art from
Academic Ideologues Are Corrupting STEM. The Silent Liberal Majority Must Fight Back. I received a flood of encouraging emails from others who share my concern with the process by which radical political doctrines are being injected into STEM pedagogy.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Education from
On the Issue of Female Athletics, the IOC Has Shirked Its Duty to Lead
3 years ago by BiologyIsReal to /s/GenderCritical from
The Push for Equity in Education Hurts Vulnerable Children the Most. None of them achieve their equity goals by improving the academic performance of low-performing groups. Instead, “equity” almost invariably requires hiding deficiencies of low-performing groups or lowering standards.
History Lessons from the Toronto Mob Targeting a 19th-Century Gay Icon. Hint: he's ciswhite and they're calling him a sexual predator.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Podcast #173: Batya Ungar-Sargon on the Growing Gulf Between Ordinary Americans and the Progressive Journalists Who Cover Them
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
Confession and Conspiracism in the Church of Social Justice. Canadian progressives, once defined by fastidious secularism, are now experiencing a sort of Indigenous mystical awakening—the phenomenon described aptly by the new book, Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
An Astronomer Cancels His Own Research—Because the Results Weren’t Popular. Astronomy seems to be in trouble, as it is increasingly populated by researchers who seem more concerned with terrestrial politics than celestial objects, and who view the search for truths about nature as threatening.
Watching My Great Nation Lapse Into a Cult of Self-Abasement. Under Trudeau's government, it has become fashionable, even necessary, to apologize, not just for egregious historical episodes or policies, but for the existence of Canada itself.
A Review of Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters by Steven Pinker. . In folk psychology, emotion is often seen as antithetical to rationality. This idea is not correct. Like other heuristics, emotions get us “in the right ballpark” of the correct response rather quickly.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
A Canadian Academic Case Study. The report’s main theme is that university leaders must decisively reject the idea of “colour-blindness” (“colour evasion”) in favour of becoming “race-conscious individuals” who “explicitly reflect on their ethno-racial identity and group membership.”
A review of Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America by John McWhorter. The Elect’s ideology, like so much contemporary social justice, is a grotesque contest of elite moral exhibitionism, inordinately preoccupied with policing speech and regulating behavior.
I was fighting the overwhelming tide of a system intent upon handing over diplomas. Over half of my students would have failed if I gave them the grade they earned. But the unwritten, yet well-communicated, rule was that teachers should never fail a student if it could be helped.
The Vox Formula: Telling Privileged People What They Already Believe. Vox’s trademark style would be a smugness that flatters its readers into believing that by reading the website they can rest assured that they are among the ranks of the correct, the informed, rather than one of the stupids.
Academia’s image of itself as the vanguard of social change in America, burdened with the grave responsibility of fighting its evils. But this is largely a fantasy. Very little of academic work has a notable influence on society.
Cancel Culture Has a Lot to Answer For. Sometimes our most precious cultural institutions fail to live up to their high educational and moral commitments and responsibilities. These failures especially damage the social fabric because they tend to harm many people who rely on them.
How the ACLU closed mental hospitals and created homelessness. Said a leading civil rights attorney in 1974, “They [the patients] are better off outside the hospital with no care than they are inside with no care. The hospitals are what really do damage to people.”
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/history from
The Gulag of higher education. What they present, in summary, is a chilling perspective of the pervasive and divisive atmosphere that is continuing to develop in educational and scientific institutions.
Seldom discussed, let alone acknowledged, is that right-wing vaccine rejectionism has its roots in mainstream left-wing doctrines. Twenty-five years after Alan Sokal’s celebrated hoax, anti-scientific nonsense from the Left continues to inspire and inform anti-vaxxers’ absurd abuse of science.
In Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy. Elite left-wing journalists have embraced a race-based view of American inequality and abandoned any sort of class-based analysis. They’ve done this because it largely absolves them of having to apologize for their own elite lifestyles.
My Late Father Was a Great Teacher. He Wouldn’t Last a Week in the Modern Classroom. My father would probably be appalled to learn that the Socratic method is woefully out of step with a generation of young people who find feelings—not facts, evidence, or knowledge—to be sovereign.
Enlightenment Now author Steven Pinker speaks with Jonathan Kay about his newly published book, Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/podcasts from
The Implosion of Boston’s Pride Parade Is a Sign of Things to Come. Boston Pride celebrated a half-century-plus of existence by collapsing into social panic and cancelling itself. And what are the QTBIPOC community’s “concerns.” Well, it’s a long, surreal, and tragicomic story.
The implosion of Boston’s Pride Parade is a sign of things to comeLGB Erasure
3 years ago by Chunkeeguy to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Simping and the Sexual Marketplace. Simping is a trend born out of the challenges of an unbalanced sexual marketplace where romance has become increasingly sporadic, fleeting, and transactional. Moreover, the ineffectiveness of simping reveals something about female mate preferences.
The Harassment of Professor Kathleen Stock. This attack is yet another unsettling example of how independent thinkers are subject to intimidation in today's climate. The notion that biological males should not be allowed to enter female-only spaces was a widespread view a mere five years ago.
The rival Constitution. “The most zealous civil rights activists of all races, saw whites as having entered a guilty plea in the court of history, and thus as repudiating the moral posturing on which the good name and the good conscience of their constitutional republic had rested.”
Cancelling the Beat Generation. From Jezebel to the Guardian and Salon, left-leaning publications are turning against the very writers who helped make possible the freedoms and attitudes they now take for granted.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Philosophy from
Jonathan Kay speaks with NYU professor and Coddling of the American Mind Co-Author Jonathan Haidt about the emotionally destructive effect of social media on many young users.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/SocialMedia from
The Social Science Monoculture Doubles Down
3 years ago by penelopepnortney to /s/WayOfTheBern from
The Status Game: Male, Grandiose, Humiliated
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/Men from
States might not be allowed to lawfully protect “eugenic abortions,” which Harvard scholar Michael Stokes Paulsen has described as “the deliberate killing of children with a disability because of their disability. Eugenics is intervention which aims to decrease the number of people with disabilities
Peter Boghossian (of the Grievance Studies hoax) on Why He Quit Portland State University
Cancel Culture and the Logic of Torture. Scholarship on public executions and torture can help to illuminate the logic. For both public shaming and cancellation are structured like public acts of torture, and their aims are disturbingly similar means of enforcing political or cultural conformity.
The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality—A Review. Is a left-wing author allowed to believe in genetics? Doctrinaire progressives are inclined to cringe (at least for public consumption) at the idea that one’s DNA might drive real differences that shape our lives.
The Truth about Autogynephilia. Women’s attire was not the true object of such a man’s affections, he concluded: rather, the clothes were the means whereby a man gave life to that object, namely himself in female form. “Autogynephilia” means love of oneself as a woman.Discussion
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/LGBDropTheT from
“If 80 percent of the league is black, that means that black players are better than white players ... the black players are superior.” If Ibram X. Kendi says, “When I see racial disparities, I see racism,” then basketball is a racist sport, and the NBA is a racist organization. Isn't it?