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Ripe, red tomatoes have more vitamin C than green tomatoes.
3 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/whatever from
MI6 agents had a leading role in Egypt's decision to go to war against Israel without the knowledge or approval of either Prime Minister Clement Attlee or Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, frequently misinforming and misleading them, according to Syrian and French records.
4 months ago by HibikiBlack to /s/NationalistRevolution from
4 months ago by HibikiBlack to /s/Jesuits from
How Much of the Genital Area Can Women Actually See Directly with Their Own Eyes? An Assessment of Genital Visual Fields Important for Cisgender and Transgender Women
6 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Genomics for monitoring and understanding species responses to global climate change
7 months ago by ActuallyNot to /s/BullyPulpit from
Anti-fatness in the Ozempic era - how to to protect the future of fatness
7 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime over the Last Two Decades, John J. Donohue and Steven Levitt, American Law and Economics Association (2020)
1 year ago by ActuallyNot to /s/BullyPulpit from
We won't even challenge their lefty academic definition of racist
1 year ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
US state-wise VAERS COVID19 injection death rate predict state-wise 2021 excess all cause mortality rate (more injections = more deaths)
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/NoNewNormal from
The anti-racist positions of the 1920s, expressed by black leaders like W.E.B. DuBois, centered around fear that only white people would get to do eugenics to themselves. Black organizations demanded that eugenics be applied to blacks as well.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/history from
CoVid vaccines based on graphene, nanonetwork and Internet of Nanothings (IoNT)
2 years ago by Gaydolf_Titler to /s/conspiracy from
Charles Rixey, MA MBA - The Myth of the Blind Watchmaker
2 years ago by raven9 to /s/Coronavirus from
How bad is your body odor? This is a paper about the genetic differences
2 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/Biology from
Christians, but not Atheists, show high in-group favouritism
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/whatever from
"Individuals with a younger age of onset for pornography use were more likely to engage in deviant pornography (bestiality or child) compared to those with a later age of onset"
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/coomer from
Study finds a sharp increase in mortality following the COVID vaccinations in the Netherlands. (RG, August, 2022)
2 years ago by HibikiBlack to /s/conspiracy from
2 years ago by HibikiBlack to /s/VaccineInjuries from
2013 Report from the British Medical Journal: Just 11% of Medical Treatments Have Scientific Evidence Demonstrating Their Benefit
2 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/CorruptScience from
COVID vaccination did not cause any decrease in mortality on any age group. The death rate was also strongly correlated to poverty and obesity. (RG, August, 2022)
The Spike protein subunit S1 (which is generated by S-protein based vaccines) generates hard to break down fibre structures. S1 can also cross the blood-brain barrier.
2 years ago by infocom6502 to /s/Coronavirus from
Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases: Amino acid analogue of glycine in diverse proteins. (2016)
Controlling for IQ, parent socioeconomic status, and educational attainment, children who score higher on rule breaking and defiance of authority are more likely to attain higher incomes as adults
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/nonmorons from
Brain-Computer-Interface controlled robot via RaspberryPi and PiEEG
2 years ago by ronbaska to /s/electricvehicles from
PIEEG: Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Brain-Computer-Interface to measure biosignals. arXiv:2201.02228
3 years ago by ronbaska to /s/engineering from
3 years ago by magnora7 to /s/longhaulers from
6.7% of pedophiles have a cross dressing fetish. About 2% in general population. Yes, it is a red flag in a man.
3 years ago by GConly to /s/GenderCritical from
ChapterPDF Available Ideological Bias in the Psychology of Sex and Gender
4 years ago by jet199 to /s/GenderCritical from
BOOK: 2020 warning by Ingo Piepers predicts World War 3 based on scientific historical data
4 years ago by PresentableSonInLaw to /s/WorldPolitics from
(PDF) Casimir spring and dilution in macroscopic cavity optomechanics
4 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/Physics from
(PDF) All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response
4 years ago by Tom_Bombadil to /s/Coronavirus from
4 years ago by Tom_Bombadil to /s/DepopulationWatch from
This brief review summarizes the empirical evidence about race differences and the conceptual issues related to taxonomy. The review shows that human races are distinctive phenotypically and genotypically, the latter with regard to the frequencies of a very large number (millions) of alleles.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/science from
Atmosphere density at high altitudes, as a function of geomagnetic activity - During solar maximums the atmosphere is more dense at a given altitude, than during solar minimums
4 years ago by magnora7 to /s/graphs from
Gang members had more sex partners than other men from the same neighborhood. Gang leaders had by far the most sex partners. (Palmer & Tilley, 1995)
5 years ago by FailedSpecies to /s/BlackPillScience from
Researcher Jennifer Walsh and her team looked at the drinking patterns of three hundred college women and found that of those who had hookups with a random stranger, 89 percent involved drinking, and a notable 63 percent involved four or more drinks.
5 years ago by [deleted] to /s/BlackPillScience from
The hypothesis stating that females with borderline personality disorder represent an extreme form of female-typical behavior has been informally suggested following Baron-Cohen’s Extreme Male Brain theory of autism.
Based on self-reports by 1038 Belgian Tinder users, the odds of having casual sexual relationships with another Tinder user were 172% higher for women (Timmermans 2018)
The Ideology of Censorship: "Liberals consistently displayed double standards in their censorship preferences such that they desired to censor information that portrays low status groups unfavorably more than information that portrays high status groups unfavorably."
5 years ago by UmamiTofu to /s/politics from
New antibiotic kills MRSA in mice
6 years ago by f00f to /s/science from