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The banana and plantain are staple foods for the people of Venezuela.
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/whatever from
Oh Those Embarrassing Moments: Atlantic Council's Ben Nimmo Outs 'Russian Bot' That Turns Out To Simply Be A UK Citizen Tired Of UK Government Warmongering
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/censorship from
steemit - another decentralized social app
3 years ago by blowininthewind to /s/Internet from
Steem CryptoChallenge #3: An Exchange I Can Trust - OKEx — Steemit
4 years ago by MarkoVidrih to /s/news from
Start a Bitcoin Exchange Business With Escrow Script
4 years ago by HarleyQuinnzel to /s/Software from
Never Forget: Sept 2001 = SIX Events! [ My 2016 9-11 article. ]
4 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/911truth from
TIL that squirrels plant thousands of trees per year simply by forgetting where they hid their nuts! — Steemit
4 years ago by iraelmossadreddit to /s/TodayILearned from
Judging by the front page, is almost entirely a korean-language website now?
4 years ago by magnora7 to /s/SaiditAlternatives from
Trump Pardons Romney Fraudster
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/Israelexposed from
How Reddit Was Destroyed and how SaidIt can Change the future. — Reddit died with Aaron Schwartz. It's only gotten worse since then. Today I'd like to take you through the steps how Reddit was destroyed and how sites like SaidIt can change the world
6 years ago by Orangutan to /s/AntiExtremes from
Know Your Farmer
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/gardening from
No It's not a Zionist Post for Today but Agenda 2030 is Programming Your Kids
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/conspiracy from
Bi-sexual Day of Visabiliry: Embrace Your Narcissism
Coronavirus Pandemic Predictive Programming and the Always Hilarious CDC official near a patient dying from ebola without wearing a mask, whoops; The CDC is run by Scumbags
Corona Virus Pandemic Programming
Coronavirus: The "Cures" Will Be Worse Than the Disease — Steemit
4 years ago by Orangutan to /s/politics from
Business Realities for Aspiring Inventors
4 years ago by newblicious to /s/Steemit from
When fully grown adults believe in the political puppet show (and even invest their identities in it to the point where they're cheering the heroes and booing the villains), it is every bit as pathetic as fully grown adults believing in professional wrestling.
5 years ago by Orangutan to /s/politics from
Does Google Make Money with Google Maps? - Steemit
5 years ago by newblicious to /s/Steemit from
AirTM: ¿El último salvavidas para Venezuela?
5 years ago by BitcoinMexico to /s/BitcoinSpanish from
5 consejos clave para el comercio de Bitcoin
"I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the world is on fire right now. From protests and riots to bloodshed and coups d’état, it seems that every corner of the globe is being rocked by an explosion of unrest . . . and no, I’m not talking about the Great Popeyes Chicken Freakouts of 2019." Jim Corbett
5 years ago by Orangutan to /s/WorldNews from
Joel Manners on Origin, developing Ultima, open-world game design, and more — Steemit
5 years ago by BillionDollarEgg3 to /s/Gaming from
Launching the first Steem Proposals UI
5 years ago by wanliqun to /s/newSubreddit from
/r/Pizzagate and how a Clinton SuperPac admitted openly using $1 million to hire shill Hillary supporters to swarm sites like Reddit to spread dysinfo and attack Bernie and some background about how Reddit was taken over by them. Wikileaks saying how the primaries were rigged against Sanders.
5 years ago by HibikiBlack to /s/conspiracy from
The Next World Reserve Currency Will Not Be A National Currency
The Great Deceptions of Robert Mueller: The Art of the Limited Hangout
5 years ago by TheWebOfSlime to /s/TheWebOfSlime from
US Holocaust Museum Names White Helmets Terrorists In Syria As Elie Wiesel Award Recipient
5 years ago by Jesus to /s/conspiracy from
The Role of PSYOPS in Unconventional Warfare - The Case of Syria | DD7 | Wikileaks Archive Need to Read This
Fake Truthers & Shills - Alex Jones, David Icke, Luke Rudkowski, Mark Dice, Jesse Ventura, Adam Kokesh, Joe Rogan, Tila Tequila, Ron Paul, Pete Joseph, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden & Bradley Manning
5 years ago by Quasiman to /s/conspiracy from
Earth to Trump: America Is Already A Socialist Country
6 years ago by Orangutan to /s/politics from
Pre-"Trutherism 101" open animation project, formerly known as OSAPAP 002 - Over 20 Diverse Politically Profound Amazing Animations (2017-06-02)
6 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/MusicVideos from
Russian Armada En Route To Syria
6 years ago by useless_aether to /s/WarWatch from
6 years ago by HibikiBlack to /s/conspiracy from
Elite Pedophile Ring exposed by Kathryn Bolkovac, NE Policewoman served with International Police Task Force of DynCorp Aerospace
6 years ago by useless_aether to /s/pedogate from
Know Your Memes: NPC
6 years ago by useless_aether to /s/MediaAnalysis from
For the few people reading this who've never heard of UBI, it refers to a program in which every* citizen receives a periodic payment from the government with no strings attached* (*more on these asterisks in a moment).
6 years ago by Orangutan to /s/BasicIncome from
Conspiracy "Theories" That Became Conspiracy FACTS
6 years ago by i_cansmellthat to /s/conspiracy from
Epidemic of Homicidal Maniacs Hearing Voices in the USA
6 years ago by flightofthemindhawk to /s/conspiracy from
I will never forget watching Reddit go overnight from being pro-Bernie Sanders to pro-Hillary Clinton, it was one of the most inorganic and unnatural online social experiences I have ever witnessed.
Persons of Interest 🔎 James Achilles Alefantis aka jimmycomet at Comet Ping Pong — The following is a compilation of suspicious facts regarding James Achilles Alefantis. I feel that this information is in the public interest, and everything was obtained legally through publicly available sources.
6 years ago by Orangutan to /s/pizzagate from
One year after being shutdown and locked, the full truth of the /r/Pizzagate Subreddit is revealed by its founding moderator. The Establishment Media would hate for this to resurface. The Truth Has No Bias: The Real Origins Of /r/Pizzagate & The Pizzagate/Pedogate Movement.
Florida Shooting, Possible Psyop/Fasle Flag, Watch All of His Recent Videos!
6 years ago by Jesus to /s/conspiracy from
Unconditional Basic Income as the Social Vaccine of the 21st Century: It’s less costly to avoid problems from ever happening, than it is to fix problems once they do. It also happens to be the entire logic behind the vaccine, and its my belief that unconditional basic income has the same potential.
6 years ago by Orangutan to /s/WorldNews from