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Like the ruling elites during revolutionary France and Russia, the ruling elite of the American empire are convinced the state exists solely to guard their interests against the Dirt People. Therefore, any concession, no matter how trivial or symbolic, is a threat to the system.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
What makes the film Ooga Booga stand out is that it is 90-minutes of vulgar hatred of white people. The film is a crude expression of what Hollywood thinks about white society, but it is so poorly executed that it comes off as unintentional self-parody. This is a real film available on Amazon.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Movies from
Covid II: Revenge Of The Experts. It should come as no surprise to hear that the people in charge are planning to reboot the Covid franchise. Public health officials have the same attitude as the staff of a prison. They see themselves as your perpetual guardian and you as a problem they must solve.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Opposing Trump was never about practical things like the priorities of government or the general welfare of the people. It was class struggle. The meritocratic class view their membership in that class as a sign of their moral goodness. Working @ NYT is no different from a seat in the front pews.
Blue on blue: The Z-Man attacks Nick Fuentes.
Conservatism lost to men in sundresses demanding to wave their genitals in the face of school children. They lost to people who think Hitler is hiding under their bed. They lost to childless middle-aged women drunk on cheap wine, complaining about men on Twitter.
The regime media telling us that brown people are now the face of white supremacy is just the next click of the ratchet in terms of media perfidy. Over the last year they told us the Russians bombed their own pipelines and the Azov battalion, festooned with Nazi iconography, are freedom fighters.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
Today, the reason for stripping the rights of the citizens is personal and petty. The people in charge do not like being mocked by the peasants on the internet. The assault on your basic rights is part of a war waged from the top against the white middle-class.
The Shifting Ukraine Narrative. Just a few months ago, Western media was hailing the decision to send tanks to Ukraine. This story in the Washington Post would have been called Putin propaganda a few months ago. It explains the terrible condition of the Ukrainian army.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/propaganda from
Politics, at its most basic, turns on accurately identifying the enemy. Friends may turn out to be unreliable or stupid, but the enemy is always the enemy. The surest way to identify your enemies is to look for those who tell you that Ukraine should come before your kid’s school.
The preferences the rulers impose on their subjects reflects their interests, at least how they see their interests. Mexicans kill white people every day in America, but when they killed a couple of black people, they crossed a line in elite moral code that must be addressed.
The looming presidential primary season is about to be a good test case for the claim that the system is inward looking. Put another way, the voters are now a guest that refuses to leave the party. The political class is debating how best to make them leave and go home.
What we are seeing with our ruling class is they have come to think of their tall tales as reality, while reality itself is a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy theory to point out that the only person killed on January 6 was a white woman executed by a black man.
The indifference of the political class is most obvious with what is going on in the town of East Palestine Ohio. There was a time not so long ago when the place would have been crawling with Democratic politicians, including the President. Instead, Pete Buttigieg is antiquing in Vermont.
The closest thing we have to a universal principle of human society is that all elites are primarily concerned with maintaining their status as elites. It turns out that good times bring dangers to an elite. The extent of the crimes committed by the FBI is unknown, but what is known is shocking.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Kanye West is a weird post-modern Pinocchio that exists to lampoon the pieties of the current age. For those who did not see it, West was on the Alex Jones show with Nick Fuentes to make a big scene. West showed up dressed as a ghetto Spiderman.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Is the Biden administration planning to use tactical nuclear weapons against the Russians in defense of Ukraine? It should be unthinkable but we live in an age in which the most offensive and absurd is celebrated, so we can no longer assume anything, no matter how monstrous, is beyond the pale.
An Inflection Point. Washington is now openly sponsoring and probably carrying out terrorist acts in Europe. Imagine if Washington blew up the Chunnel in response to 9/11 and we have a good comparison.
The Vision Of The Elites. The global crisis is due in no small part to this sensibility. The reason the violent Trotsky cult called neoconservatism keeps insisting Russia is nothing by a big gas station run by peasants is it has to be for the Great Reset to work.
The Northman got a lot of attention when it was released, mostly because the usual suspects were scandalized by the lack of diversity. There are no black people in the film and the protagonist is a man. In other words, a crime against the faith. It's one of the best made moves in the last ten years.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Movies from
An enduring question on this side of the great divide is over the motivation of the Cloud People as they go about their war on the Dirt People. Is there some grand plan behind the war or is it some weird instinctual thing? Do these people have the self-awareness to grasp what they are doing at all?
Civic nationalists decry partisanship because it makes objective truth impossible. Radicals, of course, embrace partisanship because they reject objective truth. It is why modern radicals literally speak of their truth. The funny thing about partisanship is both sides are correct.
One of the stranger things to come from the collection of sub-cults that make up the modern Left is the concept of stochastic terrorism. They chant it online in response to anything that contradicts their beliefs. The phrase is simply a way to mark someone as a heretic or blasphemer.
A generation ago, Americans associated political prisoners and the secret police with communism and third world dictatorships. Those not around a generation ago are left to imagine what such a world was like, because present day America is nothing like a generation ago. How did this come to pass?
China Thoughts. The blithe assertions about the Chinese ability to take Taiwan are completely wrong. It would be a massive undertaking and even under ideal conditions it would create an enormous strain on China. Add in the closing of Western markets and taking Taiwan no longer makes any sense at all
If there is no reason for Pelosi to be visiting Taiwan and the administration was opposed to the trip, then why is she going? This is part of a global disruption campaign aimed at Russia and her allies. This ongoing hybrid war against Russia explains why so many were taking bribes from Ukraine.
One of the subtexts to the war in the Ukraine is the fact that the West has been wrong about every aspect of the conflict. None of the predictions about the fighting have been correct. The blame lies at the feet of the neoconservatives running foreign policy for the Global American Empire.
Why the word “Nazi” resonates much more with the people of eastern Europe than even the nuttiest social justice warrior in America. In America, the cartoon version of the past turns villains like the Nazis into hollow figures who represent whatever the current year harpies fear about themselves.
Abortion was always a middle-class white woman issue. “The woman’s right to choose” was the cover for promoting eugenic policies in the black community. Now that middle-class white women are past childbearing age, it no longer has emotional appeal.
The Opposite Rule of Liberalism states that whatever the Left is saying about its opponents, assume the opposite and you'll get close to the truth. A good example of this is when the neocons were organizing the police state during the Bush years. These new weapons would only be used against Muslims.
Narrative journalism is just accepted these days. The “news” has always been a form of political activism so its evolution into story telling on behalf of powerful interests seems natural. When you think of the NYT, WaPo and WSJ as propaganda arms of the managerial elite, it all makes sense.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
When Joe Biden ran for office, he promised a long dark winter. Most people assumed he flubbed his lines, but it turns out he was telling the truth. The long dark winter of mismanagement and manufactured crisis now promises to extend into the summer and autumn.
Way back when the tech oligarchs began to censure people, the primary reaction was that this was not allowed. Americans had been operating under the assumption that we had the right to speak freely. Now, the room is full of people who laugh at the rules and talk about ways to get around censorship.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
The fate of Ukraine is not particularly important. What matters in this crisis is the display of staggering incompetence by the empire. They managed to turn what should have been a minor diplomatic matter on the fringe of Europe into a global crisis.
It has been noted many times now that people in the West have to read American media the same way they used to read the Soviet media. Most of what we get from mainstream sources is the natural propaganda one expects from the toadies and bootlickers that follow every authoritarian regime.
The old paleo-conservative gag about the demand for Nazis exceeding the available supply has become something of an iron law of the universe. The lack of supply, however, has been no deterrence, especially now that the internet allows people to create these reality from thin air.
The New Criterion organized a symposium around the topic of the changes in the conservative movement. The conservative movement, whatever its intensions, was a complete failure. It conserved nothing. In fact, it may be the biggest failure in the history of political movements.
The new McCarthyites are totally unaware of that rather easy comparison between themselves and McCarthy. The sorts of people attracted to these moral crusades are without the normal sense of self that mentally healthy people possess.
Legal Insurrection. The rules have become arbitrary with regards to the elite. In turn the elites no longer enforce basic principles that are the foundation of the country.
The State’s Attorney for Baltimore (Democrat) has been indicted on federal charges. Mosby is promising to fight. She claims the charges are a plot by her political opponents and, of course, the invisible army of white supremacists that secretly control this racist society.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/corruption from
The Pentagon announced that it will be conducting guerilla warfare training in North Carolina in the coming weeks. The point of the exercise is to train American soldiers to battle “seasoned freedom fighters”. Many assume this is about treating all opposition to the regime as domestic terrorism.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
The Runaway Train. The food pyramid is a good example of how conspiracy and emergent behavior work together in a mass society. The people behind the food pyramid are the giant agricultural concerns that control the food supply, so they bribe government officials to promote the high carb diet.
Humans are believing machines and with the collapse of traditional religion, people are falling into cultural and political cults that scratch the same itch as the old gods. At a certain level, the people swept up in the cult of Covid feel they are being punished for a sin against nature.
Why They Hate Us. At the center of every riot over the last few years, is one side convinced they must use any means necessary to remove the things standing between them and the egalitarian paradise. If that means killing those who do not want to go along, they feel completely justified.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
There is no escaping the ramifications of the cognitive decline. We have created a society that requires an average IQ of about 97. The smart fraction was large enough to carry the rest. Now that IQ has dipped below that threshold, we are starting to see problems. This is a systemic collapse.
Another part of the great awakening is the realization that things make much more sense if you start from the assumption that the people in charge are motivated by a hatred for normal people. The pandemic has been a two year party for the sadists among the ruling class.
Washington is a separate society that is independent of the country over whom it rules. Again, if you imagine it as a secret club, politics makes a lot of sense. The part we see, campaigns, politicians, elections, is controlled by the part we never see, the semi-permanent ruling class.
The Coming Boomercide
3 years ago by carn0ld03 to /s/CultureWars from
For people who root their theology in the belief that man in the state of nature is naturally cooperative, the uncivilized world of Central Asia is like catnip. if you think you can remake the world in your image, what better place to start than a place that remains outside the grip of modernity?
Sino-America. Whether by nature or by design, the managerial class of America is taking on Chinese socialism with American characteristics. Instead of state capitalism in the Marxist sense, it is state capitalism in the corporate sense.
Understanding The Left. . It is not so much that they have a rich intellectual history or have interesting things to say, but that it is hard to summarize the jumble of ideas that make up these subcultures.
Antiracism is a mystery cult. The insiders have learned the language and those who refuse to learn the language are the outsiders, the bad people stuck in the white supremacist mindset. That is the appeal of antiracism for the white people joining it. It is grace on the cheap.
The Pressure Cooker
3 years ago by carn0ld03 to /s/TheRedPill from
Without formally announcing it and for reasons no one has bothered to explain, the American empire has declared war on Russia. That is the clear message the Biden administration is sending with the new round of sanctions.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldNews from
The point of all this is that China has no reason to force a confrontation with the American empire over Taiwan. Through bribery, maneuvering and the general incompetence of the American ruling elite, China can quietly dictate policy to the regime in Washington.
Today, free of moral framework and free of factual reality, those old 18th century urges, once bound by Scripture, have curdled into petulant and nasty partisanship. The American Left is now just a hysterical tirade against anything or anyone that represents order.
The madness of the Left gets all the attention, but it is the intellectual bankruptcy of the Right that should get the attention. The only thing preventing people from noticing the absurdity of the Right is the over-the-top lunacy of the Left. When this clown car crashes, there is no rescue team.
The Lefty Devil. One of the most important things the Left in America does in the culture war is convince their opponents to play the role of devil for them. The reason our side keeps losing is our guys are stupid and keep playing the role of bogeyman for the Left.
An unintended consequence of the war on imaginary white nationalists is that the morality is changing. The Left is not fighting against “bad whites” but are now being seen as antiwhite. The Left used to get away with the claim that they were trying to help or protect nonwhites from the bad whites.
This is a truth that the core of the dissident right has always grasped, but never found a way to exploit. Most people, especially people in politics or cultural movements, are not interested in reality. Politics is about storytelling.
The reboot of last year’s big political flop, otherwise known as Trump Impeachment, hit the big stage in DC this week. What this looks like is theater for the people inside the wire so they can be reminded there is a wire, and it must be maintained.
This is a useful historical example to keep in mind when reading this Time article on how the oligarchs rigged the 2020 election. Usually, people who commit crimes try to conceal their actions, but in this case, the principles are willing to boast about it.
Media Man | The Z Blog
3 years ago by ReSegreto to /s/GammaWave from
That really is the story here with GameStop. The marketplace has been perverted by insiders with special access to both market makers and regulators. The financial markets are no longer tethered to economic reality. It is just a giant bust out. This is why this event is being compared to Gamergate.
Our new totalitarians turn all of this on its head. The dealing with the problem is the end. In the case of the poor unfortunate who has run afoul of the rulers, the point of the process is submitting the troublemaker to endless torment that has no purpose beyond the pleasure of the tormentor.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
The new president marks the end of the old civic nationalist America and the beginning of the new managerial state. Competitive elections and open debate have been swept away in favor of ceremonial elections and speech codes. The managerial class has formally seized control of the country.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
The silent majority is now a permanent minority. Further, the political marketplace no longer exists. You are not allowed to speak your mind to your fellow citizens, unless your opinions are approved by the managerial class. The ballot box also will be limited to their approved options.
Look around at what is happening and it is as close as any western society has come to fascism in 80 years. The people trying to destroy Trump and his supporters are corporate actors, not the state. Corporatism is a foundation stone of fascism and that is what is usurping the authority of our system
The ruling class gets to imagine themselves as world historical figures and every event puts the world on a knife edge. Their actions will determine the outcome. The entire ruling class is swept up in these false dramas that they get to play, while the rest of the country suffers.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
The storming of the Capitol opened a lot of eyes. The people in the media demanding mass executions of Trump supporters were just six months ago gloating over left-wing mobs burning cities. Six months ago, telling us the cops were a problem and now they are demanding they open fire on protestors.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, Democrats organized mobs of screeching women to harass Republicans in the halls of the Capitol. Party media was there to celebrate it as the purest expression of democracy. It was power to the people time. That was not the case yesterday, according to the media.
Millenials came into easy times like their parents, but they didn't fear war, recession, or the threat of Soviet communism. One result is an unrealistic sense of entitlement. You see this most acutely on the Left, where their demands are those of a toddler faced with a toy that is not working.
For a generation now immigration patriots have been warning us that the American ruling class is importing a new people. They did not like ruling over the middle-class white people that made the country, so they were bringing in new brown people to break the back of the middle and working class.
One of the most amusing and revealing disasters in the book publishing business was the Naomi Wolf blunder of 2019. The establishment is loaded with grifters on both sides. From this side of the great divide, the grifters of Conservative Inc. are obvious, but they are pikers compared to the Left.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/corruption from
While every society of sufficient size has factions, the interests of those factions come after the interests of the republic. This is the framework of civic nationalism. Since the middle of the last century or so, this view of politics has been the exclusive domain of the Right.
The Purpose Driven Life. The great battle between good whites and bad whites exists because it fills that need for a purpose. In the albescence of some external foe, the good whites keep their crusading skills sharp by going to war with the bad whites over some moral cause.
The Left and their ruling class backers had slowly decided they could no longer live with us as equals in society. This year that become stunningly clear. The managerial class has become class aware and they look at the rest of us as insects.
These new internal passports proving you are up to date on your Covid jabs will be used to compel compliance. If this sounds a lot like fascism, you would be right. In this age, it will mean dreary clothing styles and camps for the people the managerial class does not like.
America is about to descend into one-party rule like you see in all third world countries, which is what happens when you import the people of the third world. California is more like Mexico now than historic America.
A generation ago, Democratic politicians would court industrial labor unions and salt their platforms with promises to the middle and working class. Today, Democrat politicians would not be caught dead with a union boss. Instead they hang out at Davos with bankers and titans of the information age.
There’s no need to pretend there is a mystery here. Hunter Biden was selling influence and access to foreign players. He was hired into a no-show job by a Ukrainian oligarch so that oligarch could get special treatment from the Obama administration. It was well known in Washington.
Joe Biden is famously on tape bragging about how he bullied the government of Ukraine. He threatened to withhold a billion in aid money unless they fired a prosecutor investigating Biden’s son, who was in a no-show job paying fifty grand a month. Suddenly, that video takes on a new meaning.
[Podcast] We Need To Talk About Fascism | The Z Blog Power Hour | The Z Man gives his listeners a brief introductioninto Fascist thought [01:00:00]
4 years ago by Jacinda to /s/debatealtright from
A defining feature of the managerial state is that it creates problems that require it to then fashion complex solutions to solve. A group of experts from the managerial class made some reform, which then created problems. The solution is to draft a new set of experts to solve this new problem.
Incorporated America. Note too that the enforcers at these firms clearly share information with one another about violators. This is why our radicals now sound like every HR department. The managerial elite is imposing its corporate sensibilities on the country.
A striking feature of American liberal democracy is the great gap between the reality of the political class and the people. The Cloud People are not just floating above the Dirt People, living different lives, like aristocrats of old. The general public is an abstraction, not a physical reality.
The most important development in the Trump era will be the collapse of conservatism as a political movement. The official Right had been in crisis for a long time, but the old political dynamic had locked it in place. Trump did not usher in a new era, so much as discredit the old.
What has happened this year is right out of the handbook on psychological warfare. The point of these operations is to destroy social trust and trust in the ruling class. Someone or a collection of someones is waging a psychological warfare and our rulers don’t see it.
Blacks are more likely to contract the virus. If the price of helping the people they claim to care so much about is the acknowledgment that nature does not distribute her gifts equally among people or groups of people, then they are perfectly willing to see those people suffer and die.
Television is the great propaganda weapon, so it is a useful window into the thinking of the oligarchs. They are the leading edge of the latest Progressive fads. That’s what makes the ads a useful window into the black soul of our rulers. The ad makers are all from the ruling class.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/propaganda from
Apparently, the extreme Left in the UK has noticed that the native population not only opposes mass immigration, but now they oppose those ungrateful immigrants rioting in the streets. Instead of committing suicide to make way for more, many Brits are starting to think of their interests.
There are two reasons outsider politics is plagued with weirdos. One is they are always going to be the most open to newcomers. The other reason for the weirdo problem is these weirdos are always looking for a home, so as soon as something gets going, they are attracted to it like moths to a flame.
The truth behind these riots is that they have nothing to do with legitimate grievances. They are simply a happening that is drawing in the disaffected white youth that provides bodies for Antifa. These are young whites who have no place in the neo-liberal order, so they end up in Antifa.
A good way to have your life destroyed is to go around breaking taboos, especially the ones that matter to the people in charge. Breaking taboos works only when a critical mass of people decides to break the taboo and a larger set of people are ready to join them.
The so-called conservatives are muttering about how the choice of Kamala Harris as Biden’s running mate is an ominous example of identity politics. They have it all wrong, but Harris does provide some insights into how identity politics will work in the new non-white America of the near future.
President Trump may be facing one of the most unusual re-election campaigns in the history of the country. Unlike most incumbents, his own party will be working hard to elect his opponent. The two parties are just the two faces of the same crowd. Both faces hate Trump.
Instead the decision [VP Harris] was made by his handlers and it was decided he needed more support from the tech oligarchs. He had the financial oligarchs and Israel was okay with him, so the final piece of the puzzle was Google. He now has the blessing of all the power centers that run America.
Parable Of The Lizard People. This is a useful way to consider the current organized street violence. These riots are one step from having commercials from Amazon and Goldman Sachs. It’s also why no one in charge thinks anything is wrong or this needs to be stopped.
The logic of political violence is best understood by considering the way Progressives frame their anti-speech pogroms. They keep equaling words and ideas that vex them with violence. For example, someone posting crime statistics on Twitter is accused of posting violent content or inciting violence.
The following is a fictional transcript of a negotiation between white people and black people in America over reparations. Representing black people in the negotiations is Nikole Hannah-Jones, the creator of the 1619 Project, which is an ongoing blood libel against white people.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/racis from