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Two pro-Israel Zionists duke it out; Transgender Jew vs. Zionist Shabbos Goy || Source: Mossad created Breitbart
3 years ago by Jesus to /s/conspiracy from
Newt- Teachers are scum parasites. They deserve nothing. The only fix to this is to destroy them. Please interview me so my foreign backers will think they are getting their moneys' worth! Me- Found the commie asset paid to destabilize the USA. Good job, Komrade Gingrivich. -MyCaptainSlappy
3 years ago by Jesus to /s/politics from
Greene WILL LEAD the Anti-Semite Movement.... You cannot make this up but Zionist Jews who control the US can.
Antisemitism Cow - @AntisemitismCow Zionist Hasbara twitter account that censors people who question Israel and Jewish supremacism
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/whatever from
Vatican declares Noahide Law to be “incumbent on all humanity” and Biblical? Wait, I thought teh Catholic Church was Christian, no... they are Talmudic
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/conspiracy from
European Jewish Congress head, Moshe Kantor is a fellow Putin crony of Roman Abramovich, (the *owner* of the ‘antisemitic’ Chelsea Football Club), all cronies of Rothschild and Lauder’s World Jewish Congress ‘Nazi’-to-Noahide agenda for sports fans
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/AlternativeHistory from
PSYOPS within PSYOPS... You can’t make this shit up but they can.
Think about the Dialectic being played out here
The communist propaganda say this is a hoax, but it was stated in the Congressional Record, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Proceedings of the House, 1957, page 8559
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/politics from