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This is a parody sub. Post anything that mocks the subreddit againsthatesubreddits. They banned some of my favourite subs.
Bardfinn admits that AHS overflooded Reddit's reporting system with duplicate reports, but instead of banning them for this report abuse, Reddit just said: "don't do that again"
submitted 4 years ago by ISaidWhatISaid from self.AgainstHateSubreddits
Another example of how AHS is allowed to get away with literally anything on Reddit:
The admins had previously requested that ban evasion subreddits be modmailed to r/, but also had asked us at AHS to remove that from our automod sticky messaging - since it was causing a huge amount of duplicate reports to get filed in a system where every single message has to be triaged / processed by a human being, clogging their response capabilities. That was nearly a year ago - they are overhauling reporting, but it's taking a long time to get it done.
So AHS literally get to overflood Reddit's reporting system with their whining but they suffer no consequences for effectively DDoSing Reddit Admins. Yet they still want us to believe that they are treated no differently from any other subreddit. No nepotism or favouritism going on here at all. Even and despite AHS submitting so many superfluous reports that it was effectively a DDoS of the reporting system.
there doesn't seem to be anything here
there doesn't seem to be anything here