The League of Extraordinary Trolls is a group of extremely well-organized and rabidly dedicated SJW cyberstalkers on Reddit who want to purge anyone who doesn't subscribe to their far left SJW ideology from the site. They basically want to turn Reddit into into an SJW-only platform. In 2018, the League Trolls met with Reddit developers in private at the Reddit HQs, feeding them the SJW party line about how Reddit have an obligation to keep their users safe on their platform by shielding them from opposing views. That's what League Troll Bardfinn literally said in one of his Twitter threads (now privated), that he wants Reddit to adopt Twitter-like blocking features, including BlockTogether-style blacklists that he urged Reddit to implement in this thread where he was called out by Reddit users for wanting to turn Reddit into a safespace hugbox. People used go to Reddit because it was long considered a Debate Central free speech website online, but The League Trolls are here to not only /r/WatchRedditDie but to help euthanize Reddit a little faster.
The League of Extraordinary Trolls has two faces, one is private face and other the public one they show to the media to distract and misdirect. The media will tell you that the Lague Trolls are a group of harmless pranksters on Reddit who hijack "hate-subs" and turn them into comedy subs. An example of this was their hijacking of /r/Faggots, which was Milo Yiannopoulos' sub, and turning it into a comedy sub about "a bundle of sticks" (the homonym for "fags").
The private face of the League is more sinister. The League runs a subreddit called /r/AgainstHateSubreddits (with its sister subreddit /r/QueersAgainstHateSubs) which is widely recognized amongst Redditors as the subreddit you go to in order to dig up dirt on your enemies. Quote from a Reddit user: "They [QueersAgainstHateSubs] will dig up dirt like it's nobody's business."
The main moderator of this sub, a pre-op transwoman from Garland, TX who goes by Penelope Verity Oaken aka Bardfinn (a powermod who is currently cybersquatting 50+ subs either alone or together with other League Trolls) is privately running a fully automated industrialized data-mining operating using Reddit's API to cyberstalk users and mods he and others in /r/QueerAgainstHateSubs don't like. Bardfinn claims that this is "research" using public information, but Bardfinn is not a researcher and this data is not readily available unless you have API access. None of Bardfinn's research is public, it is not announced anywhere or explained anywhere, everything is done in secret behind the Reddit users' and mods' backs, with no one giving prior consent to anything or even being made aware of the fact that Bardfinn is secretly data-mining them. Bardfinn claims to have had private conversations with Reddit's Steve Huffman about his secret data-mining project, so presumably Steve Huffman is aware of all this and Bardfinn is cyberstalking and data-mining Reddit users with Steve's full blessings.
Bardfinn abuses his access to Reddit's API (Application Programming Interface, a protocol that programmers use to access data from web servers quickly and efficiently) to dig up embarassing information about someone's use of the website (f.e., if they have participated on a subreddit that's considered problematic or controversial amongst SJWs, like /r/conspiracy or /r/conservative), and then Bardfinn will corner the unsuspecting hapless user in the comments while holding up his "loot" to their face, saying something along the lines of: "I see you have been participating in /r/Noneofyourbusiness and /r/Mindyourownbusiness.". Bardfinn does this to intimidate his political enemies and to cause a chilling effect, openly violating their privacy to discourage them from using the website the way it's intended to be used. It's essentially an automated mass-cyberstalking campaign in blatant violation of Reddit's own rules conducted under the thin guise of "creating comedy subs out of hate-subs". It specifically violates Section 7, which bars searchers accessing the API from using their research results in a way that compromises a user's privacy. Everything about this research, its secrecy, the reputation of the moderator's subreddit as being the place you go to on Reddit where "they dig up dirt like it's nobody's business", everything shows that this was designed and implemented to violate users' privacy.
It's also a form of cyberstalking because it's meant to use a specific user's history on the site as political leverage against them. It's the digital equivalent of blacklisting and intimidating people over which books they took home to read out of the public library. Worse, in this case it's used to bar the user access to further knowledge. Bardfinn is essentially saying something that would be the equivalent of: "I see you took that Ayaan Hirsi Ali autobiography home last week, that means I can't let you take home the Quran because only an Infidel would read her autobiography."
Furthermore, secretly politically profiling millions of Redditors as alleged "white supremacists" or "Neo-Nazis" behind their backs with no prior consent sought or obtained is not "science" or "research". It's industrialized cyberstalking and data-mining of hapless innocent Reddit users. It's also illegal in many jurisdictions outside of Bardfinn's own jurisdiction. Redditors have every right to be infuriated by what Reddit has allowed to happen behind their backs, enabling this illegal data-mining and political profiling by Bardfinn.
[–]johnnybravo 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun - (3 children)
[–]eiyukabe 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun - (1 child)
[–]johnnybravo 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)
[–]ISaidWhatISaid[S] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)