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/s/TinFoilHat: Tin Foil Hat and all things related to Tin Foil Hattery.

Tin Foil Hat

and all things related to Tin Foil Hattery.

Not all Tin Foil Hat podcast episodes will be posted, just the A+ or better shows.

If you can't laugh at yourself then cry, cry until you die.

Submission is death! - Resistance is life! - Brilliance is dull. - Wit is it!


18,277 subscribers18,278 subscribers18,280 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/Justice_v_Injustice: Justice_v_Injustice - equality, fairness, law, legality, prisons, punishment, corrections, reform


All things pertaining to justice, injustice, fairness, equality, law, legality, prison, punishment, corrections, reform, the judicial system, the legislative system, the prison industrial complex, migrants, refugees, aliens, etc. and how it's all rigged to serve elite interests of the globalist corporatocracy.

9,515 subscribers9,516 subscribers9,518 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/BlackPillScience: Black Pill Science

Similiar to r/BlackPillScience, if the subreddit over there gets nuked, consider posting studies here.

42 subscribers43 subscribers45 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/WritingPrompts: WritingPrompts

For cooperatively writing stories, on the basis of a prompt or previous story.

30 subscribers31 subscribers33 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/Trutherism101: Trutherism 101 - a philosophy-comedy agitprop animated-short series & mocumentary feature project

Trutherism 101

A philosophy-comedy agitprop animated-short series, and feature length mocumentary project that will be published on this sub where it will be refined, developed, and evolve with public feedback.

A restricted feed, viewing only.

19 subscribers20 subscribers22 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/PinUps: PinUps - Illustrations, images, discussion of glamour pin-up models, fashion erotica, and art


Illustrations, images, and discussion of glamour pin-up models, fashion erotica, sultry tattoos, cybergoth, comic heroes, rockabilly, tiki lounge core, urban graffiti, lowbrow, and/or experimental art.

17 subscribers18 subscribers20 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/AlienScientist: AlienScientist - Exploring the science behind UFOs and other contorversial subjects

AlienScientist - Exploring the science behind UFOs and other contorversial subjects
Related to Youtube Channel AlienScientist

13 subscribers14 subscribers16 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/lightworkers: LightWorkers

A community for those of any faith interested in making the world a better place. Emphasis on altruism, humanism, wisdom, self-improvement, and openness to fringe/occult information.

9 subscribers10 subscribers12 subscribers, a community for 2 years

/s/wildideas: Wild ideas with no evidence or perhaps some

A place to just write some wild idea you had. You dont need any evidence and no one need believe you. In order to post you must adhere to these rules:

1) Write well (or as well as you can) 2) Be interesting (or be funny) 3) Dont be rude

If you break any of these rules you will be kicked off reddit.

7 subscribers8 subscribers10 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/UFOs: UFOs

When do we get to see the aliens and advanced spacecraft?

5 subscribers6 subscribers8 subscribers, a community for 9 months