Continued ch1mpanzee screeching by KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM as more users see through his 24/7 autistic simp posts. 5/1/22
Of course the (((beaknose subverter))) k1kesiple888 ch1mps the moment user calls out “mUh lEFtiSM”. 5/2/22
Mental retard fggit k1kesiple888 claims other user's post is “sTupID” and ignores all of the autistic shit he crapped outta his cringe accounts. 5/5/22
There it is, the daily KUCKOLDFGGITCOCKROACHWASTEOFLIFEFORM ch1mpanzee screech at anything offending “dA FaULtlESS AND pERFeCT Lu LADEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss”. 5/5/22
FGGITK1kesiple888 once again spews claim that (((socialism))) is “GuD”! 5/6/22
Of course the r/ aaFGGITCOCKROACHWASTEOFLIFE ch1mps right outta his jizzed up basement after hearing the word 'AMXF'. 5/6/22
NON-STOP KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM ch1mps at anti-Lu opinion because his fucked up cuck fggit pea brain cannot comprehend the idea of AM not being eunuch bitch fggits for Da LU. 5/6/22
Just can't be ai without the fggit bitch eunuch 24/7 CH1MPOUT at AMXF existing, as if their cumulative fggit simping would magically “wOo DA laDEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees BaCK”. 5/6/22
Conclusive evidence that the fggit eunuch trio of r/ aa, r/ am, and r/ ai are subs meant to condition AM to be absolute fucking FGGIT SIMPS jizzing 24/7 for “dA fAUltLess BeaUtIFUL lU LadEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesSsSSs”. 5/6/22
Yet another fucking autistic and cringe Owlcel shitpost, demanding AM pay to see (((hwood))) pmaf horseshit once again! 5/7/22
Cringe fggit Owlcel rams his head deeper into the septic tank, refusing to ever admit his fucking tiring AUTISM is wrong despite all the ass-kickings he received. 5/7/22
Guess which BansheeKKKUNT ch1mps outta the hellpit as soon as her favorite castrated eunuch Owlcel gets owned? 5/7/22
The DEMONIC FGGTRY of ai continues for a 2nd day, with batshit psycho LU BansheeKKKUNTKKKUNT ch1mping hard at Asian culture, claiming it is “NoT alFA”. 5/7/22
Absolute fucking demonic schizo BANSHEEKKKUNT91 once again claims street-shitting rapist poocels are “BeTTEr” than ALL AM. 5/7/22
There truly is no fucking limit to how autistic FUCKINGFGGITDISGRACE-id can go. 5/7/22
Very telling how the most fucked in the head fggits (KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM, COCKLESSEUNUCHFUCKINGFGGTmovement) ch1mping up and down at AMXF existing also can't stop singing the praises of their xm ””FriENdS””? 5/7/22
Another day another KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM ch1mpanzee screech at AMXF's existence because they live in his pea-sized fggit head rent-free. 5/7/22
The mental retardation of ai is truly limitless, with aiCELS screeching “Be InCLuSiVE tO MUh '''wEST''' aNd '''SoUTh''' '''AsIAnS'''”. 5/7/22
What a fucking surprise, INCELFGGTNEM takes the side of (((insidious pmaf))) over AM users. 5/8/22
Here we go, the 24/7 KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM ch1mpout at AMXF's existence. 5/8/22
What a surprise, r/ aaFGGITCOCKROACHWASTEOFLIFE spews claim that “pInkS r AlWAYs BetteR Than AM”. 5/9/22
The continued fucking tiring EUNUCH FGGTRY of KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM because AM are supposed to be castrated palace eunuch bitches “lOyAL” to “dA FaUltLESS pERFECt lU laDEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSS” according to the pea-brain cockless cuck. 5/9/22
DAILY FGGITKUCKCOCKROACHform ch1mping at any user with an unfavorable opinion towards “dA FaULtLESS lU LADEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSSssssssssssSs. 5/10/22
Your daily KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM ch1mpanzee fggit screeching at AM who don't worship the ground “dA LU LaDEEEEEEe” walks on. 5/11/22
Non-stop KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM fggit ass ch1mps at LU criticism because the old, cucked, worthless fggit can't stand AM who aren't fucked in the mind like him. 5/12/22
Instant FGGTK1KESIPLE888 ch1mp as soon as someone makes fun of “mUh SocIAliSm”. 5/13/22
The KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM FGGITRY continues with the castrated fucking waste of life snitching to the r am mods about users that kicked his simping ass. 5/13/22
The week of KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITWASTEOFAIRform NON-STOP FUCKING FGGITRY, as if “DA FaULtLESS bEAUtIFUL LU laDDEEEEEEEEEeeeeessSSSS” will rang back to his cucked castrated little fggit ass if he simped non-stop. 5/14/22
Maximum retardation obtained once again by K1kesiple888. 5/15/22
INCELFGGTNEM once again pretends r am “hAs FrEE tHOugHt” while clicking [remove]. 5/15/22
Even more pro-pmaf ai fggit eunuchs allowed in because the cesspool believes “aLL dA LUs CaN Be ReScuED DammIt”. 5/15/22
Now KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM sucks off another cockless eunuch fggit, CtotheUtotheCtotheK, as if collective simp fggitry will “wOo DA LaDEEESSSssS BACKK”! 5/15/22
More users grow tired of KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM and his worthless palace eunuch fggit post history. 5/15/22
PEAK ai CUCK FGGTRY, as the ai eunuchfggitbase “fInD NotHinG WroNg” with blks insulting Asian culture. 5/15/22
Once again K1keFGGITsiple888 tries getting ai cucks hooked on (((his flaming marxist autism))). 5/16/22
K1KENOSEFGGITsiple888 claims “We wuZ aLwAyS mARxiST”! 5/16/22
KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM claims his week of non-stop FGGIT CUCK AUTISM on r am was “gReaT”. 5/16/22
Yet another aUTiST currycel fails to be original. 5/16/22
Power tripping mass-censoring fucking FGGT INCELnem has the gall to call others “poWeR TippERs”! 5/18/22
Throwaway ai cuck fggt spews the tired-old claim that ai “DOEsN'T PrEtEnD tO bE aN Open ForUm”. 5/18/22
Fggtcuck-id unlocks new levels of mental retardation daily, as eunuch claims K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 “hAs gUd PoiNts”. 5/18/22
Daily FGGTK1KESIPLE888 (((subversion))), claiming Asia is “a LeFTisT pIllAr”. 5/19/22
Mass-censoring fucking fggit INCELnem claims he “wElcOmeS dIscUssion”. 5/19/22
The ai fggit eunuchbase again screech “ThERe iS nO REEAaLS leFt”! 5/19/22
Back to the fggit ass ch1mpanzee eunuch sperg at AMXF because that is all cocklesseunuch-id exists for nowadays. 5/19/22
More flaming sjw (((subversive))) fggits allowed in because “ai Is NoT ConTroLLeD OPPoSitIon”. 5/20/22
Here we fucking go, the annual ai fuckingFGGITeunuchbase massive ch1mpout at AMXF existing in the world. 5/21/22
Even more proof r am is a castrated fggit euunuch cesspit, all thanks to fggits like KUCKOLDFGGITCOCKROACHFORM and 'AndrewN96'. 5/21/22
And the 24/7 COCKLESSFUCKINGFGGITSIMP-id ch1mpfest at AMXF's existence begins once again because “dA laDEEES WiLL FUCKING leAVE iF WE DoN'T WoO Dem BaCk WiTH Ch1MpoUtS aT AMXF”. 5/22/22
Who else but K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 crawls outta his septic tank whenever it is time to (((subvert))) the smooth brain autist fggits subscribed to ai and r/ am? 5/22/22
Of course the day of the (((“aSiAN” reddit))) fggit eunuch anti-AMXF ch1mpanzee screech wouldn't be complete without the most subversive of the cockless palace eunuch fggits, KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITform. 5/22/22
BlueFGGT__eddy reminds users why only castrated bitch fggit cucks are made mods on these abomination of “aSiAN” subs. 5/23/22
Even more users grow sick of KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM and his perpetual fucking 24/7 FGGIT CH1MPANZEE BITCH EUNUCH SCREECHES at AMXF existing. 5/23/22
K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 claims r/ am “cArvED iTs BrAIn OuT” when the (((subversive beaknose))) was the one who sodomized the sub with his (((sjw autism))). 5/23/22
Collective cockless fggit “aSiAN RedDiT” eunuchbase jizz for “dA LU lADEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeesss” because “ALL dA lADeEs r FaUlTlESS aND ”””wE””” nEEdS tO rEScUE ALL oF TheM, All DammIt”. 5/23/22
Who fucking else jizzes right outta the basement whenever an “aF” user posts? 5/24/22
Non-stop KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM diarrhea-ridden fggitry at AMXF's existence because “AM ShITsS aRe OnlY SupPoSE TO Be CUCK FGGITS loYal To Da FaUlTlESS LU laDEEeeeESS”. 5/24/22
The banshee Lu KKKunts predictably ch1mp out when users rightfully downvote their diarrhea-ridden, anti-AM comments. 5/25/22
Yet ANOTHER cockless eunuch-id waste of life decides to ch1mp at AMXF, because “dA PreCioUs aNd FaulTLeSS Lus WiLL Rang BacK tO uS iF WE Ch1Mp 24/7 At dA AMXF”. 5/25/22
Cocklesseunuch-id fggits continue the anti-AMXF ch1mpout in hopes “dA pEfEcT aNd BeaUtiFul LU lADEEe” will “nOticE theM”. 5/26/22
Of course K1keFGGITsiple888 ch1mps at an fellow eunuch simp fggit getting rightfully downvoted. 5/28/22
K1keFGGITsiple888 spergs yet again after another user refutes his (((diarrhea-laced autism))). 5/27/22
Pro-poocel ai fggit 'simian_ninja' predictably ragesharts after users realize poos are neither Asian nor aLLieS. 5/27/22
Fucking flaming sjw FGGIT CtotheUtotheCtotheK “aTTaCKS” sjw buzzwords! 5/30/22
And there it is, the 24/7 cocklesseunuch-id fggit bitch screech at AMXF existing. 5/30/22
The most abominable fucking little fggit (((subverter))) deseq decides to crawl outta his hellhole; just in time for (((flamer sjw month)))? 5/30/22
Yet another 24/7 KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM fggit ass ch1mpout at AMXF's existence, because that is the only purpose of his waste of an account. 5/30/22
Not even 24 hours does this waste of air KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM once again spew out his tiring diarrhea-laced ch1mpouts at AMXF and Lu-criticism. 5/31/22
CocklessbitcheunuchFGGIT-id continues to be one fucking sick joke. Time after time after fucking time do these fucking tard eunuchs ch1mp 24/7 at the thought of AMXF existing. Fucking cockroach nutless eunuch disgrace of a sub. This is the only fucking thing the (((controlled opposition))) little shithole exists for, keep AM neutered autist fggits scooping up any chance to impress “dA fAUltLESs anD BeaUTifUl LU lADEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeSSSS”! Same old fucking cuckold shit 24/7. There really is no difference between the three stooge abominations of “aSiaN” subs: aa, am, and ai. They are all (((controlled opposition))) subs to keep Asians (((leftarded))), pro-xmaf, and (((sjw))). No fucking surprise the original (((subverter))) K1keFGGITsiple888 and fggitbeaknoseq start crawling outta their holes right around the time (((flaming sjwism))) needs to be shoved down everyone's throat. Cockroachcuckfggit-id, the poocel-made trojan that pretends to be “pRo-Asian” when it is pro-xmaf, pro-nonAsian, pro-demonrat, pro-simpfggt, (((pro-west))), pro-censorship, pro-reddit admin, pro-antiAsian.
there doesn't seem to be anything here