The single-LU raised little fggit again demands users “sTay In DA WEST” otherwise “dA lUs WiLL lEAVE”. 6/5/22
Can't ever speak the truth about “dA LU” without cockless eunuch single Lu raised fggtboy in the ai mod board ch1mping the fuck out. 6/7/22
Even more Lu banshees allowed in because the cockless little eunuch fggit was never on the side of AM. 6/8/22
Literal xm larper fggits like 'SouthChineseAmerican' are allowed into fggitcuckold-id because the cockless single Lu-raised fucking fggit would rather act as a footstool for ALL xmaf than uplift Asians. 6/9/22
Who fucking else spergs like a eunuch bitch fggt when dysfunctional xmaf are exposed? 6/10/22
Again, WHO FUCKING ELSE logs in day in and day out just to silence ANYTHING offending “dA deAR aNd prEcioUS LU lADDEEEEEEEeeeeeeeesssssess”? 6/12/22
The fucked in the mind, single LU-raised mental retard eunuch fggit once again reveals how much fucking eunuch fggtry he has towards normal AM. 6/13/22
Of fucking course the femoid fggit deflects for “dA FAUlTLess LU”, time and time and fucking time again. 6/13/22
Another post revealing batshit LU behavior covered up because the femoid eunuch little bitch fggit was anti-AM from the beginning. 6/16/22
Yet another appalling turd comment from cocklesscockroacheunuchfggitmovement, openly stating that AM HAVE NO FREE THOUGHT on ai! 6/16/22
Here we go, the cockless femoid fggit's favorite activity/the only purpose of his abominable account. 6/17/22
Literally, WHO FUCKING ELSE silences users for exposing “mUh pmaf sExpATS”? 6/17/22
The cockless cockroach eunuch waste once again screeches as soon as the anti-LU headline appears on his screen. 6/18/22
Fucking who else silences users critical of the (((flamer))) agenda imposed on AM? 6/19/22
Through which other cockless fucking fggit are schizo ““ReForMEd”” Lus able to crawl into ai? 6/19/22
Single Lu-raised little cockroach waste of life logs into his fggit account for, of course, the censorship of anything containing 'A-M-X-F'. 6/19/22
Of course the femoid abomination waste of a mod would approve comment spewing ”Da EYY EFF LaDEE Can RefORmS dAMMit, AMXF REEEEEEEeee”. 6/19/22
What fucking else causes this cockless femoid fggit waste of air to ch1mp out on a daily basis? 6/23/22
The worthless femoid little shit derails post to you guessed it, ch1mpanzee screech at XF! 6/25/22
Another PHONY ASS “caLL OuT” of “dA Eyy EFF” by the most cockless little femoid palace eunuch bitch of the LU. 6/26/22
Donkeykkkuntkkkunt crawls outta the hellhole sperging, coincidentally when COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITmovement does as well... 6/27/22
WHO FUCKING ELSE sucks off fellow cockroach eunuch bitch cuck SimpKuckold43? 6/27/22
The femoid cockroach little fggit brainwashing ai users into cockless eunuchs has the gall to claim Lu-criticism is “bRaInWashinG”! 6/27/22
Lu exposes officially BANNED because the cockless femoid waste of air is hellbent in grooming aiNCELs into being clones of himself. 6/28/22
What other fggit ass activity does this femoid waste engage in? 6/29/22
Another round of fggit ass censorship by the single LU-raised little waste of life because furiously clicking [remove] on reddit will “Win ALL DA lAdeeEEssS BacK”. 6/30/22
Little femoid hypocrite fggit whines about “ComplAinERs” yet bitches at the existence of lu criticism every time he logs into his worthless account! 6/30/22
Cuckedfggit-id confirmed braindead as the eunuchbase jerk each other off to Owlcel's cringe as fuck “nEw teRmS” for pinkos. 6/1/22
Once again does cringe fggit owlcel demand words that offend “dA lU lADEE” be removed! 6/1/22
K1keFGGITsiple888 gives another r/ am eunuch a handjob for drinking his leftist koolaid. 6/1/22
K1keFGGITsiple888 spews outta his mouth: “dUmb PoST” while ignoring his own zero iq tard posts. 6/1/22
The beaknose fggitsiple888 reminds everyone that he a fucking retard! 6/1/22
Now the old cuckold fucking waste of air KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM tries to look like he isn't anti-AMXF and ends up ch1mping out anyway. 6/1/22
CtotheUtotheCtotheK outs himself as yet another single LU-raised fucking nutless eunuch, just like movement. 6/2/22
Who fucking else but KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM ch1mps outta his jizzpit of a basement as soon as “dA fAUltLEss LADEEEEEEeeSSS” are called out? 6/2/22
Who fucking else but owlcel immediately jizzes upon sight of “dA BeauTIfUl aNd fAultLess LU laDEE”. 6/3/22
FGGITK1KEsiple888 ch1mps and blocks users after they see through his tired-old (((subversion attempts))). 6/3/22
There it fucking is, the perpetual fuckingfggitdisgrace-id 24/7 ch1mpanzee screech at AMXF because “wE MUST SAVE'eM ALLLLLLLL”. 6/3/22
Even more users are fed up with K1keFGGITsiple888 and his tiring (((flaming sjw subversive autism))). 6/4/22
FGGITK1KEsiple888 predictably sucks off the fggit ass ai mod team, as all of these abomination of “aSiaN” subs have been (((sodomized))) by the beaknosed fggit one way or another. 6/5/22
More and more users tell FGGITAUTISTK1KEsiple888 to GTFO with his (((beaknose subversion))). 6/5/22
Cringe fggit CtotheUtotheCtotheK crawls into ESR ch1mping after ai mod censorship is mentioned. 6/6/22
Here we fucking go, KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM skitters outta his shitter ch1mping again at Lu criticism and AMXF because that is the only purpose of his fggit ass account. 6/6/22
Mega autist sellout (((leftist))) K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 wants Lus and Chans to be “pOlicED” when he should start with himself. 6/7/22
Another tard ai eunuch passive-agressively screeches “wHy Do YoU haTe on Muh lU laDEEEEEEEEEeeeeeSSSss”? 6/7/22
Lu-chasing fggit 'jjbanana' ch1mps at Lu-criticism while jizzing for mental banshee reiTard. 6/7/22
What other topic causes the r/ aaFUCKINGCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGIT to crawl outta his stinking cesspit? 6/7/22
Yet another tard ai cuckold minstrel fggit 'biggerthanUSsteel' spews: “U BiTTEr aBout mUh FaUltlESS LU laDEEEEEee”.
More evidence the most abominable cuckold fucking eunuch fggits come from subs like ai. 6/7/22
Castrated ai eunuch cucks once again jizz to xmaf, proving again that the sub was, is, and always will be pro-nonAsian. 6/8/22
Castrated ai cuck eunuch 'biggerthanUSsteel' ch1mps again when “dA pREcIoUs pmaf” are called out. 6/8/22
Here we go, the 24/7 ai eunuch fggit waste of life ch1mp at AMXF's existence. 6/8/22
Damning proof ai will never amount to anything other than being castrated cockless eunuch sjw lu-chaser fggit central. 6/8/22
(((Subversive fggit))) 'Kenneth90807' confirmed to be yet another fucking castrated little bitch eunuch simp for “aLL DA Lus”, also proving that his “pRo-AsiAN fOrUm” could not be trusted. 6/8/22
Cocklesseunuchcuckold-id fggits once again claim street-shitter currycels are “ A s I A n S ”. 6/9/22
Of course the cockless ai fggit eunuch 'tomatoeggsoysauc' wants ALL who offend dA LUs “bAnnED”! 6/10/22
Another ai autist fggit sings the praises of (((marxism)))! 6/10/22
And there it fucking is, the annual KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM non-stop ch1mpout at the existence of Lu-criticism and AMXF. 6/11/22
Cuckold fggit ai eunuch #50,000+ 'Siakim43' demands users STFU about “dA pRecIoUS pmaf” then backtracks after getting owned. 6/11/22
Endless amounts of cockless ai eunuch fggit simps crawl outta their septic tanks ch1mping whenever 'AMXF' is mentioned. 6/11/22
A new low for cringe fggit owlcel, deflecting for pinkcel and instead ch1mps out at AM for “UsiNg HaTeFul wHiTE-WorShip TeRm ThaT dRovE dA lADEeeeeeeeeeS aWay”. 6/12/22
Predictable ai cockless fggit bitch eunuch banshee ch1mpout as soon as user refuses to befriend “dA LU”. 6/12/22
The absolute state of pathetic neutered eunuch fggit 'iD': cuck claims it is the AM's “mISSOn” to save “dA LUs”! 6/12/22
Can't be a day on ai without the tiring cockless eunuch banshee ch1mpout at AMXF's existence. 6/13/22
Who else but the mental retard cringe fggit, owlcel, would defend (to the death), his fellow eunuch Lu-chasing minstrel fggits, wongfu? 6/13/22
Day of anti-AMXF screeching cucks/KKKunts topped off by the most batshit of them all, donkeyKKKuntKKKunt. 6/13/22
INCELfggitnem unsurprisingly deflects for “mUh lEFt” as soon as user calls out libtard reddit. 6/14/22
DonkeyKKKUNTKKKUNT crawls outta the hell pit for another mega banshee ch1mpout, coincidentally right after cocklessfggitmovement gets lynched by ai users... 6/14/22
Flamer tomatofggitcockroacheunuch predictably ch1mps as soon as user calls out (((flaming sjwism)))? 6/14/22
Another ai mod ass-kisser fggit 'Panda_p0wer' outs himself. 6/14/22
Eunuchcuck-id confirmed to be Lu-chasers anonymous as IdaCUCKOLD1964 proclaims his love for schizo LU Michelle Malkin. 6/15/22
Here we fucking go, another cringe owlcel dumpster fire turdshow of a post, the same-old, tiring screeching “ STFU Bout mUh EYY EFF LadEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesSSSSss”! 6/16/22
Mental retard K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 screeches “ai Is BoRIngS” yet the waste of life stays on there 24/7. 6/16/22
Day of “mUh EYYY EFFFSSSss LADDDDDEEEEEeeeesSSs” diarrhea-laced ai autism continues with anFGGTASSCUCK69. 6/16/22
The “MUH eYYY EFFFFsSS” AUTISM continues with cockless ai eunuch ch1mps at AMXF, as expected. 6/16/22
The castrated literal-fggit cockroach cuck 'tomatoeggsoysauc' is FINALLY BANNED from reddit! 6/16/22
Full-autism/(((marxism))) has finally rotted K1KEFGGITSIPLE888's already tiny brain, as we see with his “EfFoRT cOmmENTs”. 6/17/22
Another wave of owlcel diarrhea-laced autism, as if the thousandth ass-kicking wasn't enough for the mental retard cucked simp. 6/17/22
Continued owlfggitcel diarrhea, this time spewing: “NotHinGS BeAts MUH lADEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSSS”! 6/18/22
Who fucking else but fggit owlcel immediately jizzes when a batshit Lu enters a thread? 6/18/22
Tard ai fggits once again choose to uplift bobas instead of Asians. 6/19/22
Cuckedfggit-id eunuch openly admits he would rather blow “mUh xm” than side with fellow Asians. 6/19/22
And here we go, the 24/7 ai cockless eunuch bitch fggit ch1mpanzee screech at AMXF existing. 6/19/22
Continued owlfggitcel mega autism, this time spewing “Don'T OppOse MuH FeminiSm”! 6/19/22
Cockless aiNCELS unsurprisingly brigate downvote user that owned owlfggitcel and tard eunuch fapping to Elaine LU. 6/19/22
What a surprise, AlasKKKUNT91 demands AM TAKE BACK BANANARANG LU. 6/20/22
CUUCKFGGTO and schizo ai LU 'atztbz' unsurprisingly ch1mp out when users reject the (((flamer agenda))) for AM. 6/20/22
Blk-Blower 'Jbell808619' is once again caught peddling “mUH InTersECtioNaLiTY”. 6/20/22
This is what ai stands for: the complete castration and (((subversion))) of AM. 6/20/22
Of course cringe tard fggit CtotheUtotheCtotheK demands AM STFU and accept the (((flamer agenda))). 6/20/21
Here we go, cringe fggit owlcel again spews “azN FeminIsTs Are nOt dA enEmY”! 6/21/22
Tard aiNCELs prove once more that “nOn-PaRTiSAn” is a complete and total JOKE. 6/21/22
It begins again: “LiBs '''ArEn'T''' LefTisT, TheRe iS No ReaLS Left”! 6/21/22
As expected, K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 has no response after users kick his tard (((subversive))) ass for the thousandth time. 6/21/22
It is that time again, the tiring ch1mpanzee screech at AMXF on these psy-op fggit “aSiaN” subs. 6/21/22
Yet another fggit simp eunuch 'TiMo08111996' screeches “StAY LoYAls TO dA EYY EFF laDEEE AMXF REEEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee”. 6/21/22
“AsIaN” “mAScUlInItY” fggits ch1mp when user reveals uncomfortable truths about the (((beaknose)))! 6/21/22
The absolute state of “aSiaN” fggitry, eunuchs bend over while (((subversives))) screech: “U AnTi-bLk ShitS”. 6/21/22
Fggit 'Siakim43' assumes cucksensus, spewing “We Don'T AbaNon dA fAultLesS laDEEs, We blOW dA poc aLLieS, And SuPPorT (((suBvERSION)))”. 6/21/22
(((Bathhouse flamer))) CUUCKFGGTO admits he rather choose (((subversion))) instead of Pro-Asian. 6/21/22
Of fucking course K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 the (((beaknose subverter))) approves of the (((flamer agenda))). 6/22/22
A fggit ch1mpanzee screech at AMXF every 24 hrs now on cocklessbitcheunuch-id, because the sub stoppped being pro-Asian a long ass time ago. 6/22/22
Cuck-id infested with psy-op pro-blk, Lu-chaser, fggit accounts like 'yobadood' because ai is anti-Asians first, pro-Asians LAST. 6/22/22
It gets even more CUCKED for r/ “asIaN” FGGITry, as ball-less tard eunuch 'Korean_Knights_38' demands AM TAKE ADVICE FROM (((hW00d))) LU SANDRA OH! 6/22/22
K1KEFGGITSIPLE888 ch1mps again as more users start seeing through his phony ass autistic post history. 6/22/22
Cockrider of K1KEFGGITSIPLE888, 'CEOof888', demands users STFU and “rESpeCT” the Muslim-Marxist-Christian-retard-flamer-'hOmeleSS'-sjw! 6/23/22
The tale of fggitcuckold-id since the beginning, ch1mp whenever someone does not include “DA AYYY EFFF laDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee”! 6/23/22
More proof aiNCELS is all about kowtowing to the (((west))) than being “pRO-AsIAN”! 6/25/22
From “KUCkTUremEdia” to literal defense of (((hw00d))) anti-Asian propaganda! 6/25/22
Here we fucking go with psycho tard AlasKKKUNT91 spewing her tired old ch1mp at Lu-criticism, Asian culture, ALL AM, and the diarrhea-laced praise for rapist currycels, and EVERY non-Asian group. 6/25/22
R/ “aSiAN” FGGITry fully cucked, as INCELnem approves every diarrhea-laced comment made by r/ aaFUCKINGCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGIT. 6/25/22
More damning evidence aiNCELs is first and foremost, ANTI-ASIAN. 6/26/22
Fggit aiNCELs jizz their pants over “mUh ActiViTy”, ignoring all the xm/pinko/currycel/blk/etc LARPERs crawling all over the place. 6/26/22
Retard aiNCEL claims ai is “iN-DepTH”! 6/26/22
Tard aiNCEL 'sdgeycs' claims the sub “iS GuD”! 6/26/22
Mentally challenged aiNCEL 'Ahchluy' spews “ai Is '''NoT''' CenSOREDd”! 6/26/22
Yet another cockless fggit eunuch 'strapondude' outs himself, spewing, “wE GotS To STFU anD LeT dA AYY EFF ShiT ON Uss”! 6/26/22
Tard cringe fggit owlcel continues spewing his tired old autism despite the two thousandth ass-kicking he received. 6/26/22
(((Insidious))) mass-censoring FGGIT, INCELnem “RAGes” at others for “raMpanT cEnsORShip”! 6/26/22
Possible hom0198810 alt 'Siakim43' spews more of his cockless cuckold “sAvE m'AYyEFFssss” diarrhea! 6/26/22
What a fucking surprise, pro-xm aiNCEL fggits are openly allowed in. 6/26/22
The prelude of peak aiNCEL simp fggitry spewed by SimpKuckold43... 6/27/22
Here it is, THE most fucking cringey simp fggit post ever shitted out on aiNCELs, with SimpKuckold43 spewing, “mUh aY EFF lADEe iS CoSmiC aNd GoDlY”! 6/27/22
Of course the aiNCELs and “LU laDEEs” crawl out ch1mping after users rightfully push back against SimpKuckold43's cuckold megaautism. 6/27/22
The day of flaming cuck fggitry just cannot be complete without the most cringe simp f*g of them all, owlcel. 6/27/22
Renewal AlasKKKUNT91 baseless diarrhea-laced autism at AM, Asians, Asian culture because “dA LU lADEE caN nEVEr BE bANNED”. 6/27/22
Day of the screeching bitch ass aiNCEL FGGITS confirmed, with KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM ch1mping outta his jizz-infested basement for “Da CoSmiC Ay EFf lADDEEEEeeeeEESssss”! 6/27/22
More owlcel autism: “wE MusT UnDEeRSTAns Muh lADEEEEeessss”! 6/28/22
Here we fucking go, the tired-old owlcel fggit ch1mp at AMXF existing! 6/28/22
There is no end to the bitch ass aiNCEL/r ”aSiAN” fggitry simp cuckold screech at AMXF. 6/28/22
Which other cringe fggit “aCtiVISt” is the first to make excuses for ALL “dA LUS”? 6/29/22
Damning exhibit of the fucking mental retard AlasKKKUNT91, banshee screeching hard at actual history and facts about Asians! 6/29/22
Who else does KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITFORM suck off besides non-Asian larps and fggits raging at Lu-criticism? 6/29/22
Shart “aSIan” poocel 'Rater_Akash' wants to smear Chinatowns with his poo, while aiNCEL fggits cheer on. 6/29/22
Eunuch aiNCEL fggits ch1mp as soon as user dares criticize “dA cosMicc LadEE”. 6/29/22
Who else but the aiNCEL fggitbase instantly jizz their pants whenever pmaf LUs are allowed in? 6/30/22
Perpetual cringe owlcel diarrhea-laced fggitry demanding users “StfU bOut Da GadlY anD CoSmiC LU”. 6/30/22
Cringe owlcel confirmed (((subverter fggit))), making up “fAcTS” in defense of his eunuch (((mcu))) “hERO” Simu Liu. 6/30/22
Meanwhile on r/ aSiAn fggitry, the same-old tiring lu-chaser eunuch ch1mpouts at AMXF existing, 24/7 cuckold fggitry day-in, day-out on these so-called “AsIaN SuBS”. 6/30/22
Is it anyone's surprise the aiNCEL fggits ch1mped the hardest during (((flamer sjw))) month? Lu-chaserFGGIT-ID has been a joke since the very beginning. Fucking currycel and his palace eunuch lu worshiping fggits feigning “pRo-AsIaN” while doing everthing they criticized other subs for: MASS-CENSORSHIP, POWER-TRIPPING, MASS-BANNING. Literal dickpic collecting fggit named the0clean0slate banning and censoring users who called out his nutriding of non-Asians and male feature-fetish. Lu-chaserFGGIT after Lu-chaserFGGIT appointed because a non-cucked AM is a threat to shart “aSIAn” street-shitter arc. This sub is a endless loop of the tiring fggit cuck shit since the start. Daily ch1mpouts at AM who decided not to be worthless Lu-idolizing fggit cucks. Constant support for the demonrat party despite the horseshit “Non-PArtiSaN” slogan. Ceaseless censorship and ceaseless denial of censoring. Cockroach after cockroach (((subversive))) fggits (including NON-ASIAN LARPERS) crawling into ai to surprise, ch1mp at AMXF, push for Lu-chasing, and/or shill for the (((left))). What “oUtrEaCH”? What “aCtIvISM”? Fucking aiNCEL “aCtiViSTs” are literal cuck fggits demanding each and every AM to be lu-chasers like them. The very cringey ass shits that write “dA laDEe iS '''C o S m I c & G o D l Y''', wE mUst SavE'eM All”. Same fucktards that say '''wE''' must “sUpPoRT” and never vet famous Lus and Cucks. The aiNCEL subreddit is a fucking (((psy-op))) controlled opposition sub to create the illusion there is a “fRee SpEEcH” sub opposite r/ aa. Curryarcel continues sucking off (((reddit admins))) to keep the joke going, while users continue to be censored and banned. This is “Asian Identity”: Lu-chaser castrated eunuch, pro-sjw, pro-censorship, pro-antiAsian, pro-nonAsian, anti-Asia.
there doesn't seem to be anything here