August: The Forty-ninth month of cucking. Fecesarch once again spews laughable claim he is “nOn-PaRtiSAn” despite the mountains of evidence he is the (((demonrat's))) BITCH. Yet another year of COCKLESSCOCKROACHFGGITmovement and his femoid fGGiT ch1mpouts at AM/AMXF/XF/Asia because spazzing and REEEEEEEEeing on reddit 24/7 is his only purpose in life. In more positive news, the depraved, cockpic-collecting, male body enthusiast the0cock0slate/KeepItSafe25 is FINALLY BANNED from reddit. Arcel ass-kisser Dear-blkBlower continues the mass-censorship of aiNCELs while blowing non-Asians of every kind. GluggyCUCK openly admits aiNCELs is the fucking SUBSERVIENT BITCH of the (((reddit admins))). Only on aiNCELS are banshee LU KKKunts like 'Alaskan91' allowed to sperg at AM while praising street-shitting raping currys. Only on aiNCELS would you find cockless fggit eunuchs blowing blks instead of being “pRo-AsiaN”. Every month, every year, every day there are aiNCEL fggits ch1mping and screeching at the very idea of AMXF. Because being a fucking ball-less simp FGGIT thristing after “mUh AYEFF” is something to be “proud of”.
September: The Fiftieth month of cucking. Another fggit ass “uLtimAtUM” issued by feces boy after users start flushing the poo and realize induks aren't Asian. Currycelarc once again exposed as the demonrat's bitch shill, spewing: “Don'T AbanDOn Da LEFT”. Goalpost-moving fucking fggit curry claims “I Don'T CaRE BOUT EnDia”, yet spazzes at facts about poojeet rape! More damning proof aiNCELs was fucked from the beginning, as the fggit curry demands users critical of (((abrahamic))) religions STFU. Delusional jenkem-huffer claims ai is on “tHe SamE LEVeL” as MLK! Immature femoid FGGT COCKLESSCOCKROACHFGGITmovement has the gall to call someone else “iMMaTuRE”! Schizo feminists, non-Asians, and all other (((subversive))) groups continue to be placed before Asians because the aiNCEL FGGIT mods don't give a flying fuck about Asia/Asians. The beginning of the end of aiNCELs as cockless fggits like 'deseq', 'Roxas198810', 'AsianAmericanism' crawl into the sub, leading the 24/7 aiNCEL simp brigade ch1mpout at AMXF and Lu criticism. Worthless flaming sjw FGGIT '78fivealive' FINALLY offs his cringey ass account.
October: The Fifty-first month of cucking. No low the poocel won't go, demanding aiNCEL eunuchs brigade-upvote his cringe tweets! Fggit cuury hijacks other people's efforts and claims the aiNCELs “acCompLisHeD SOMEtHinG”! FGGIT aiNCELs now a platform for the most depraved fggt (((leftists))), k1kenosed (((subversives))), batshit LUs of all kinds, and insidious xm, NOT “pRo-AsiaN”. Curryarcel reveals how fucking depraved he really is, calling his fggit shills “a SPEcIAl BreeD”. COCKLESSCOCKROACHFGGITmovement does what his worthless femoid fggit eunuch ass has been doing since he opened his abomination of an account: ch1mp 24/7 at AMXF/Lu-critics existing. No low Blk-BlowerFGGT and GluggyCUCK won't go, AUTO-CENSORING users critical of “mUh xm” and “MuH LU”. R/ aiNCELs in the ninth circle of cuckold hell, sodomized by FGGiTs 'CUCKxas198810', 'owlcel', 'k1keseq', 'tomatoFGGIT2020', and many more. The Muslim-Marxist-Christian-retard-cuckold-flamingsjw original subverter fggit himself, K1kesiple888, crawls back to aiNCELS to continue the (((mindfuck))) of the tard eunuchbase.
November: The Fifty-second month of cucking. Street-shitting sUPreMe curryarcel jizzes to six years of mass-censorship, mass-banning, (((flaming-sjwism))), xm-blowing, and LU-chasing. Another cuckold, phony ass-kisser eunuch 'machinavelli' is appointed aiNCEL mod. Two-faced fggt poojeet shits up the whole street whenever Endia is criticized in anyway, yet claims “i OnlYs CarEs Bout AzN MuRIca”. Fucking pathetic femoid little FGGT COCKLESSCOCKROACHFGGITmovement continues his “aYEFf” 'lostaznkid' LARP alongside his tiring bitch palace eunuch 24/7 screeching at AMXF's existence. FGGITaiNCEL mods sink to even lower depths, GILDING every comment made by ass-kissing shills! “pRos AzNN” a complete and TOTAL JOKE, as the blk-blowerfggt mod continues grabbing his ankles for “mUh xm” while mass-removing anything offending “dA aLLieSs”. RETARDED FGGT aiNCELS enjoy being sodomized for another month by FGGTK1KEseq, K1KESIPLE888, and CUCKxas198810. R/ am officially r/ aSiaN FGGiTrY, as mental fucking retard eunuch screeches, “hOWs DoeS Sun Tzu HelP Us Win Back M'LaDEE”?
December: The Fifty-third month of cucking. R/ aiNCELS confirmed to be a openly ANTI-AM shithole, thanks to COCKLESSCOCKROACHFEMOIDFGGITmovement. The FGGITaiNCEL mod team continue silencing anyone critical of their pro-NONAsian agenda. Damning exhibit of aiNCEL mod infantile behavior, as the Blk-BlowerFGGT screeches at having to scroll down a webpage! Penis-obsessed FGGIT the0cock0slate is FINALLY BANNED from twitter, further proving r/ aiNCELs' “ReaCh” is a laughable JOKE. Intense ciArcel-sponsored (((psy-op subversion))) of r/ aiNCELS continues while the fggteunuchbase grab their ankles and smile.
January: The Fifty-forth month of cucking. R/ aiNCELS fucked beyond repair, as curryfggitarcel and COCKLESSCOCKROACHFEMOIDFGGITmovement mass-remove anyone calling out the (((subversive))) “ConTriBUtor” non-Asian fggts like k1kenoseq and r/ aaFGGITism. COCKLESSCOCKROACHFEMOIDFGGITmovement reveals he was raised by a single LU KKKunt mother, explaining all of his femoid fggtry and abominable simp behavior. Ball-less eunuch id confirmed the millionth time as the 24/7 screeching eunuch FGGIT aiNCELS sperg at AMXF existing. R/ aiNCELs now home to the most degenerate and insidious fucking fggit r/ aa eunuchs like 'ShotsAways'.
February: The Fifty-fifth month of cucking. Arcel buttboy/xm-Blower/mass-censoringFGGIT 'Dear-Flower' is FINALLY BANNED from reddit. R/ aiNCELS goes from KUCKTUREmedia all the way back down to sucking off (((Ken Jeong))). Retard aiNCEL FGGITS decide holding their ankles for blks and demonrats is better than being “pRo-AsiAN”.
March: The Fifty-sixth month of cucking. No limits to curryarcel's fggitry, letting the Blk-Blower back in with a new alt, 'frozenrune'. MarleyTard proven once in for all to be the buttboy shill of the aiNCEL mod team, not the phony ass “PrO-AsIAN UsER” he claims to be. R/ AsiAN FGGITry tards continue singing praises of the (((muSLim-Marxist-Christian-retard-cuckold-flamingsjw))) FGGT that fucked up their brains ('Disciple888'/'Ok_Consideration1886'). R/ “am” now a complete abomination femoid fggt of a sub, with mod INCELnem continuing to blow the street-shitters, and the eunuchbase ch1mping at the word 'A-M-X-F'. The month r/ aiNCELS and r/ asiaN FGGItRY died for good, when the most cockroach femoid fucking abomination of simps named 'Kronoform' crawls in.
April: The Fifty-seventh month of cucking. The frozenBLK-Blower FGGIT is BANNED a second time, hopefully for good. No low aiNCEL F&GG0Ts won't go, raging at Bruce Lee for not being a “loYaL” fucking FGGIT bitch simp for “Muh aY EFF lADEEEeEeeeeeeeeeee”. R/ aiNCELs and r/ AsiAN FggItRy permanently on DEFCUCK-5, day after day, week after week, the same tiring FGGIT EUNUCH CH1MP at Lu-criticism, AMXF, and the left. All by the same abominable F&GG0Ts ('Kronoform', 'owlficus', 'Juuto').
May: The Fifty-eighth month of cucking. No low the street-shitter arcel won't fucking go, now reporting users critical of “Da wEST” DIRECTLY TO THE (((REDDIT ADMINS))). Appalling aiNCEL fggtry, COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITmovement spews: “AsiAn HisToRY DoESN'T FUCKInG MATTeR”! R/ aiNCELS now r/ aiNCELSIMP “iDeNTitY” because the F&GG0TS MUST jizz to “Muh aYY EFFFff LADDDDDDDDDdddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEE”, suck off (((subverters))) like K1keFGGITsiple888, and ch1mp 24/7 at AMXF existing in order to function.
June: The Fifty-ninth month of cucking. Feces-taster once again ejaculates to “MuH SuB CouNT” that is overwhelmingly non-Asian. Yet another ABSOLUTE FUCKING F&GG0T SIMP 'MechAITheFuture' is appointed by the street-shitter because there can NEVER be actual “pRo-AsiAns” on the aiNCEL subreddit. Arcel two-faced FGGITry on display once more, ragesharting when Endian racism is brought up despite “ai Is AboUT AAs”. R/ aiNCELs also PRO-xmLARPER “iDenTitY” as the f&g aiNCEL mods openly allow xm FGGT 'SouthChineseAmerican' on the sub as long as he likes while permabanning actual Asian users. Point of no return for this f&gg0t abomination of a sub, COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITmovement openly proclaims AM HAVE NO FREE SPEECH ON THE SUB, aiNCEL mod f&gs GluggyCUCK and BitchaitheCUCKOLD covering for ALL the banshee LU KKKunts on the sub, K1KeFGGITsiple allowed to sodomize tard users into (((flaming sjws))), 24/7/365 ch1mps at AMXF existing by the SAME F&GG0T FEMOID SHILLS KUCKCOCKROACHFGGITform, Owlcel, CUUCKto, CUCKEDFGGTAways, etc. This is it, the final circle of hell for aiNCELs. If you thought it was bad before, think again. THE most fucking abomination F&GG0T DISGRACE FUCKING FEMOID of a “mALe” 'Siakim43' (aka Roxas198810) craps out THE most CRINGE ASS FUCK SHITSTAIN OF A SIMP POST YET, ejaculating and claiming “Da AyyyY EFFFF LadEEEEEEEEESSS aRe '''''''''CoSMiC''''''''' anDS '''''''''GoDlEEEeeeeEEE'''''''''"!
July: The Sixtieth month of cucking. The fuck is even the point of aiNCELS anymore? “mUh ActiViSM”? “mUh Pro-AsiANs”? “mUh ChANGe For AzN MurICa?” FUCK NO. It is 24/7 (((subversion))), 24/7 kowtow to xm, 24/7 ch1mp at AMXF existing, 24/7 jizz to Muh “GODLEEEee AYY EFFFFFFf”, 24/7 support everything ANTI-ASIAN, 24/7 kowtow to street-shitting rapist currys who are '''''''aSIAns ToO'''''''', 24/7 suck off (((leftism))), 24/7 unconditionally jizz to LU/CUCK (((cEleBeRtiES))), 24/7 censorship of anything offending “Muh laDEEe” or “mUh WesT” or “Muh xm AlliES”. Everything aiNCELs claimed it wasn't going to be, it ended up becoming.
there doesn't seem to be anything here