Cases of cucking:
archelogy's highlight reel for this month
EUNUCHFGGITmovement's highlight reel for this month
And the worthless fucking f&gg0t little femoid locust spazzes and mashes [remove] upon seeing the term, 'AMXF', EVERY DAY EVERY YEAR SINCE aiNCELs' inception! 2/1/23
Who fucking else but this cockroach femoid waste of life approves ALL posts sperging at AMXF's existence? 2/1/23
What else would the cockless fggit little femoid do every fucking login? 2/7/23
Criticism of "mUh FAUlTLEsSS GODlEEe LaDEeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" forbidden because of a certain single LU-raised fucking worthless femoid sack of shit. 2/10/23
The cockless femoid little f&gg0t again pretends to "CriTICIZe" Lus! 2/17/23
Who fucking else but this worthless little cockless sack of pathetic femoid shit would approve anything anti-AM? 2/23/23
F&gg0t cockless cockroach femoid waste of life only logs in to censor any mention of AMXF. 2/24/23
Literally the only purpose of this worthless fucking little f&gg0t femoid's account. 2/28/23
Cucking committed by other Aznid mods
Cucking committed by Aznid Shills
Percentage of cucking by mod:
archelogy – 62% (29 cases)
asianmovement – 17% (8 cases)
other - 21% (10 cases)
R/ aiNCELs remains a laughing stock. MuH MASS-CENSORSHIP. MuH xm ''''''''''ALLiaNce''''''''''. Fucking dead aiNCELs frontpage. Deader than dead KUCKTUREMEDIA and aiNCEL “tWitTer”. Only ass-kissing f&gg0t eunuchs get to be approved. Same old fucking worthless f&g users ('Siakim43', 'Kronoform', 'Ok-Consideration1886', owlficus') running rampant. Incessant xm subversion. Open shilling for (((western political parties))). Thought fucking street-shitting currycel archelogy sharted up aiNCELs this month to “iMpRoVEeE” the sub? Fuck no. It was always about sucking off “mUH (((xm))) aLLiESsS” and the (((west))). Every single fucking promise was broken. “No SuBmiSSiOn REsTrIcTIOnS”, “No FiltER”, “No SoFt BaNss”, “nO PowEr-trIPPinGG”. R/ aiNCELs will always be remembered as a colossal fucking joke.
there doesn't seem to be anything here