Maybe it is time to change the paradigm.
Besides from idiots trying to apply capitalisms end-game to problems.
If you got some humanity in you, you won't share your data with their 600-pages-agreements simply because:
even if they aren't able to exploit YOU with the data you freely are handing them all people in your peer group their
appropiate neural network at this point in time actually is handling.
It is like reverse Corona: By putting up with it, silently you are agreeing to their terms and conditions.
Why should you do that ? Why EVER should you give up freedom your ancestors fought so hard for to get ?
Why change your point of view just because some bully (let me rephrase: late-stage-capitalism-asshole-with-rich-parents)
sells a product brought to you by so many microtargeted-advertisements, that could really descrew your head, if you ever put your mind to it?
Are you already descrewing your head on your own, e.g. buying an amazon bug or drone into your OWN home? Are you considering it ?
Are you completely into the Google universe? Which only tries to make you a data-mine (e.g.: translate: SLAVE) to them ?
Are you completely into Apple ? Sorry, i can't help with religion and belief. Apple is bad.
I despise their devices.
I believe and hope, both these guys die on impact. Elon Musk on Mars and Jeff Bezos on Earth's Moon.
Statistics tells the story. The story, that I as an engineer am -in fact- have rights. That desperately need defense. But so are you and your rights.
Bezos won't mine anything besides from your personal data, so support your local shops.
Musk is just pulling the Darth Vader on all your hopes. That is why he simulates to be so fucking abundant.
There always is hope, the problem George Lucas had, is: He needed a sword to symbolize it. Hope needs no symbol. Not even a dove.
Hope doesn't need a fucking sword. Hope also doesn't need no "Baby Yoda" to put you on your ass.
Swords are for people that like to kill and think that a like. These usually are people differing on life itself.
Psychopaths. To be short. Life "lives" and goes on. You never know, where to.
Life itself is all connected and surely you know that.
Every tree we cut e.g. tells his siblings by "smell" mostly that humans are assholes.
He/she isn't wrong in that, you know, right ?
If if you don't know, you can feel it, or at least there was a time, where you could.
Both try to being "Emperor". Their dicks are shrinking right now.
Time to wake up and maybe it is time to change your paradigm.
I can't define your paradigm. Only you can. Only you can suck big-techs-dicks. Or you can't.
Even if you give in, there still are 0.3 % of users who don't. Think about why this rate stayed constant the last 20 years. Think about it.
This isn't fucking easy so don't simulate it is or should be.
[–]iamonlyoneman 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun - (1 child)
[–]forscher[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)