I met this morning the coolest of people imaginable and I'm really impressed by them.
Ok so get this,
They've got 3 kids and working on making a 4th. She (mom) was born in 1991 and he (dad) was born in 1990 which means that neither one of them was alive in the 1980s (like me). However, I walked into their home and Ka-blam! I stepped back in time to the early 1980s.
They just recently moved into my area and because of all the insanity going on these days I just couldn't properly welcome to the area. Well that changed this morning and I went and took over some treats in order to say hi. She's a stay at home mom, which is no surprise in my area. The shock was how they decorated their home and the giant picture of Ronald Regan in their hallway.
Okie dorkie, they spent a lot of time on research and getting everything right but this is housewife-mom sub and that's not the important stuff. The amazing part is that they have no Internet, no cell phones and digital technologies. They have an old 80s TV with a "VCR" and kids cartoons on VHS tapes and this is the closest that their children get mainstream entertainment.
Their kids are delightful and friendly but I had to ask how are they preparing their kids to live in a highly technological world. Once again I'm totally amazed because their father is teaching them how to code with books and pencil and paper. He gives them assignments and they write it out on paper and he corrects them. He also makes them read schematics about stuff like computers and phones.
I have a ton of questions more to ask and I forgot to ask why they chose the 1980s. Good news is we don't live too far apart and I'll have time to find out. Their home is literally the coolest place I've ever visited.
[–]ihaveyourdress [score hidden] (0 children)