BITTERSWEET SEEDS - Content Overview
For the /s/BittersweetSeeds project.
First posted: 2019-05-25 | Last update: 2019-06-18
If you are sick and tired of mediocre media, propaganda programming, consumer culture, chaos exploitation, and being told what and how to think by those with stolen resources, then be active in developing better entertainment trying to make the world a better place and put the Machiavellians and their normie lackeys to shame.
BsS - Summary
Bittersweet Seeds is an epic hard-science-fiction cautionary tale, screenplay, storyboard, graphic novel, and feature film project that will be transparently published on this sub where it will be refined, developed, and evolve with public feedback.
Hard science fiction is "characterized by concern for scientific accuracy and logic" so there are no magical creatures or exceptional technologies that defy common sense and physics. Because technology is growing at such a rapid pace I've found it difficult to feel confident about what the new developments in the world will be like beyond 2050 or so. Moreover, part of the "real world building" includes truth seeking to understand the future via historical precedent establishing geopolitical contextualization for events to play out in.
Bittersweet Seeds aims to be palatable to intelligent mainstream audiences. Non-fictional conspiracies within will be minimal or background Easter eggs. (Trutherism 101 will address contemporary conspiracies full on.) Sadly most media is simple minded distraction with few if any lessons, warnings, or greater context that may affect or improve our lives. I want to see more content like this out there.
I started writing this story in 2001, picking it up now and then. In 2007 much of the foundations were laid with the intentions of making the most meaningful, revolutionary, and life impacting story possible. No small task, but falling short of greatness might still be really good. For the last decade I progressed in fits and starts and after much chaotic research and enough random notes to fill several large volumes, everything was flipped in early 2015 when I dived deep into countless layers of conspiracies to unmask the deepest reaches of trutherism. It then became a different story, but I realized needed to branch and also develop what is now Trutherism 101 in order to return to the undiluted essence and restore this story with the other as an outlet to seek out, expose, and raise uncomfortable questions about conspiracies. Here, after many attempts to start from scratch in private, this public display will be the final proving ground.
BsS - Table Of Contents
This overview list includes potential titles of posts that are also major task goals, information, creative content, etc. These will be text posts with content that may be updated, refined, and linked here as things develop.
Bittersweet Seeds: Content Overview ◀ you are here
/s/BittersweetSeeds/wiki/ - scratch pad, for now, to draft rough content before sharing
Bittersweet Seeds: Project Status + To Do Lists
Bittersweet Seeds: Project Seeking Help / Creative Help
Glossed And Profound: Origin Story, A Brief History Of How These Projects Came To Be
Bittersweet Seeds: Predictions - Before it's all unveiled I want to hear your ideas about where this story may be going and the ideas presented, as a whole or scene by scene as I release them, much the way people speculate what the next Star Wars movie will be about.
Bittersweet Seeds: Story Summary Variations, with SPOILERS
- Bittersweet Seeds: Logline / Elevator Pitch - 1 or 2 LINE plot summary
- Bittersweet Seeds: Outline - 1 or 2 PARAGRAPH plot summary
- Bittersweet Seeds: Synopsis - 1 or 2 PAGE plot summary
- Bittersweet Seeds: Treatment - ~10 PAGE long form summary
- Bittersweet Seeds: Novelette - detailed short story or novel, not in screenplay format
- Bittersweet Seeds: Feature Screenplay / Movie Script - 90 to 120 PAGES = 90 to 120 minutes
Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft - first pass, getting as much out as fast possible with micro revisions if any
- Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Introduction - preparatory explanations
- Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 1A - not in screenplay format
- Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 1B - not in screenplay format
- Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 2A - not in screenplay format
- Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 2B - not in screenplay format
- Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 3A - not in screenplay format
- Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 3B - not in screenplay format
- Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Conclusion - reflections, admissions, processes, and anticipations
Bittersweet Seeds: Feature Screenplay, First Draft - first draft, reasonably polished and refined, ready to shoot in rare cases
Bittersweet Seeds: Deconstruction & Tone
- Bittersweet Seeds: Q: What's In A Name?
- Bittersweet Seeds: Q: What Is Cyberfunk?
- Bittersweet Seeds: Q: Who/What is vHOPE?
- Bittersweet Seeds: Plot breakdowns, character arcs, and character backstories
- Bittersweet Seeds: Our future world, in 2045 to 2050 give or take
- Bittersweet Seeds: Comparative References = inspirations and similarities in media, ideas, futurism, history, politics, physics, architecture, etc.
- Bittersweet Seeds: Creative Direction = unscripted detailed notes on filmmaking, cinematography, production design, colour schemes, themes, tone, pace, music, etc.
Glossed And Profound: Production Management
- Bittersweet Seeds: Management
- Bittersweet Seeds: Financial Resources
- Bittersweet Seeds: Human Resources
- Bittersweet Seeds: Technical Resources
- Bittersweet Seeds: Imagery Production
- Bittersweet Seeds: Conceptual Sketches
- Bittersweet Seeds: Storyboards - rough composition and action
- Bittersweet Seeds: Building 3D Sets
- Bittersweet Seeds: Composing 3D Shots
- Bittersweet Seeds: Shot By Shot Development
- Bittersweet Seeds: Finals - uploading, sharing
- Bittersweet Seeds: Graphic Novel - finished illustrations compiled for publication
- Bittersweet Seeds: Publishing
Bittersweet Seeds: Beyond The Book, A Feature Film
- Bittersweet Seeds: Board-O-Matic - a crude movie with very limited animation of the storyboards
- Bittersweet Seeds: Pre-Production - ?
Bittersweet Seeds: Fan Fiction - ? (ie. in the same future hard-sci-fi universe)
Glossed And Profound: Public Relations - communications, social media, press management
- Glossed And Profound: Social Media Activity & Interactivity & Support Promotion
- Glossed And Profound: Social Media Product Promotion
- Glossed And Profound: Social Media Project Promotion
- Bittersweet Seeds: Distribution
- Bittersweet Seeds: Website
- Bittersweet Seeds: Web Versions Of Book
- Bittersweet Seeds: Web Stores
- Bittersweet Seeds: Donations & Gifts
▶ Glossed And Profound & Glossed Over & Truther Top 20s = FLOSS content ◀
▶ Bittersweet Seeds & Trutherism 101 © Jason Carswell of Glossed And Profound ◀
▶ Once established with sufficient momentum, sustainability, and security, these projects will be open-sourced. Upon the untimely demise of Jason Carswell all become F/LOSS.
▶ /s/GlossedOver + Content Overview + wiki, participation discussion over all 5 projects
▶ /s/GlossedAndProfound + Content Overview + wiki, management
▶ /s/BittersweetSeeds + Content Overview + wiki, in development
▶ /s/Trutherism101 + Content Overview + wiki + InfoGalactic T101, in development
▶ /s/TrutherTop20s + wiki + InfoGalactic TT20, ongoing
▶ donate options + merchandise store = coming eventually
▶,, and were registered on 2019-05-01 for future use. Long in conception, finally here on SaidIt, the official origin place, started on May Day, 2019. May 1 is a metonym for International Workers Day, a day of celebration of the working class. Behind it lies a complex largely forgotten history dating back over one-and-a-half centuries. Look into it.
Bittersweet Seeds thumbnail image not working for some reason
alt thumbnail
there doesn't seem to be anything here