Critical Shower Thoughts:
A safe place to discuss outside-of-the-box thinking.
Post Guidelines
Most subjects are welcome here; C_S_T is more a style of thinking than a list of topics.
We do ask that you add a few sentences to the text box of the post explaining the title or giving some context. Links are disabled for a reason; don't simply put a link in the self text. Drama from other subs is not welcome here. Posts that don't conform to this simple request will be deem low-effort, or "shit-posts," and are subject to removal. Repeat offenders are subject to a ban.
The Golden Rule
Treat others with respect and avoid conversations devolving into insults.
If you feel the need, attack the argument, not the person. Link to sources that further explain your view, and debate the sources on their factual basis. Personal attacks or logical fallacies are an inferior debate technique and not suitable for this sub. Most users will be given a warning. Repeat offenders may be subject to a ban (which may be permanent).
Moderation Policy
In our efforts to remain as censor-free as possible, we generally do not delete comments. Furthermore, we try to approach moderation as "Hands-Off" as possible in these concerns. We still encourage Reporting offenses of the Golden Rule, as it helps us to monitor for the potential to intervene, if necessary.
[–]Enlighten3d 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)