Welcome to Christian Right - a place for Christians to discuss Right/Alt Right Politics without being set upon with screeching SJW harpies and useful idiots. Some rules to keep in mind while here:
- Abide by the sitewide rules.
- No doxxing or harassing of individuals
- We're a biased sub. Christians and the right sympathetic are favored here.
- SJWism is a pestilence and a reportable offense
- Irreligious people posting out of context bible quotes are banned on sight.
- This is not a debate sub. If you hate the right/alt-right and are coming here because you want to be a voice of dissent or argue, go elsewhere. You have most of the internet for that.
- No blackpilling. It's indistinguishable from concern-trolling SJWs trying to screw with morale.
- This sub is run by a despot.
Check out /s/debatealtright for saidit's premier alt-right discussion sub.
General Alt-Right Links of Interest
Breitbart News - Breitbart News, home of Milo Yiannapolous and a host of good authors. At times alt-right and Christian sympathetic, though not exclusively. Entertaining, thought provoking, not terribly cucky.
Taki's Magazine - Pat Buchanan, Steve Sailer, Gavin McInnes and others have columns here. Ecletic, typically funny, more alt-right sympathetic at times than truly alt-right.
Redpanels - Comic, alt-right sympathetic. Funny, witty, thoughtful.
Stonetoss - Comic, basically Redpanels 2.0
American Renaissance - Thoughtful write-ups concerning white identity, and information regarding interracial crime & human biodiversity. Founded by the genteel "grandfather" of the alt-right Jared Taylor.
Faith and Heritage - Information regarding the intersection of European ethnic identity and Christianity from a historical, and scriptural perspective.
VDARE - Run by Peter Brimelow, this is one of the oldest vanguards on the debate for white Americans to have a country, and for the restriction of mass third world migration into the United States.
General Christian Sites of Interest
Edward Feser - Blog of the author of the incredible The Last Superstition. Has nothing to do with the alt-right, and everything to do with theistic thought, particularly where confronting the ever-cucky New Atheists are concerned.
Dalrock - Blog of anonymous Christian Dalrock. Not alt-right, but still thought provoking and iconoclast. Largely pays attention to feminism issues in a critical way.
Facts of Interest and Utility
Over 700+ Hate Facts to light up your conversations with!
[–]Airbus320 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)