Q: Why are (almost) all governments pushing for the vaccine passport when
1. Not everyone (A) wants (B) needs or (C) is safe, to have the "vaccines"
(A) People who do not want a vaccine i.e. for faith reasons e.g. the Amish who have reached herd immunity
(B) People who do not need a vaccine i.e. they have
(i) covid immunity i.e. recovered from covid
(ii) cross-immunity i.e. have T-cells that protect against covid even though they did not have it - from either
(a) prior infection to other coronaviruses, or
(b) prior vaccination for other viruses
(iii) a well prepared immune system i.e. they are
(a) not immunocompromised
(b) not undergoing treatment for other disease(s) or
(c) not vitamin D deficient
(C) The "vaccines" have not been proven safe, or are in fact unsafe for some people
(i) Those who are allergic to the ingredients of the shots (NOTE: These were specifically mentioned by the "vaccine" makers) [Perhaps allergy tests should be conducted prior to taking them]
(ii) women who are pregnant / planning for pregnancy or are breastfeeding (NOTE: The vaccine makers advised these to discuss their options with their healthcare provider / doctor)
(iii) Those groups not included in the trials (NOTE: only healthy adults aged under 70 were included in the trials i.e. there is no information whether the "vaccines" are safe for those above 70, as well as those who are immunocompromised or are taking other medication)
2. The "vaccines" including experimental gene therapies have not been FDA approved, they have only obtained Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) because
(i) Clinical trials i.e. follow up on those vaccinated in phase 3, are still ongoing
(ii) mRNA vaccines have not been approved before. (NOTE: Non-mRNA vaccines normally take at least 5 years.)
3. The "vaccines were not meant for the masses since the majority of the people has a survival rate of at least 99% against the virus, and better with prophylaxis and early treatment
4. The EUAs are no longer justifiable given
(a) safer & effective cures
(b) adverse events - See data in VAERS
post covid "vaccination" data
all years recorded deaths
However, these are being suppressed.
A: The manner in which the Governments are pushing the "vaccine" passports is highly suggestive that public health is not their primary agenda. Public health experts have pointed out that imposition of vaccination passports would have the exact opposite effect i.e. the passports will only increase vaccine hesitancy.
The questions that must be further discussed:
Whether the Vaccine Passports are intended to serve the WEF's Great Reset Agenda i.e. to use the passport:
Whether this still qualifies as a pandemic given the exposure the world has had to the virus & the knowledge acquired over the virus & the possible cures over the past one year.
[–]fschmidt 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)