Government Is The Problem
9/11 began the war ON terror - based on government lies. If you won't see this then you are part of the problem.
COVID-19 began the war OF terror - based on government lies.
FEAR is the mind-killer and they have used it well to shut down MILLIONS of jobs and small businesses - in order to boost their corporate overlords and their matrix of full spectrum domination and control.
Corporations, their media, and their bought governments perpetually lie and always oppress. Most other nations already know it and suffer under it, but their views have been kept from most Western minds.
The sooner the masses realize the war is against them with manufactured hysteria based on exaggerated fear of remote threats, the sooner people will finally realize THE COPORATOCRACY IS THE ENEMY of all life on Earth.
This is the initial inconvenient truth to rise above all the confusion. Anyone who disagrees is ignorant or is a servant of the corporatocracy. Typically I don't subscribe to bold cover-all divisions like this, but here is the ultimate conclusion, where we can determine who's for humanity and who still serve the overlords. The infinite details can be debated - as they are indeed important - but not this fundamental fact: The corporatocracy is the enemy of all life on Earth.
I could go on and on about it, but this is already too long for such a simple fundamental fact separating the resistance from the loyal servants. This is the ONLY "tribalist division" I might ever support - not to exclude them, but to simply and clearly define them so we may win more of them over to the freedom side from the brainwashed-slave side. Regardless, the conversations must continue in order to inform, decentralize all things, find alternatives, and share solutions - together, not isolated - whether you see it or you don't.
" Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. "
~ Ronald Reagan
[–]ANIKAHirsch 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)