Students increasingly don't value free speech, support administrators monitoring online activity
I came across this article I saved on voat several months ago that prompted me to make a reply I didn't want to loose track of following the voat shutdown.
American colleges and universities have been experiencing a decline in male enrollment around 1-3% annually since the 1960's, which has been something of a norm across much of the western world. This decline in male enrollment can be seen across all ethnic groups, but has gone largely unnoticed as females and "international" students have been enthusiastically encouraged to fill what would be otherwise empty seats.
As the demographics of colleges and universities change to better cater to females and foreigners, it has done so by further alienating American males at a time when the value of a four year diploma has reached an all time low. Males making casual observations of the labor market understand that pursuing the diploma simply isn't worth the debt burden or the psychological stresses of navigating an environment increasingly hostile towards them. Colleges and universities have responded by being openly hostile towards the few American males who do enroll, which only accelerates their departure and the institutions collapse.
That said, the question begs to be asked, why do females and foreigners not care about free speech? Because it comes with consequences they're disinclined to risk experiencing. For women it means risking being ejected from the group by divulging their true motivations. For foreigners, it means potential jail or torture upon return to their countries of origin or for family back home. Risk is something both females and foreigners actively avoid. They will then work to avoid the liability it creates for them.
there doesn't seem to be anything here