A place to share, sell, discover, and buy interesting things, usually second hand items.
Re-find the refined.
You may mirror posts to your goods on other sites with larger crowds (and better transaction options), so realistically, this sub is for sharing your unique items of general interest with the SaidIt community with a chance that someone here may bite.
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You may share experiences and reviews.
You may post content about alternatives and solutions in economics, markets, trade, bartering, gifting, auctions, cryptocurrencies, rarities, organizing, etc.
Please Include
● Factual, honest detailed descriptions
(no surprises)
● Images
(indicate your photos vs.
stock photos)
● Link to your goods on other sites
● Transaction details
(price, exchange options,
pickup vs. mail vs.
international mail, etc.)
● Region
(ie. Ontario, Canada)
● Justify prices with links to
similar items on other sites
● Related history, trivia, and informative
links on similar items
● Clearly indicate when unavailable
(ie. delete post or
comment #SOLD
comment # No longer available
● No deceptions, manipulations,
"parodies", nor scams
● No illegal stuff
(go to the dark net if you must)
● One post per day max
(don't make me create this rule)
Buyers beware and use common sense. SaidIt and/or Flea Market mods are not responsible for any transactions, products/services, maintaining your privacy, nor any other unforeseen problems you might encounter herein. This is a trust-based alternative market on an open forum. Use the Private Messenger where necessary, but most importantly use common sense. If you believe you've been scammed, you are free to try to get attention and/or justice on SaidIt, but realistically it's unlikely.
May be useful: /s/Flea_Market/wiki
A flea market (or swap meet) is a type of street market that provides space for vendors to sell previously-owned (second-hand) merchandise. This type of market is often seasonal. However, in recent years there has been the development of 'formal' and 'casual' markets which divides a fixed-style market (formal) with long-term leases and a seasonal-style market with short-term leases. Consistently, there tends to be an emphasis on sustainable consumption whereby items such as used goods, collectibles, antiques and vintage clothing can be purchased.
Flea market vending is distinguished from street vending in that the market alone, and not any other public attraction, brings in buyers. There are a variety of vendors: some part-time who consider their work at flea markets a hobby due to their possession of an alternative job; full-time vendors who dedicate all their time to their stalls and collection of merchandise and rely solely on the profits made at the market. Vendors require skill in following retro and vintage trends, as well as selecting merchandise which connects with the culture and identity of their customers.
~ Wikipedia: Flea market
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