I used to be a TRA, until I started getting introduced to Gender Critical ideology. It truly opened my eyes to see how much transgender ideology re-enforces gender roles and traditionalist values, while playing off of people's mental illness and insecurities. It opened my eyes to see how destructive these transgender surgeries are and how little it makes sense to 'identify as' anything.
I understand all of this, and I hear trans people claim that they want to just live their lives as their 'true selves.' And if they were telling the truth, maybe I wouldn't have a problem with grown adults over the age of 25 mutilating their own bodies while understanding all of the risks and still choosing to do so (I can never support children and teens transitioning before their brains are fully developed). But it's never just that. They always want MORE. You give them an inch and they take the whole damn mile. I'm so sick of seeing 'women' like Blaire White and ContraPoints speak FOR women as if they can say what women feel or want or think on certain issues. To make matters worse, a lot of these TiMs try to tell actual WOMEN how to THINK.
I feel enraged when I see Blaire White, ContraPoints, and other TiMs have the audacity to sit there all dressed up like a blow-up doll or drag queen and act like they are entitled to speak on WOMEN'S issues, pushing sexist ideas, ideologies, and people. And these TiMs are on all sides of the spectrum. You have 'tradwife' TiMs who believe that they are God's gift to humanity for adhering to conservative gender roles and acting how they think a woman 'is supposed to behave.' They are advocating to ban abortion, birth control, and police a women's chosen career field, as it's not 'a woman's place.' You have the TiMs who dress like strippers and flipping their hair over their shoulders and harassing ACTUAL women because they think they're 'hotter than cis girls.' These types usually love to pander to MRAs and incels and feel MEN are the truly oppressed class.
I could seriously go on and on, but it just disgusts me how men dressed up as a mockery of women think they have the right to tell WOMEN how we should think, feel, and behave, while speaking FOR us as if they represent us.
EDIT: I suppose I didn't make myself clear. I am not specifically talking about Blaire White and ContraPoints. They are just 2 minor examples of my broader point to address this phenomenon in a general scope. There are dozens of other TiMs out there who do far worse than Blaire White and ContraPoints; those are only 2 examples of this phenomenon. Sorry for the confusion.
Edit 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/terfisaslur/comments/ho1nwi/i_just_dont_have_words_supreme_female/ This is just a yikes from me.
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