Ellen, an extremely significant gay icon and one of the most famous female comedians to ever be in the business, is being cancelled because the men on her show have been sexually assaulting women and mistreating staff and the network failed to inform the employees about their pay.
So, let's go over it again. Male network execs fuck with people's money. Male producers sexually assault women on the show. Therefore, Ellen, a woman, needs to be cancelled, because of the actions of men.
But even worse than sexual assault, Ellen is being accused of being MEAN. Oh my god, a not nice woman...burn her at the stake! rolls eyes
But this cancelling has been in the works for a while, because the root of what Ellen actually did was wrong-think. The first calls for cancelling started when Ellen stood up for Kevin Hart, in the midst of a woke mob campaign to stop him from hosting the Oscars. She said she felt bad for him, the woke mob didn't represent the real majority, that he wasn't homophobic, that he's a comedian, and sometimes comedians go too far and learn from it, that he's a good man and should host the Oscars. And holy shit, did the reign of "white feminism!!11!" come down hard on Ellen for this.
Then Ellen was caught being friendly with GWB. She didn't apologize. She said she has friends she doesn't agree with politically. Even if we disagree about her saying this (which I do), the hate for Ellen became really solidified and once again, twitter was rampant with "white feminism" X100 now.
Then transgender youtuber NikkiTutorials referred to Ellen as "cold and distant". He went on to say "Maybe I'm being naive, but I expected them to welcome me with confetti: Welcome to 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show'!" And "Every guest at Ellen had a private toilet, but I didn't," she said, referring to a bathroom. "I couldn't even use the closest toilet to me because it was reserved for the Jonas brothers."...(these TiM's and their fucking obsession with toilets). But clearly, this is Ellen's fault. Surely, as the host and writer, she doesn't have better things to do than make decisions about dressing rooms and bathrooms. I'm sure she is personally in control of this. /s
Then a comedian, Kevin T. Porter, comes out saying he'll donate $2 to the food bank for every mean Ellen story someone can tweet at him (surely, people won't lie for the sake of the cause).
Now an investigation has been launched against the show, and Ellen is being singled out for a culture of toxicity and sexual assault that is rampant EV-ER-Y FU-CK-ING-WHERE. See, when Matt Lauer at NBC sexually assaults women for decades, Louis CK jerks off in front of women for decades, Weinstein rapes and pays off women for decades, Epstein rapes and trafficks teen girls for decades, Cosby drugs and rapes for decades, Moonves rapes and harasses women for decades...multiple investigations had been done, but surpressed by the New York Times and the Washington Post and other major media outlets. These stories only come out when there is a media incentive and it corresponds to a larger narrative..when the backlash is popular.
What's happening at the Ellen Show is happening on all major TV/movie sets rampantly, trust and believe. But the neo-liberal left will pretend these aren't widespread social problems, but rather an Ellen problem, so they can shift any analysis of larger issues that we're all complacent in (or for men, literally enact and perpetuate) onto singled out, "bad" villians. And most often, the people the left loves to take down the hardest are rich white women. Not because they actually care about critiquing whiteness and class, but because they leverage and appropriate race as a tool that can be applied to any argument for virtue signaling, particularly when they seek to reinforce misogyny.
GC twitter has been really silent about this. We should all really speak out about how this cancelling of Ellen has strong overtones of misogyny and the perspective that significant female figures are merely disposable when they fuck up or aren't perfect, as well as the blatant contrast between men that say/do whatever all day, every day (including actual crimes), and women now being blamed the hardest for the crimes of men.
If anyone needs to be called for cancelling, it is the network and producers, whose actual job it is to handle/stop workplace conditions/sexual assault.
[–]FediNetizen 37 insightful - 1 fun37 insightful - 0 fun38 insightful - 0 fun38 insightful - 1 fun - (2 children)
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