In comments to Ellen Page transition letter, I saw a lot of people saying: "He is trans from a moment he said he is trans, because people are whatever they say they are".
And then same people commenting about wikipedia and her role in Juno of pregnant teen: "Page was always a man, so it was man who played a woman, not first time in movies man is playing woman".
Why they can't realize they are contradicting themselves? If people are what they say they are, then when Page played in Juno, she was saying she is a woman, so she was a woman. And that now she is saying she is a man means she is man now. So either she is not what she said she is back then (or now), or they must be saying that "she played a role of pregnant girl" and not "he". And going from other side, "He always was man" will mean that "she is what she say she is" again not working, because she said she was a woman before, so she could not be trans or man before, as she is what she said she is and she said she is a woman, not a man.
And if sex does not exist, then transition from what to what exactly? How anyone can be trans, if sex is just a social construct?
Is it specially so confusing, so casual people will just get lost and just believe what is said by gender ideologists to them?
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