Well I knew it was only a matter of time before people would find out I'm Gender Critical but I didn't think it would affect a group I was heavily invested in. So I've been into the Goth scene for a good long while and I used to frequent the reddit group fro the subculture for years but as of today, got official banned and I feel weird. Like I had a feeling it was gonna happen but I'm still kinda shocked.
I never posted any of my GC views on that sub and mostly kept it outside of it. Even when trans-identified people in that group would talk about their problems that GC views would definitely answer (especially Trans-identified women "Transmen"), I bit my tongue and just focused on the topics of the threads. But because I'm a YouTuber who's somewhat prominent in the scene, they did take notice to how I'd comment on GC videos. With my ban ,they actually created a thread to publicly call me out and list my transgressions from my support of Maya Forstater and JK Rowling back in 2019 to me not indulging in some closet-case bisexual man who claimed to be straight for liking trans-identified men/males and me just being blunt and saying that they're men. Its funny because the way they went about the thread was like a timeline of my beliefs because they went as far back as 4 years ago to when I still believed in the trans ideolog
What really got me though are the comments people left about me which were quite a few. The one that really stood out to me was ""If you're an outcast hating on outcasts, you're a hypocrite". so simply because I'm alternative and considered the fringe of society what with being a nonconforming, feminine presenting man, I'm not allowed to be critical of an alternative ideology apparently. I dunno. Or how they don't understand how a GNC gay man like myself could even be critical of trans ideology and in my head I'm like, "How could I not be?" I really do think that we GNC men and women are the more likely ones to see through the Trans ideology since we prove that "gender" is a social construct that can be broken.
I'm sorry, I just needed to do a light vent. Like I can't say I'm surprised because when you're Gender Critical, I know you have to run the risk of being seen as the bad guy or a monster but it's gonna be a bit of a bummer since I genuinely love Goth music and it was nice to have a place to talk about it with others who liked the music as well. I was already banned from a few Goth facebook groups back during the Maya Fortstater/JK Rowling situation so I guess it was inevitable that Reddit would be next.
Anyway, done rambling. Just needed to clear my head.
If you're curious about the call out, here's a post ( https://www.reddit.com/r/goth/comments/ncn7mn/transphobes_are_not_welcome_in_the_goth/ )
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