Has anyone else noticed the radical decrease in the usage of the word 'sexist', whether in the mainstream, or in the dwindling, active, feminist spheres on social media?
I did a search on Youtube for feminist/feminism & sexist/sexism, filtering the results by 'recent' (& limiting the length to longer videos in order to avoid "shorts" i.e. TikTok-hand-me-downs). In both cases I found virtually nothing, in the latter case all there was was Asian porn (who I guess were mixing it up with "sexiest") & manospherian content using the word in place of "reverse sexist" (the elusive prejudice against men).
I was suspicious of the word 'misogyny' being used exclusively by feminists of all colours – from the mainstream patriarchists in disguise to the radicals that oppose them. Words like misogynist/misogyny are far more difficult to type & say than sexist/sexism & as a result I see the former even often misspelled. I suspected that the reason for this change from 'sexism' to 'misogyny' was a way to be 'inclusive' of men with preferred pronouns.
This suspicion was confirmed after I saw this reddit post on AskFeminists, which, though still available to read, brandishes the label 'Banned for Misogyny' in, might as well be, scarlet letters, despite being anything but sexist:
The post in question asks feminists how they would feel if the most famous woman in the world was a man who self-IDs as trans & whether that would be good for women in general.
None of the responses answer the question, instead most of them get bogged down in the cure for cancer example that OP introduced & what a great hypothetical, individual achievement that would be. The rest of the replies, predictably pretend that the question is transphobic, simply for exposing self-ID's negative effects on the advancement of women's rights.
But the "interesting" thing about it is that it was banned for "misogyny" rather than "transphobia". If the word had been 'sexist', I doubt they would have been so bold as to refer to their favourite accusation of man-in-drag-phobia as 'sexism'.
I posit therefore that the erasure of the word sexism is a form of sexism, & it's replacement word 'misogyny' only further serves to erase the concept of sexism.
[–]bluetinfoilhat 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)