all 16 comments

[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–][deleted] 4 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 4 fun -  (2 children)

    You are the most bizarre person on this site besides the transgender admin.

    [–]Airbus320 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

    Probably a childless coomer

    [–]mongre 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    Stop. Feminism is cancer and a psyops intended to divide and rule. Plain and simple.

    Women are incapable of ruling others on their own. They become petty, quarrelsome bitches toward others, incapable of making decisive actions to prevent crisis and demonstrate leadership. Whenever they are in charge, things go to shit. I am not saying all women need to be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, but the vast majority should.

    Someone has to raise children. Losing stable home environments ruins children who end up becoming the vast majority of people we see today, pathetic, entitled brats, products of liberalism, feminism and a lack of respect for authority from a strong male figure.

    Your post is bonafide proof of what I am saying. Instead of focusing on your home, family and providing for them, which never would have put you here on this board, your life has you doing mental backflips between Prozac doses trying to piece together this clown world your cohorts have shit-stirred. Your culture is so fucked up you don't even know who you are, much less who any of these abbreviations are you easily spout as if normal people know what the hell you're talking about.

    Yes. Feminism will go away. Eventually we'll be at war again, as a society, a globe. In large part we'll owe it to feminism for putting women in charge who make insane leaps for left-leaning control over others (eg Nancy Pelosi), for making our men weak thus putting a target on our back, for destroying the strength of our nation.

    Once war shows up (again) feminism will be a laughing stock (again), joke material for the hundreds of thousands of men intent on tag-team fucking American women. Once you've been raped a few times, you'll cut that feminism shit out real quick, swallow your red pill and play real nice with a strong man like a good girl.

    [–]FlippyKing 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I think it is analogous to "the left" imploding. What passes for the "the left" today is coalition of middle class, upper middle class, and ruling class posers co-opting struggles of oppressed groups for their own gain. There has always been contention over the label of "feminism" between liberal and radical camps as seen in the fight fought by Catherine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin against porn in the 70s and how liberal feminists opposed them. There maybe has not been a single "feminism" since maybe women won the vote or access to education and to own property in the west. And back when those were the major concerns of most feminists, most men's unwillingness to look at sex-based oppression for what it is created a plane of friction between women's political lives and their personal lives.

    I think the biggest problem today, be it with "feminism" or worker's rights, or environmentalism, or every single issue facing us as groups and as individuals, is the way corporate and other powerful interests have hijacked all public discussions and made sure there are no good choices available. A seemingly infinite array of toxic mimics are out trying to dominate every discussion and shutting down any dissent. People on youtube who want to talk about the election audit in Maricopa County or about the covid vaccine have to do it in coded terms. We're all only here because any discussion that relies on the FACT that we are a sexually DImorphic species is censored.

    I think there are no viable solutions to any of the problems we are facing that are not created and pursued locally. Every time an issue is addressed in a broad national or global scale, too many powerful actors with far more at stake than any single community possesses jump in and hijack it. Even at local levels, these same powerful actors can evict people from homes, run leaky pipelines though neighborhoods, and impose ridiculous notions on the schools. These powerful actors will never set foot in these communities, yet they can "own" homes, control education, shutter whole business districts, and destroy the environments. Of course they can tell you the words "man" and "woman" are just identities, and "sex work" is good honest work for you and your daughters, but not theirs. of course they can create a thousand feminisms to obscure any real ones. Of course they can substitute scientism for science, authoritarianism for freedom and self determinism and bodily autonomy, of course they can be presented cold hard facts and claim to see nothing. Feminism has just turned to the same pile of shit everything else has become, because to let it do anything else would cut into someone's control and profit.

    [–]anfd 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    I wish you had received better answers!

    [–]QuondamPhysics 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    Considering the subtitle of this sub is "Male Radical Feminist Allies" I'm kind of wondering at both the post and the comments and if I'm in the right sub, but whatever. Here's my two cents.

    I saw this video once of a mixed-sex classroom who were told to march in place. The girls immediately began lockstepping with each other, following the same rhythm and movements, while the boys went off-time, found their own groove, basically did their own thing. Primate cultures in the wild like the bonobos, chimps, macaques, etc., have a female-dominated society, the females congregating in groups while the males circling the fringes, occasionally even trying their fortune in other groups. In these cases the "Alpha Male" is merely the male the alpha female chose as a mate, and all those bros who go around talking about "alphas" and "betas" are basically co-opting canine pack culture, but I digress. Gorillas are different of course but they're far more distinct genetically from humans than bonobos.

    So from this admittedly shallow understanding of anthropology I therefore submit that the concept of "inclusivity" is a female one. Females instinctively work to establish bonds and hierarchies in the community, while males stick around only if it works for them. Heterosexual males work to find their way in, whether by proving their worth, or if that fails, guile, manipulation, social gamesmanship, etc., with the ultimate goal of improving their mating opportunities, to have women play along with their sex fantasies about femininity, or just to gain a sympathetic female ear, or even some combination of all three. By instinctively decorating themselves in female plumage and engaging in their highly stylized performances of femininity, otherwise heterosexual TIMs (Trans-Identifying Males) circle female spaces like predators looking to be allowed in, while the arbiters of said community are inclined to let them out of their instinct to create relationships with those with which they believe to have common ground, or more often, someone who appears to be in need of help, hence why TIMs tend to exaggerate their feelings of persecution.

    The desire for inclusion is what created "liberal" feminism; women want what the rest of us want. They want people to like them. They want to be part of the group, part of the team, they want to have friends they can hang out and party with on a weekend. Second Wave feminists weren't "liked". They were angry. They had beef. Many had suffered abuse at the hands of men and in their quest to understand their trauma and systematize the recovery of their psyche, they, unfortunately, had their glance behind the curtain and saw how rusty and rotten the whole contraption was. Their lives, their anger, and anything they had to say contradicted the fantasies we all have for our lives that we, as a society, aspire to: love, adventure, safety, exceptionality. Third wave feminists are told by their elders that all the tools they use to make themselves special - their looks, their cosmetic prowess, their perceived accessibility, their good nature and flexible personal boundaries - are the same tools society uses to exploit them, to make demands and to coerce things from them, and third wavers didn't like that at all. Being desired is addictive and you can't kick the habit until you hit rock bottom.

    Lesbians in particular are vulnerable to the concept of inclusion because, traditionally, lesbians are outcasts. With the onset of socially acceptable corporate-sponsored queer culture, young lesbians and bisexuals are being offered the chance to be included with the cool kids. And not just included, but at the apex of a fabulous society of like-minded people of all races, sexes, gender identities, pronouns and letters of the alphabet. Their elder sisters tell them they're being used, manipulated; that the men in dresses they surround themselves with are predators, whether sexually or emotionally, narcissistic energy vampires draining away their life energy at best, sexually assaulting them at worst. But these younger lesbians look at the lives their sisters have led. Lonely, solitary existences, rejected by their families, fetishized by porn-obsessed men (at least if they're attractive), their dating pools so small that they're constantly in the position of having to date each other's exes if they can even find someone at all. And on top of that, lesbian gatekeepers telling them they're not lesbian enough. They're too femme. Too butch. They're not "gold star". They want to have kids. They don't want to have kids. It's not even the older lesbians' fault, really. All of them have stories about being burned by straight women who were just experimenting. All of them can relate to being left by their partner for a man. No thanks, say the young lesbians, or rather, "queer women". It's time to dye my hair and party at the Pride parade with a great big mass of queerness so large I can just disappear into the gestalt. My exceptional self can join a collective of like-minded specials and together our hive-mind will achieve an apotheosis of love and acceptance of all humanity for all eternity. 'Cause the human race is just peachy ya'll! I'm sure as hell not living on some ranch out in the middle of nowhere with no WiFi and no cell service, planting alfalfa sprouts with a bunch of ugly used-up dykes just because some man in eyeliner is watching me pee through the gap in the door to the bathroom stall! Forget that.

    Oh well. Unfortunately no one's prepared any of these people for old age. TIMs will go from drag queen to just plain drag. Pretty soon they'll have problems that cosmetic surgery or hormones just can't fix and the Big Pharma/Medical industry will find some other gullible demographic and leave them to rot. TIFs (Trans-Identifying Females) will literally go insane from the unnecessary medical procedures they inflicted on themselves in their youth, since hysterectomies substantially increase the chances of early-onset dementia in women ages 40-49. Third Wave feminists' looks will fade, their desirability will disappear, they'll lose their specialness, and vanish outside of society's notice. Young queer women will become old queer women, only these old women will find that their other queer friends have all disappeared, and they no longer have a community to reach out to, unlike the TERFs and those older dykes who've been sharing pot-luck dinners and mutual support for decades. By then, who knows. The Furries will probably be in charge. Animal rights activism will have a whole new meaning when people manage to legally declare themselves livestock.

    EDIT: punctuation and grammar

    [–]FlippyKing 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I'm pretty sure this sub was created by one of the women who set up the main GC sub, when the writing was on the wall at Reddit. That, I think, is where that unfortunate subtitle came from. I think being GC is not the same thing as being an "ally", and "ally" has been twisted into meaning a NPC.

    But, very interesting observations you shared. Thanks!

    [–]QuondamPhysics 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    That's... a solid point. It would be unfair and redundant to go to the trouble of making a non-radical-feminist gender critical allies sub, not to mention the loss of valid alternate perspectives in this one. And this sub's starved of content already. Fairly said.

    [–]filbs111 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    It seems a huge waste of human potential, but on the other hand, hard times make strong men. Why not strong women too?

    IMO, the job of "feminism", at least in the west, was largely over, and it was a solution in search for problems, and the problems it found were increasingly ridiculous. Manspreading etc. I used to make the informed assumption that anything said in the name of "feminism" in the modern day was likely to be bullshit.

    The whole "trans" thing is something that it seems a lot of women, who would previously assume that things in the media said in the name of "feminism" were in their interest, take issue with. A positive outcome is that a new set of people are seeing how activist types operate, and are realising the risk to limiting speech etc. Also, if I run into any feminists IRL, we might be able to agree on something.

    [–]blowininthewind 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    the left eats itself, gonna happen.

    [–]dissidentrhetoric 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    The damage has already been done and the distorted world view will last long after feminism dies.

    [–]Node 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

    Professor David M. Buss, a leading evolutionary psychologist, states in the introduction of his fascinating new book that it “uncovers the hidden roots of sexual conflict.” Though the book focuses on male misbehavior, it also contains a broad and fascinating overview of mating psychology.

    You might enjoy reading this review, if not the book itself.

    As for "feminism imploding", I don't think much about it at all. Feminism is about destroying women, which many 'modern' females somehow seem inclined to embrace. Those who embrace feminism are obviously members in the lower 80% of humans, who cognitively fail at life. Note that they are often encouraged to do so by their intellectual superiors, for reasons easily guessed.

    I find the majority of men who engage in this issue are GC-

    What even is GC?

    [–]QuondamPhysics 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    "Gender Critical". It means someone doesn't believe that "transwomen are women, transmen are men", as the mantra goes, but rather that a person is stuck with the sex he or she is born with and "gender" is just a social construct.

    [–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Ah, just a new way of saying someone who's aware you can't change your sex. That used to be everyone.