So I was at the checkout line at the grocery store today and my cashier turned out to be a very obvious man with big ol' implants and a gal's name on his nametag. True to form, he was man tall, somewhat overweight and didn't seem to be putting much effort into his appearance. I didn't treat him with anything other than the respectful demeanour I would give to any other male checkout clerk, but something occurred to me as I bagged my groceries:
Trans guys (TIMs) and gals (TIFs) are rapidly becoming a part of the background noise with a speed that we haven't seen matched by any other alphabet group. And while that is most likely a good thing for the ones that are actually gender dysphoric, I think the majority of trans identifying people these days are psychologically messed up teens and twentysomethings who drank the jug of Kool Aid that was labelled "This will fix whatever your problem is". I think a lot of these people didn't like who they were, so the easy solution was "just be somebody else". "You'll be validated", they said. "People will treat you like the other sex", they said.
Except that's not true. It's hard for you to garner attention, to be stunning and brave, when you're part of an increasingly visible and commonplace group. And I do treat the (actual) female cashiers differently than the males. Just a little bit. Maybe I'm a bit cheerier, a little less businesslike when I talk to them. It's not conscious, but there's a tonal difference. And I think that's a thing a TIM would pick up on. And I don't think I'm alone in these differences.
So at some point, this guy's going to realize that he was sold a bill of goods. That people are less and less interested in praising him, or even opposing or being outraged by him, as they move on with the more important priorities of their own personal lives. And he's going to go back to being just another miserable person who doesn't know why he feels that way. Except now he's got an unnatural hormone imbalance and a couple of big weird jugs stitched to his chest.
I dunno. I guess I just feel a little sad for this poor lost soul.
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