Glossed Over - My Self-Imposed Rules For Writing
For the /s/BittersweetSeeds and /s/Trutherism101 projects.
First posted: 2019-06-13 | Last update: 2019-06-23
If you are sick and tired of mediocre media, propaganda programming, consumer culture, chaos exploitation, and being told what and how to think by those with stolen resources, then be active in developing better entertainment trying to make the world a better place and put the Machiavellians and their normie lackeys to shame.
I seek and welcome feedback while inviting you to participate in my epic journey attempting to improve our world through meaningful impacting narratives.
My writer's block is not for lack of ideas - it's about finding ways to get them out coherently with some order, and maybe some style. I would like to climb the proverbial mountain with athletic prowess but the truth is I'll be a sweaty mess covered in dirt and leaves with sticks in my hair and I'd rather you appreciate the mountain over my lack of grace. So heck with it, here we go. I'm just going to smash it out and refine it later as needs be.
Over the last couple decades I've amassed WAAAAAAY more unorganized notes than is practical. Imagine three bibles worth full of half random notes and half semi-organized. Part of that was due to being under the poisonous influence of Big Pharma. Part of it was for procrastinating on unhoarding my concept trove, and continuing to make more undisciplined notes.
Here on SaidIt I'm essentially starting from scratch. I'll try to use what's easily found in my notes but won't need them as a crutch. Many notes are still okay, some are outdated or wrong, and many remain fantastic, but the idea here is to get a first pass done and not get lost in minutiae. I can go back later to flesh it all out with forgotten gems and refine it all over time.
Self-Imposed Rules
What does that even mean?
A Stanley Kubrick documentary explained that while directing his movies he maintained a rule-of-three, and as I recall, every shot had to feature at least two:
- be visually stunning composition
- be driving the story forward
- be thought provoking or challenging
Guardians Of The Galaxy director, James Gunn, insisted that every beautiful shot also have contrasting "ugly" elements. For example, a calm colourful space-scape may include fiercely threatening jagged cliff rocks spanning a severely ravaged monochrome planet. This makes it far more interesting.
Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker had comedy rules1 and one is that if you have a gag in the background you can't simultaneously have one in the foreground, that's why those moments are for serious exposition.
There's an abundance of critical analysis on such recent execution blunders as The Last Jedi, Captain Marvel, and Game Of Thrones season 8. I'm not mentioning them to bash the SJW politics and Mary Sue characters, rather, I mention them because amid all of the criticisms there are many that are very edifying towards understanding how to properly build plot and character. These fundamentals seem to be largely ignored by so much of Hollywood, likely for a large variety of reasons.
Yet I have yet to see anyone actually suggest something that I've come to realize. Good character and plot are inseparable as a finely choreographed dancer in a performance, weaving in and out dynamically, always complimentary to each other, through arcs in plot, arcs in scenes, and arcs in characters.
My Insecurities
Being confident in the dynamic sequence of the events, the deep and meaningful content, and the very original concepts is not enough to make a story compelling.
When it comes to building a scene or characters I may be on shaky ground.
It's said there are two types of writers: planners and planters, and rarely do you get a combination. The planners will map out the entire plot logically and fill in according to the blueprints, while the planters will cultivate dynamic organically characters to nurturing their development where ever they grow. Often the planners follow wondrous events with characters void of heart and soul, while the planters meander their spectacular characters without direction, logical plot, or reasonable resolution.
I am clearly of the former but will strive for balance.
My Self-Imposed Rules For Writing Screenplays
- be visually stunning composition
- beauty contrasts with ugly/severe
- abide visually mapped arcs
- show don't tell
- avoid characters talking about actions, characters, feelings, ideas, opinions, views, etc
- - (This includes characters talking about how great or funny or angry they or others are.)
- conflict + choices + ramifications = why + how = character
- be driving forward
- character, conflict, context, & craft
- start scene with summary, if possible
- end scene with mini-arc summary, to punch it home, if possible
- every scene be an important part of that act's arc
- - ie. knowledge acquisition in every scene
- story logic
- anticipation, action, reaction, follow through
- this happens because that happened when this happens
- - Good story telling follows the path: this happens because that happened when this happens.
- - Bad story telling says: this happens then this happens, just cuz.
- functional purpose for everything (ie: Chekhov's gun)
- be thought provoking or challenging
- concepts, dialogue, ethics, physics, politics, sound design?, visual challenge (action, cinematography, composition, contrasts, pallets, tone, op art)
There's so much more to add and refine. This is just off the top of my head. I haven't referred to my notes or sought out references or links to other content yet. I have a mountain of notes and a few gems and nuggets to dig out.
I welcome all constructive criticism. Because this is a rough vomit draft I know there will be many issues with it. Many I already know about and have solutions. Many need better structuring to pay off better. Many issues I know still need resolving. And I'm guessing there will be some things I haven't even considered.
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▶ Bittersweet Seeds & Trutherism 101 © Jason Carswell of Glossed And Profound ◀
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▶,, and were registered on 2019-05-01 for future use. Long in conception, finally here on SaidIt, the official origin place, started on May Day, 2019. May 1 is a metonym for International Workers Day, a day of celebration of the working class. Behind it lies a complex largely forgotten history dating back over one-and-a-half centuries. Look into it.
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