


Glossed And Profound: Content Overview, the wiki, and the hub of all these projects
/u/JasonCarswell/, subsaidits, posts, comments, wiki page, InfoGalactic projects


/s/GlossedOver + Content Overview + wiki + InfoGalactic G.O

All Glossed Over content, discussions, posts, comments, and images are free and open source like SaidIt, however note, though forks may come or go, Glossed And Profound will always be the official original source.

Drafts (temporary, cleared for new tasks when done):

  • G.O Draft1 = GOO: Glossed Over Occasionally [template]
  • G.O Draft2 = GOO: Categorized YouTubes Overlooked 9/11
  • G.O Draft3 = GOO: Categorized YouTubes Overlooked A-K
  • G.O Draft4 = GOO: Categorized YouTubes Overlooked L-Z
  • G.O Draft5 = GOO: Categorized YouTubes Overlooked Pedophocracy
  • G.O Draft6 = GOO: Categorized YouTubes Overlooked Cinephile
  • G.O Draft7 = GOO: A Very Unique Glossary
  • G.O Draft8 = GOO: Quotes
  • G.O Draft9 = GOO: -

  • BsS Draft1 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 1A
  • BsS Draft2 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 1B
  • BsS Draft3 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 2A
  • BsS Draft4 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 2B
  • BsS Draft5 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 3A
  • BsS Draft6 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 3B
  • BsS Draft7 = BsS: Breakdowns & Backstories
  • BsS Draft8 = BsS: Who/What is vHOPE?
  • BsS Draft9 = BsS: Story Summary Variations

  • GaP Draft1 = GaP: Origin Story
  • GaP Draft2 = GaP: -
  • GaP Draft3 = G.O: GaP: -
  • GaP Draft4 = T101: PProd - Pre-Series Short
  • GaP Draft5 = G.O: T101 Pre-Series Short Review & Discussion
  • GaP Draft6 = T101: PProd - Overarching Content Structure
  • GaP Draft7 = G.O: T101 PProd Overarching Content Review
  • GaP Draft8 = G.O: BsS 1A Reviews + 1B Anticipations
  • GaP Draft9 = G.O: BsS 1B Reviews + 2A Anticipations

Draft5-in-progress, to be posted.

Glossed Over Occasionally

"Glossed Over Occasionally" is not a daily, weekly, monthly, nor annual release. It's just occasional. These are moderately organized aggregations of content for this aggregation site.

2019-08-21 Pedophocracy, Achilles Heel Of The Psychopathic Ruling Class

The pedogate / pedophocracy phenomenon has finally blown up and gone semi-mainstream. The pieces below have been added to the pedophocracy article along with other content with a light overall makeover.

Among the vast numbers of opinions on nebulous narratives and contradictory sources, some stand out. I wasn't really following The Finders or the NXIVM cases closely this year and I'd started this list after much of that had blown over, so the majority of these are on Epstein and his network. Some of the more recent pieces will have a few clearer details but not nearly as much as one might hope and really we'll never be permitted to know much of anything with certainty, by design. Initially I only included noteworthy sources and tried, perhaps unsuccessfully, to avoid redundant pieces, but feel most of these are good if not great sources of information. Clearly I can't see all content everywhere so there will undoubtedly also be other sources as good and maybe better. Please share if you know of any. Sorry, I did not document what I found notable and noteworthy.

Perhaps, hopefully, someone might resource this list to develop a documentary.

Food for thought: The pedophocracy, or pedogate, is the Achilles heel of the psychopathic ruling class with separate rules and privileges to exploit us all in their self-serving matrix of rigged systems for full spectrum dominance. If all of these sources, articles, podcasts, and videos are wrong, slanderous, and libelous ripe for lawsuits - don't you think the ruling class would try to silence these outrageous claims and conspiracy theories? If these brave journalists were lying they'd be stomped out like ants. Their truth allows them to persist, dig, investigate, and bring more and more information to light and out to the public.

" Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman. " ~ Louis Brandeis, Other People's Money—and How Bankers Use It (1914).

Scandals, sources, and channels:

YouTube truth-seeking channels:

Among countless other channels, these are stand out as among the best truth-seekers for coverage and insight on everything from Pedowood to Pedogate, from the NXIVM to Epstein cases, as well as so much more about corruption and abuse of power. If you have other sources you feel measure up, I'd be happy to add them.

Note: Many of these truth-seekers have been or will be censored on YouTube and have their own websites and backup channels on YouTube, BitChute, etc.

Pedogate and the pedophocracy on YouTube mostly, by date:

Please be sure to check out the show notes for more links to supporting and informative articles and resources.






























Glossed And Profound & Glossed Over & Truther Top 20s = FLOSS content ◀
Bittersweet Seeds & Trutherism 101 © Jason Carswell of Glossed And Profound
▶ Once established with sufficient momentum, sustainability, and security, these projects will be open-sourced. Upon the untimely demise of Jason Carswell all become F/LOSS.
/s/GlossedOver + Content Overview + wiki, participation discussion over all 5 projects
/s/GlossedAndProfound + Content Overview + wiki, management
/s/BittersweetSeeds + Content Overview + wiki, in development
/s/Trutherism101 + Content Overview + wiki + InfoGalactic T101, in development
/s/TrutherTop20s + wiki + InfoGalactic TT20, ongoing
/s/TrutherTop20s/wiki/TNCC + InfoGalactic TNCC
▶ donate options + merchandise store = coming eventually,, and were registered on 2019-05-01 for future use. Long in conception, finally here on SaidIt, the official origin place, started on May Day, 2019. May 1 is a metonym for International Workers Day, a day of celebration of the working class. Behind it lies a complex largely forgotten history dating back over one-and-a-half centuries. Look into it.

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revision by JasonCarswell— view source