I think this could potentially help SaidIt a lot. It fits with what I know about behavior modification: notice and reward when the desired behavior occurs if you want to see more of it. People already love getting those 'karma' numbers or up, rightly or wrongly, addictively or not. If used accurately it might allow participants to train each other to up-pyramid things fairly quickly.
It would also fit with the upvote-only site ethos so far: report something if you really have to, but mostly just try to give feedback by upvoting stuff you like.
Inspired by a comment I saw where I wanted to say, "yes! you did it! that's the thing the site talks about, you up-pyramided something, you raised the level of discourse back up to higher information exchange level. I recognize it happening in the wild now!" There was no button for that, though, and interjecting didn't feel appropriate. It might be neat if there were a button for it!
[–]Tiwaking 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)