The tech companies are likely to remove more political videos, and this will extend to anything that does not follow their technocratic ideas.
What does this mean:
A lot of the links that we have will not link to anything.
We can already see it with videos like plandemic.
So, I think we should be prepared for the next level of censorship.
Information that will be targeted:
1) Covid-1984: more removal of videos and articles of experts and doctors, that go against some narrative. People skeptical of masks, lockdowns, vaccines.
2) Election related: removal of evidence of violence of BLM / Antifa. Removal of evidence of corruption by Democrats. Removal pro-trump youtube channels and maybe neutral youtube channels.
3) Military censorship: removal of evidence about Jullian Assange (and others). Removal of information related to warcrimes, false flags, hoaxes (Douma).
4) Israel: Anything that Israeli elite does to manipulate politics, or true information about Palestine, the bombings or wars they are working on.
Distractions like Flat earth will probably stay.
Youtube, Reddit, Imgur,
Google, Wikipedia.
So to prevent a lot of lost links, we need to be able to replace the default link if the link is broken. And it would be great if we could already start to add alternative links.
In the simplest form, this could be done in a special comment, that only contains a link. The original poster or moderator can then mark this comment as "default link" or "alternative link".
How to do it:
To make it easy, mark the link-post as "broken link", then it becomes a text-post.
The text combines the different "alternative links" in a small text or list.
Best solution (IMHO):
Allow multiple links.
To increase the usability of saidit, these alternative links should also contain a text (like standard text-link).
That way we can already start adding "alternative links".
This can also include sites with alternative opinions, or updates.
We can also link discussions together, or link to a newer post that has the latest updates.
Or link to older related discussions.
This linking can become a bit like wikipedia for news, where linking adds to the usability of the information.
Easy solution:
Allow only one link or make the text-post editable.
Replace the text with that of the "replace link" reply.
Or: show the link(s) on top in the remarks section, like a sticky-reply.
[–]HegeMoney 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun - (1 child)
[–]zyxzevn[S] 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun - (0 children)