viewing revision from 5 years ago






Ideas For SaidIt


These lists of ideas are good, bad, ugly, and incomplete. Some of the bad ideas may lead to better ones so even the bad ideas are helpful, if for nothing other than an issue indicator and placeholder.

Please feel free to contribute to these idea lists or their solutions and organize it as you see fit. Respect other's work. Try to update these lists as issues get addressed.

Pro Tip: Draft up longer additions elsewhere, then quickly copy pasta here to avoid editing this long wiki page too for long increasing the possibility of editing conflicts. While you're editing someone else may be editing another version creating painful document conflicts to resolve if the loss of information is even discovered.

Note: These idea lists were initially copied from the outdated That article has a few reference links back to discussions here on SaidIt.

Order of ideas: 1) Ideas bucket is at the top for convenience. 2) Policy ideas are more important than features. 3) Top 3 are the priority features to focus on. 4) Feature ideas ** is a wish list of everything, good, bad, and ugly. 5) **IRC Chat ideas are less important than the SaidIt forum. 6) Community project ideas in the near future are more important than the far 7) Future ideas.

SaidIt ideas bucket

There are a lot of great ideas flippantly tossed out there and forgotten just as quickly, in posts, comments, or in chat.

This ideas bucket list is an intentionally chaotic catch all, just to grab and hold them so they don't drift off into eternity. Eventually someone compelled to reorganize this ideas wiki will integrate all these random ideas and seeds of inspiration into the lengthy organized idea lists.

  • SaidIt ideas bucket ; SaidIt policy ideas ; SaidIt top 3 new feature ideas ; SaidIt feature ideas ; SaidIt IRC Chat ideas ; SaidIt community project ideas ; SaidIt future ideas ;

  • Administration ; Design ; Features ; Moderation ; Multi-Issue ; Policy ; Topical ; Uncertain / Other

Feel free to give credit or document the time or whatever.

Feel free to give as much detail as is necessary but the only brain dump rule is...

Keep it as clear and short as possible.

Don't be afraid to rework someone's words and improve their idea, unless it needs to be a direct quote.

If the idea is just a one line copy pasta don't worry about editing it down.

Just add your idea(s) before or after existing ideas, and don't mess up others by pasting in middle of existing ideas that may span several lines.

  • Implement italics and bold for post titles. Would be hugely helpful.

  • The Lounge (chat) 2019-03-21 :

    • 04:34:36 d3rr that's chill. i think we need a css guide wiki page on /s/SaidIt
    • 04:44:46 JasonCarswell With a "wiki" link in the footer it might be a whole other layer/level on SaidIt with vast potential for overlap utilities that I've never seen anyone ever. For example... Perhaps the metawiki is not compatible with this wiki so the "categories" on Wikipedia etc may not be immediately possible - but by building up a new system new SaidIt Categories or Metatags could be applied in the subs and in the wikis to be a more robust tool for classifying and searching and organizing in general. Maybe it's too much work. Maybe no one would use it. Or maybe it would revolutionize our experience. Wikis would also be great for personal user spaces like vanity pages, CVs, personal blogs, etc
    • 04:55:33 d3rr it does sound like a lot of work but maybe it could be maintained on a regular wiki page
    • 04:57:16 d3rr wait so it'd be like a tags field in the sub settings that mods can opt into, that sounds cool
    • 04:59:30 JasonCarswell I'd be very interested in helping start curate the wikis. I don't want to commit to anything long term for a zillion reasons. But I'm very excited about it, even if this wiki is very limited by comparison.
    • 04:59:37 d3rr or pick your sub category from this list of 15
    • 05:00:01 JasonCarswell The main problem I see is if people turn their wikis on or off or set the permissions differently etc.
    • 05:00:33 JasonCarswell If there was a way to simply auto list all the extant wiki pages, that'd be a great starting point.
    • 05:01:32 JasonCarswell If only the subs were tagged within the wiki that'd certainly be a start. I don't even know how to begin or how this might be applied.
    • 05:02:47 d3rr the tagging part is tricky. who decides and who tags the tagger.
    • 05:03:31 d3rr and the API is open so you could get the list of active wiki pages theoretically
    • 05:05:43 JasonCarswell I LOVE the pick your sub category idea in that the list could be curated, not limited to 15. And though my proposed list on the IG page with the chart of all the subs was a pretty good start, it wasn't democratic nor definitive. But I want to bring your attention to the fact that some subs might have overlap and IMHO should NOT be limitted to one category - thus being categories but more like metatags. Whether these categories can be used by the wiki is an altogether different thing but it'd certainly be neat. Also it'd be awesome if folks could subscribe or not to entire categories.
    • 05:07:05 JasonCarswell I'm guessing a dedicated subsaidit would be the democratic forum to discuss and develop tagging policies and who gets tagged.
    • 05:08:25 d3rr i donno how could we force tags on people
    • 05:09:04 d3rr err force tagging is bad
    • 05:09:18 d3rr is there a prefer not to state category?
    • 05:09:57 d3rr itd have to be a pretty set in stone list. its all a huge pain in the ass. we could do full blown tagging instead.
    • 05:10:04 JasonCarswell That might become part of the policy. Like the use it or lose it. If people don't tag themselves then one will be applied. If they object they can discuss it in the SaidItTagging forum. - something like that.
    • 05:10:27 JasonCarswell Prefer not to state is fine - or misc.
    • 05:10:48 JasonCarswell Why set in stone?
    • 05:11:44 d3rr all this shit is expected to be in the mobile app, its hard not to copy the list around
    • 05:12:22 d3rr it also sounds like it's crossing over into content curation, which i dont think we want to do
    • 05:12:47 d3rr i donno
    • 05:13:28 d3rr i bet a hand curated list would be better anyway, half of the subs are empty
    • 05:13:59 d3rr if you copy your cool category page with all of the colors here, we could like have it on the main saidit wiki page
    • 05:14:52 JasonCarswell Here's another idea with broader ramifications. Just as you can "hide" files by putting a .dot in front of it or some other code thing, maybe there's a way to create a "metacomment" for every post (and maybe comment?), and that post would generally be hidden with specific permissions to access and alter it. Then folks could add all sorts of meta data to that thing AND we could keep adding features we don't even know we want yet.
    • 05:15:47 JasonCarswell I keep forgetting about the mobile app. You may be running one database but you're building several platforms.
    • 05:17:01 JasonCarswell Why is content curation so bad? Curation has many forms. One can be about removing stuff and I'm not about that. I'm only about adding. Adding labels, categories, better searchability, etc.
    • 05:17:32 JasonCarswell Empty subs could be auto labeled empty.
    • 05:18:11 Mnemonic That doesn't add anything except they might be subscribed to less and not being subscribed means you can't post in it
    • 05:18:22 d3rr okay i think there's a freedom compatible way to do it. "sub categories"
    • 05:18:44 JasonCarswell I'd be game for building a category page that also does my numbers thingy, so you could sort by category or number of posts.
    • 05:19:02 Mnemonic Maybe a monthly or 3-monthly round up for a wiki page with subs categories and the sus that wanted in?
    • 05:19:04 JasonCarswell or alphabetically
    • 05:20:06 d3rr yeah its weird theres no "all subs" page
    • 05:20:49 d3rr jason is trying to give me a stroke with crazy ass features
    • 05:21:31 JasonCarswell I'm lost. Who would be subbed less? Round up? Sus? All subs? XD? Leaking?
    • 05:21:50 JasonCarswell Crazy ass = super amazeballs improvements
    • 05:23:01 JasonCarswell I'll tell you what. You go code and I'll go animate and we'll meet back here in 2 months and I'll have a new animation promoting the awesome new features you made!
    • 05:23:10 Mnemonic JasonCarswell well then there is the backEnd of things are databases in relation to a working Gui are... nasty
    • 05:23:10 d3rr well do a saiditsurvey for one thing at a time and see
    • 05:24:08 JasonCarswell But having a roadmap is also good. That way you can also prepare for the future and not have to undo work.
    • 05:24:37 JasonCarswell I know the back end is nasty just working on the CSS.
    • 05:24:44 JasonCarswell I don't envy you.
    • 05:24:51 Mnemonic That's pretty Front end
    • 05:24:58 d3rr oh ive got like 160 hours of shit all planned out
    • 05:24:59 JasonCarswell Especially with asstrolls like me buzzing in your ear.
    • 05:25:42 d3rr i should really only do high-consensus changes
    • 05:25:59 JasonCarswell FYI: Asstrolls(tm) = I'm trying to popularize my own meme.
    • 05:26:02 Mnemonic I want my Stylesheet to be the default, too bad I ain't high :p
    • 05:28:42 JasonCarswell Did you ever read my rant a while back about doing declared tests and forcing it on people but only temporarily? You declare it first and most folks won't even notice or see, then they get the change for a week or whatever, then after the week revert it and let the comments roll in on which they prefered.
    • 05:29:10 JasonCarswell I'm a CSS hobbit.
    • 05:29:20 Mnemonic JasonCarswell That's some MIC style testing
    • 05:29:28 JasonCarswell MIC?
    • 05:29:42 Mnemonic Military Industrial Complex
    • 05:29:48 JasonCarswell We've talked about global CSS in user preferences.
    • 05:30:23 JasonCarswell But you force them to provide the feedback for progress or not if they prefer.
    • 05:59:20 Mnemonic xD I found my 'quantum-titties manifesto' The one that derailed my mod/css guide
    • 06:00:35 JasonCarswell That's a great piece. I don't know if it belongs under the /s/Internet thing so much as a general page for SaidIt which is why I think SaidIt wiki should be expanded for just such things. BTW I'm going to link to that on my InfoGalactic article unless it's not permanent. Also a week or few back I learn that you can do sub-wiki pages, so it doesn't have to all be up front.
    • 06:20:09 JasonCarswell I'm not mod material. That's why I've invited d3rr and m7 but m7 has not bothered. (He doesn't even allow thumbnails on half his subs.) I can invite you Mnemo as long as you don't drunk harass folks.
    • 06:45:37 JasonCarswell Is "insightful" ever going to become "interesting"?
  • The Lounge (chat) 2019-03-23 :

    • 07:36:59 JasonCarswell d3rr then we have to develop new policy to counter the sub2 phenomenon. Perhaps the cross-posting thing will help with that and policy won't even be needed.
    • 07:41:38 @d3rr jason: yeah crossposting is great idea.
    • 19:49:11 magnora7 big question chad, but we're basically going to just keep doing what we're doing and scale appropriately
    • 19:49:40 magnora7 and we're working toward maybe a peer-hosted distributed server solution in a year or two, and we're also trying to develop a cryptocurrency and put in crypto tipping on saidit
    • 19:49:54 magnora7 but it wouldn't affect the vote, it'd just be tipping
    • 19:49:58 chad now dont pull a reddit and get bought out by china
    • 19:50:04 magnora7 do not plan to lol
    • 19:50:14 magnora7 this is a community resource, and we plan to guide it as such
    • 19:50:22 chad are you worried about any legal action from reddit
    • 19:50:26 magnora7 we've streamlined costs so much for the sole purpose of longevity
    • 19:50:27 Mnemonic Or japan like 4chan and 4channel (lue boards)
    • 19:50:35 magnora7 no we are operating in a 100% legal manner
    • 19:50:40 magnora7 this is 2015 open source code
    • 19:50:50 magnora7 that we've modified, and aren't making any money on
    • 19:51:01 magnora7 and we've removed all mentions and imagery of reddit
    • 19:51:06 magnora7 so we should be good to go
    • 20:24:39 Mnemonic knowlegde is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting them in a fruitsalad
    • 23:25:28 JasonCarswell On the OpenWikiTest (shouldn't have added "Test"), obviously the index is open, but can the sub-wikis have permissions. Say would only be editable by Bob, maybe the mods, and of course the admins.?
    • 23:29:34 JasonCarswell Didn't think so, but maybe there could be? Or maybe sub-folders would be better? ie. UserWiki/Bob/index where Bob controls the files in Bob.
    • 23:30:50 JasonCarswell That would resolve my idea about user vanity pages. A tab under a user profile could link to the UserWikis sub?
    • 23:30:53 @d3rr yeah that sounds better, enable (personal) wikis on profile pages
    • 23:31:21 JasonCarswell Of course discussion in the UserWikis sub would talk about Fish.
    • 23:32:10 JasonCarswell See all my crazy thinking pays off 1% of the time
    • 23:32:39 JasonCarswell Like Edison said Sweat 99% Inspiration 1%
  • The Lounge (chat) 2019-03-24 :

    • 03:53:12
  • The Lounge (chat) 2019-03-25 :

    • 16:27:57 magnora7 we are thinking of making a sign-up test to make it more difficult to make accounts
    • 16:30:25 magnora7 that'd be cool if there was a way to download your saidit profile
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SaidIt policy ideas

Nothing yet:

  • [to be determined]

See also: /s/SaidItSurveys/wiki/drafts#wiki_policy

SaidIt top 3 new feature ideas

  • [to be determined]

  • [to be determined]

  • [to be determined]

While this list is now empty, a new SaidIt Survey is being openly drafted /s/SaidItSurveys/wiki/drafts#wiki_features. When ready it will be posted to call on everyone for their democratic input, feedback, discussion, and ideas about features wanted and desired improvements (as well as the transparent process of notification and implementation, other policies, and the future of SaidIt).

Already in the works:

  • A SaidIt iPhone app variant of Beam for Reddit on iOS - currently in development.

  • Decentralization - a long term goal, 1-2 years out.

See also:

SaidIt feature ideas


  • a small notification area in the sidebox, sandwiched betweem submit buttons and chat box, featuring ~<=200 characters, mostly links to important posts with more details and context

    • permanently visible vs collapsible vs disappears when empty?
    • when empty display default message (to be determined)?
    • - ie: Welcome to, a classy place for insightful discussions with free speech on top ; donate here ; freeshpeaches and up-onions !


  • improved search to include comments

  • metatags and better classification of subs, posts, and comments

  • opt-in expanded notifications, beyond default-responses-only

    • notify for all comments/responses in threads I've participated in
    • notify for all comments/responses in post I've participated in
    • notify for all posts in my subs
    • notify for all posts in selected subs
  • better page sorting options

    • (ie. hierarchy branch, newest comments, oldest comments, etc)
  • better history viewing beside just "next"

    • (ie. "previous | next | pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., last | view 50 | view 100 | view ###)
  • ability for a poster to edit/rename/move a post (with a permanent redirecting link left behind)

  • ability for a poster to categorize a single post under multiple subs

    • ability for another to request the poster to categorize a single post under other subs


  • improved site-wide dark theme CSS

    • customizable themes, and subsaidit themes (check box mod options / user pref = easier than code)
    • customizable themes for user site-wide use (customized viewing)
    • customizable themes for user profiles (vanity themes)
    • theme templates should be collected and saved on an open wiki for quick easy common access and updating unnecessary - just add /about/stylesheet after subsaidit address to view any stylesheet
  • flair

    • flair needs to be more useful to bother with
    • make multiple flair tags possible - like metatags or categories
    • make all flair searchable - like metatags or categories
    • make all flair link to a common list of all items with that flair - a kind of meta-list/search
    • flair tutorials and templates should be collected and saved on an open wiki for quick easy common access and updating ?
    • determine best categories
    • day & night mode or dual-use flair + text & icon flair
    • universal site-wide flair - start simply, gradual use, then more specific on subsaidits
    • universal site-wide flair should be overwritten by subsaidit flair
  • SVG and GIF images in addition to JPG and PNG

  • user only CSS themes

    • applies to user overviews, messages, etc
    • option for user to override all sub themes or only subs with universal default theme
  • banner images randomized from a selection gallery

    • with the acceptance of the new SaidIt logo, anyone can make their own images with it
    • with the new SaidIt logo, or without it, folks might submit their banner designs for voting and/or approval
    • InfoGalactic may be a place to submit images to potentially be adopted into the SaidIt selected banner gallery


  • a secondary image or link source would be great so that you can specifically illustrate better than the default link could


  • Finish changing "Insightful" to "Interesting" just as you changed "Funny" to "Fun"

  • a "viewed/unviewed" or "read/unread" neutral non-vote marker or flag so a person can keep tabs of what they've seen before or not

    • apparently this already exists in the code but needs to be brought forward, either in RES and/or CSS ?
  • hover over vote for labels "Interesting" "Fun"

  • Saidit, what if we showed who voted on everything? 1 (2019-02-01+)

  • more than just two emoticon-voting classification options (Insightful/Interesting & Funny/Fun)

    • update: Add either A+ to F, 1-5, or 1-10 star voting options for a superior measure of a quality post or comment. Keep the "fun" as an indicator of tone.

Voting algorithm:

  • It ranks "hot" & "top" feeds & sorts subsaidits. Is this algorithm public?

  • Can less hot feeds be calculated, perhaps weekly, monthly, and/or interactively, rather than just "Hot Today"?

  • "The SaidIt voting algorithm ranks "hot" & "top" feeds & sorts subsaidits. Is this algorithm public? Can less hot feeds be calculated, perhaps weekly, monthly, and/or interactively, rather than just "Hot Today"? I miss many good posts, have trouble keeping up, & find some bloom later. Comments?" 2 (2019-02-10)


  • display but grey out the "create new sub in 168 hours" (= 1 week)

    • or countdown under preferences
    • or feature a statement after creating a new sub stating that in one week you may create again
  • "my subs" -

    • there currently are 3 tabs: "popular" "new" "my subs"
    • request for "not my subs" (would also necessitate adding "all subs" too)
  • sub modes

    • default all-in opt-out
    • admin-recommended selections
    • reset to none
    • custom
    • new sub auto-subscribe : on/off (default on)
    • new sub notification/message : on/off
    • opt-in expanded notifications : on/off
  • more subs per week (current max = 1)

    • an increase from 1 to 2 or more
    • or an increase every X amount of time, perhaps to a reasonable maximum
    • or an increase every X points earned, perhaps to a reasonable maximum
  • multi-sub-cross-posting would be nice

    • one post that could be shared (ie. be listed under "collusion", "conspiracy", "crime", and "USGovernment")
  • synonymous subs would be nice

    • (ie. a post in "America" or "US" would automatically be relocated to the "USA" sub)
    • this would require permissions when one mod wants to redirect to another mod's sub
  • sidebox section "Moderator Of" user overview

    • auto-expand list: off (toggle / default / optional)
    • add creation date
    • add number of posts
    • add alphabetical / creation date / number listing toggle (toggle / default / optional)
  • moderator sub settings

    • add to "title" 0/100 character count
    • add to "description" 0/300 character count

Sub lists:

(ie. My Subs, New Subs, Popular Subs)

  • right margin list of "Your Front Page Subs" features some icons (ie. my subs, not approved, 18+, etc.) and this may be a great place to add more icons and/or classifications such as:

    • 0 posts (grey)
    • 1-10 posts (brown)
    • 11-20 posts (orange)
    • 21+ posts (yellow
    • ##do = days old (green)
    • ##mo = months old (blue)
    • ##yo = years old (purple)
    • non-English flags for language
    • categories (from SaidIt Subs Ending 2018):
    • - celebrity, crime, economics, energy, health, history, ideology, internet, media, politics, regional, SaidIt, self-help, sports, technology
  • below the list of subscribed subs could be a list of unsubscribed subs making it far easier to see and find much older subs without having to scroll through the countless pages, even if there were better navigation tools (lacking)


  • to email

  • better history viewing beside just "next"

    • (ie. "previous | next | pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., last | view 50 | view 100 | view ###)


  • stronger personalization and community functionality

    • personal avatars
    • personal user profile homepages (wiki?)
    • personal galleries + media
    • collective galleries + media
    • collective wikis


  • comment images (common on other forums)

    • embed emoticons, thumbnails, media
  • ability to use animated GIFs in CSS themes for banner, icons, etc

GUI Graphic User Interface:

  • Allow adjustable thumbnail sizes

    • in subsaidit CSS stylesheets
    • in preferences (ie. from 70px to 100px, or more)
  • Add the InfoGalactic SaidIt article to the footer menu

  • new data-group in top right corner over header/banner image

    • links to announcements
    • micro-banner badge-button for super important announcements
    • opt-in preference options
    • - date and time (with display options)
    • - local weather (with display options, requires users desired region)
    • - donate button (in another better more prominent place than just the footer)
    • - SaidIt Network (see Future ideas, below)
  • Posts with distinguishing icons

    • icons : text / link / image / video
    • other icons : audio / PDF / etc
  • In the comment's "formatting help" Markdown table can you change the table header background colour and/or allow it to be CSS modified?

  • In the comment's "formatting help" Markdown table can you add a few more rows?

    • First new row left box (maybe after quoted text):
    • - paragraph 1
    • - paragraph 2
    • - dash
    • - paragraph 3
    • - paragraph 4
    • First new row right box shows how just a "-" will skip a line:
    • - paragraph 1
    • - paragraph 2
    • - &nbsp
    • - paragraph 3
    • - paragraph 4
    • Second new row left box:
    • - dashdashdash
    • Second new row right box shows a division line:
    • - [dashline]
    • Third new row left box:
    • - hashtagHeader
    • Second new row right box:
    • - Header
  • Top right corner menu "My Subs v"

    • either the box shows or arrow disappears with custom CSS
    • dropdown menu of all subs is under all fixed menus


  • open transparent statistics

  • registered user numbers, traffic, etc


SaidIt IRC Chat ideas

  • thumbnails

    • large image thumbnails
    • large link thumbnails
    • large video thumbnails
    • embedded videos
  • personal avatars

  • a single unified chat crossover chat app compatible to many sources, like Pigeon (software)

    • (ie. one chat app rather than several: SaidIt, Discord, Orbit, etc)

SaidIt community project ideas

See also: - soon to be moved here.


What would this proposed subsaidit be about?

A human-curated best news-story short summaries as an improved resource by those motivated to spread the truth. Weekly, crowd sourced, hand picked, best.

The top 10 stories (or top 20, or whatever) that the curators determine is practical, useful, and reasonably doable by those dedicated to helping share worthy information. SHORT! 10 news stories a week with 1 very informative summary sentence each (or a short paragraph at most), plus all the links deemed worthy and necessary to make it easier for readers to follow up with minimal research and let them chose to pursue more.

Target audience: For all those with busy lives, jobs, families, etc, who don't have the time, deep interest, perseverance, historical context, nor motivation to research. For non hard-core truth seekers. All for their convenience.

Also, a community builder, potentially.

Much more detail in the full outline: /s/SaidIt/comments/hs9/ssaiditweekly_what_would_this_proposed_subsaidit/

SaidIt future ideas

SaidIt decentralized

SaidIt vault

  • (possibly in a wiki), an archive to web-scrape and store all linked content, should they go stale

  • articles

  • media (images, books, audio, video, etc)

  • as a decentralized (shared) "permanent web" archive

SaidIt network

  • decentralization options

  • SaidIt wiki upgrade

    • a SaidIt version of MediaWiki, perhaps as a Wikipedia mirror/fork or as an additional filter/overlay, perhaps named ""
    • perhaps a mutually beneficial collaboration with existing wiki(s), ie. Wikispooks? This could be done in any number or ways. (Ask /u/JasonCarswell for further breakdowns.)
  • SaidIt media

    • SaidIt could start a channel, and regardless where or how the video is hosted, it would always be embedded on SaidIt. Naturally the various video hosting platforms would have crossover supportive communities too.
    • Vigte suggested in The Lounge Chat, "What about a saidit podcast - every month or whatever, D3rr and Magnora interview someone from the community to shoot the shit. Even if it's like 15 minutes lol."
    • Folks on SaidIt could crowdsource draft weekly scripts of a high caliber covering the news. With a good voice and sound engineering - I (/u/JasonCarswell) could animate an 80's era newsman at a desk with a PIP screen over his shoulder featuring source footage and graphics. "SAIDIT WEEKLY UPDATE" After a few episodes the kinks should be worked out, including some automation, and with script submissions including footage it should be pretty easy to smash out. [see also: /s/SaidIt/comments/hs9/ssaiditweekly_what_would_this_proposed_subsaidit/]

revision by JasonCarswell— view source