all 6 comments

[–]jykylsin2034 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

[–]stereomatch 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

So are you taking IVM and Aspirin both?

Or did you use the Aspirin first?


I ask because Ivermectin has a near 100% anosmia reversal rate at this dosing:

  • Ivermectin 0.4mg/kg bodyweight per day - for 3 days

Usually anosmia reversal starts to be noticed within the first 12 hours of starting the course.

Within 1-2 days is usually at 100%.


However, Gustavo Aguirre Chang study on anosmia reversal from end of 2020 used Ivermectin + Aspirin for 100% recovery in 21 patient study.

There they used Aspirin as well.

So it could be possible that Aspirin alone may help.


Gustavo Aguirre Chang's group in Peru has earlier posted 100pct recovery with 1 or 2 cycles of ivm + aspirin:


Gustavo Aguirre Chang

September 26, 2020


But in my experience, just Ivermectin alone can reverse anosmia within 1-2 days.

At least for post-covid19 patients.

For those who have had anosmia for many months - a refresher dose may be required after 1 week.

But perhaps adding Aspirin may help as well.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]stereomatch 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Thanks for the feedback.

    For the other 5% leftover, you can wait a week and complete the IVM 3 days course (refresher):

    • IVM 0.4mg/kg bodyweight per day - for 3 days

    If that doesn't work - maybe do the full Gustavo Aguirre Chang paper protocol - i.e. including the Aspirin and the other supplements mentioned there.

    [–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

    The ivermectin worked within 24 hours yes. But not 100% . I followed the protocol because that was what the study was. I am now at a 75% of taste and smell but nothing like i was. I was often confused by odors and my short term memory was effected. Now im much better. I am on the L Lysine Asprin and 3mg Ivermectin now until Thursday as that's all I have left. I am trying to find more to continue. Not sure i will be 100% but this is better then what I was by far. I have done aspirin alone with no effect prior to all of this. Either way the ivermectin 110% made the difference .. I tasted gummy bears the other day and nearly cried...i never thought my taste would come back like that.

    I just followed this: ivermectin was administered at a dose of 0.2 mg. per kilo of body weight per day for 2 days, it was indicated to take the drug after dinner.

    If the patients still presented Anosmia or Hyposmia after the Ivermectin doses of the first 2 days, the following protocol was continued: take Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) 100 mg. after breakfast and dinner (200 mg per day) for 5 days (from 3rd to 7th day). In addition, after stopping taking ivermectin for 2 days (the 3rd and 4th day), take a dose of 0.4 mg. per kilo of weight per day for 2 days (the 5th and 6th day), indicating that you take half the dose after lunch and the remaining half after dinner.

    In cases where, on the 8th day of treatment, the patient still presented Anosmia or Hyposmia, the 200 mg doses were continued. a day of Acetylsalicylic Acid and a treatment scheme with L-Lysine was indicated, starting with daily doses of 500 mg. and that they were increasing every 3 days by 500 mg. until reaching 2,000 mg. per day, it was also indicated that from the 8th day after starting treatment with L-Lysine, a new cycle of treatment with Ivermectin at a dose of 0.4 mg be administered per kilo of weight per day for 3 days.

    During the treatment period, patients had to avoid consuming coffee, soft drinks, orange and other citrus fruits.

    [–]stereomatch 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    DISCLAIMER: please discuss the suggestions below with your physician.


    I have a few questions:

    • where is this protocol from - is this the Gustavo Aguirre Chang protocol for anosmia reversal? (earliest paper on anosmia reversal using IVM was by his group in Peru)

    • how many days of Ivermectin have you taken? If you can list out the days in sequence and the dose you took that day - so I have a clear picture of time and dosing


    In my experience, just Ivermectin alone will do the trick - one can try the other things if full recovery is not achieved obviously.

    But for most post-covid19 anosmia cases, there is 100pct anosmia reversal using this protocol:

    • Ivermectin 0.4mg/kg bodyweight per day - for 3 days

    Can split dose morning/evening or breakfast/lunch/dinner.

    Doses should be taken with fatty meal or meal - for 2.5x better bioavailability.

    NOTE: taking ivermectin on empty stomach is better for situations where you have worms in stomach etc. - but for covid19 situations, it is better to take with fatty meal - since you want better systemic availability of Ivermectin - not just in digestive tract. Ivermectin is not water soluble as much - and better absorbed if taken with a fatty meal.


    With the protocol above - I have seen 6 consecutive cases of post-covid19 residual anosmia - reverse 100pct within 1-2 days.

    NOTE: this means this is a highly reliable treatment for post-covid19 anosmia - if it can reverse 6 sequential cases within 1-2 days i.e. in a time synchronized manner.

    Prior to this had seen 5-7 cases of anosmia reversal with IVM - but this was retrospective i.e. I could not do anything about it - i.e. was reported later. But in the 6 cases above it was - Ivermectin was suggested explicitly as treatment for their anosmia - they wanted to try it - and it worked for all 6.

    For one who had partial reversal - waited a week - and did same 3 day refresher course - for full recovery.

    For long term anosmia cases - like yours - one may require a refresher course or two.

    The way to do it is do the 3 day course. Usually 100pct reversal. But for some cases, and also more likely for chronic cases, if have partial reversal only, then wait a week. Then do a 3 day course again.

    About 1 in 20 people have a reaction to Ivermectin - i.e. are dizzy (because of low blood pressure etc.) - for these dose can be reduced. But some will not want to take it at all - and in such cases can avoid.

    However since you have already taken the doses you mentioned without issue - you probably will not have an issue with 0.4mg/kg dosing. If you feel visual disturbances etc. can reduce dose - but most people tolerate the 0.4mg/kg just fine.


    So my suggestion would be to skip the other stuff - just do the Ivermectin 3 day course at dosing suggested above.

    Then if partial, wait a week (since we don't want to take too much for too many days). And then after a week do the 3 day course again.

    If that doesn't do it - then wait a week again, and do the 3 day course again.

    [–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Also I did eat with food as I followed other peoples own progress and protocol. I now only have 2...3mg tablets left and will take this until Thursday this week. so i am just taking these each day in the morning with a fatty meal. As i said it is working, but based on some studies I read the longer you wait after the infection to begin this the harder it can be to reverse. I am trying to find more. A friend sent this to me as there are no Drs. or pharmacies here locally that will prescribe it or fill the script. I followed the exact protocol listed I weigh 120lbs.