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Ivermectin may be sold or purchased as an over-the-counter medication in Tennessee without a prescription or consultation with a pharmacist or other healthcare professional (signed by Governor - April 22, 2022) - IVM becomes available OTC in Tennessee
submitted 2 years ago * by stereomatch from self.Ivermectin2
J Chamie
Tennessee Ivermectin may be sold or purchased as an over-the-counter medication in this state without a prescription or consultation with a pharmacist or other healthcare professional licensed.
Tennessee Ivermectin may be sold or purchased as an over-the-counter medication in this state without a prescription or consultation with a pharmacist or other healthcare professional licensed.
Notwithstanding another law to the contrary, ivermectin suitable for human use may be sold or purchased as an over-the-counter medication in this state without a prescription or consultation with a pharmacist or other healthcare professional licensed under title 63. As used in this section, "over-the-counter medication" means medication that may be legally sold and purchased without a prescription.
Notwithstanding another law to the contrary, ivermectin suitable for human use may be sold or purchased as an over-the-counter medication in this state without a prescription or consultation with a pharmacist or other healthcare professional licensed under title 63.
As used in this section, "over-the-counter medication" means medication that may be legally sold and purchased without a prescription.
Ask The Nurses
IVM can now be sold over the counter in Tennessee
(Image shows April 11, 2022 - signed by Senate Speaker - April 22, 2022 - signed by Governor)
Thanks --- Yes, I'm a Tennesseeaa and this is as it should be! But there are many pharmacists and pharmacy chains who do not stock it and will not order it. We're making progress, but there's still a long way to go.
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