Not sure if it’s okay to post about this since she’s 17, but if I can, her @ on Instagram is @g0thiccck. 43K followers and even more on her TikTok account. Look at her most recent videos and look at the comments- it’s a bunch of 17-year-olds and even people younger than her calling her a TERF and endlessly harassing her. She’s even said that she’s been told to commit suicide.
Her offenses? Saying that she doesn’t want to have sex with someone with “male genitals”. She’s been told that calling penises male genitals is transphobic because “not everyone who has a penis is male”, and yes, they are denying the fact that sex (male/female) is binary. And she responded before this to a TERF’s comment that was sent in to her during what I think was a live, saying that “forcing lesbians to have sex with trans women with male genitals is conversion therapy” with agreement. That’s what sparked all of this.
This girl is a lesbian. She’s said that she has trauma related to penises. She won’t even say the word because it triggers her that badly. And yet, look how her own “community” treats her.
Since that, she’s gotten tons of hate mail from freaks who won’t just let it go and keep calling her a TERF in her comments. Thankfully she’s standing up for herself a bit more and pushes back a little harder when someone tells her that she’s a TERF and that she can’t redeem herself. A few “TERFs” have tried to defend her in the comments and thankfully have some support from others who decided to jump in, and more people are calling out the freaks in the comments of her TikTok videos. The TERFs in the comments say that lesbians and women in general are allowed to assert their boundaries and they’re met with “STOP TALKING ABOUT TRANS PEOPLE’S GENITALS, IT’S SO RUDE, THEY DON’T WANT YOU” from the underage trans police. A couple of commenters are adults but at least 90% of them are underage.
She’s still “ew I HATE TERFs, they’re so gross, I’m not a TERF, ewwww”’s sad because she’s essentially being held at gun point to say these things.
Look at what the underage trans lynch mob is capable of. Tell me this ideology isn’t extremely dangerous. These “children” have essentially been weaponized to do the dirty work of punishing lesbians who dare to not want penises or call penises “male genitalia”.
[–]haveanicedaytoo💗💜💙 69 insightful - 1 fun69 insightful - 0 fun70 insightful - 0 fun70 insightful - 1 fun - (7 children)
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