Recently a MTF I distantly know through a social circle reached out to befriend me personally since I'd not been around that group for a few months. While that would otherwise be cool, instead of feeling safe to respond I'm wary, because I already did some due diligence on this one and know they're a TRA.
Plus they wanted to play up our sisterhood vibes as a selling point and I'm rather not feeling it, for obvious reasons. I already know how fast they'll label someone a TERF for having boundaries.
Not requesting advice, but lay it on me if you have some. Other than avoid. Unfortunately the means they used to contact me would show that the message had been received, so I can't really play dumb.
Just not sure I am in the mood for the high risk that comes with this and don't think I can fake the "oh yeah, we're totally sisters" bullcrap. This one seems like an AGP a bit as well.
ETA: Bonus points for trying to force their way into a nudity-allowing woman-only space and claiming transphobia when told no some years ago. This is one of those TRAs who pretends they don't know why women are uncomfortable with seeing male genitalia in a female-only space.
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