It's nerve-wracking. I haven't seen LGBAlliance USA address this at all. Same-sex marriage is new and truthfully seems like it will soon be repealed, but I think it's going to go full draconian nanny state and we'll see being gay (sodomy: so gay sex, but I can imagine people who are known to be gay or seem gay being taken in on charges of "suspected sodomy") being criminalized in some states as well.
I also predict that if the Republicans manage to get a majority in the legislative branches, the whole "states' rights" pretense is going right out the window and we'll be seeing federal bans on these sorts of things.
Interestingly, I've also been seeing the talking point that worrying about gay rights after the repeal of Roe is "misogynistic". It seems like thinly-velied homophobia to me. All civil rights are in danger, including even interracial marriage. Imagine civil rights being rolled back to the "traditional" way they were when this country was founded. Yeah...
So get out and VOTE, Americans, and petition your state reps.
there doesn't seem to be anything here