For the following crimes against the gay and lesbian community:
—Systemic discrimination against us in employment and housing, which are intertwined because your employment influences the kind of housing you can afford.
—Perpetuating hurtful and untrue media stereotypes about us while expecting us to go along with them just to be visible at all.
—Trying to deny us our sexuality by forcing us either into traumatizing religious-based ex-gay therapy or subjecting us to disfiguring surgeries to make us look like pale imitations of the opposite of the sex to whom we are attracted, which is basically secular ex-gay therapy
—Being peer pressured into sex with people we are not attracted to and called bigots if we refuse. Remember, rape is about power, not attraction.
—Ignoring actual systemic present-day violence against gays and lesbians to publicize a few isolated instances of faked hate crimes.
—Denying us medical care or blaming us for AIDS while spreading the lie that it can be spread through casual nonsexual contact.
—Ignoring talented gays and lesbians to prop up untalented ones.
there doesn't seem to be anything here