Welcome to /s/Life!
Life is a SubSaidIt about just that: l i f e. Feel free to share verified quotes, gifs, photos, video clips, maymays and articles that depict (or are about) life being.. life. We tend to view life through a positive lens here and indulge in humor rather than negativity, but feel free to share whatever life truths you feel deserve to be here, whether personal or not! We're restarting after this sub went vacant, so we hope you find use in this SubSaidIt. Our rules are SaidIt's rules with one additional rule added: If you're sharing a quote, please also share the author of that quote and make sure you're citing the correct author. Other than that, /s/Life is Life.
Our Rules:
No spamming.
Follow SaidIt's Terms of Service. No illegal content.
If you're posting a quote, please credit the author in the title.
No harassment. If you need to report an issue, please message the sub.
To celebrate new beginnings, I figured I'd start off by sharing a quote with you all by Chirag Tulsiani:
“Our castle would crumble before us but that doesn't mean it can’t be rebuilt, rebuilt for real, this time without the errors and a little more caution.”
― Chirag Tulsiani
I hope everyone enjoys /s/Life (shit sux tbh, but looks nice on paper!)
there doesn't seem to be anything here